

My dad went to Hong Kong last week, so I sent him on a treasure hunt for Gothic Lolita. He visited three stores in the Mongkok district: Dracula, Baby Cupid, and Spider. (No chance to visit Anna House, located in Kwan Tong.) Lolita fashion isn’t nearly as big in HK as it is in Japan. Nevertheless, he managed to find some gems for La Carmina, including a Victorian Maiden dress (photos coming soon)! Here’s his report:

Map of Gothic Lolita stores in Mongkok, Hong Kong. Spider, Dracula, and Baby Cupid Lolita HK shops.
“I took the subway to the Mongkok Station [shown in red on the map]. The three stores were within a few blocks of each other, and I was able to visit all of them within a few hours. The term “shopping mall” is misleading; each shop was in a cramped multi-storey complex packed with small boutiques that sell clothes and consumer goods. All of the Lolita shops were one-person operations in a 10 by 10 foot space. There wasn’t any room for fancy displays, let alone changing rooms. Each store accepted all forms of payment, including credit cards.”

Spider Hong Kong Gothic Lolita and Goth accessories and hats.
† Dracula
3rd floor, CTMA Centre, 1N Sai Yeung Choi Street South, Mongkok, Kowloon, HK

“The CMTA Centre doesn’t have a store directory, so Dracula was a bit hard to find. I went up the winding stairs and found it on the third floor. The shopkeeper was not there; there was a sticker on the door that said ‘Dracula is closed for personal business reasons, and will re-open the next day.’ I peeked inside: everything they sell is black! The shop carries Goth chokers and hats. I saw a beaded crucifix necklace like the one you own. The accessories looked handmade and didn’t seem that expensive.”

† Baby Cupid
Shop G23, ground floor, Gala (Ga Lok) Shopping Mall, 56 Dundas Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, HK Email: [email protected]
Tel: (852) 2770 0289 † Fax: (852) 2770 0891

“Next, I walked to Baby Cupid on Dundas Street. The small shop is on the ground floor, and is about 50% Gothic Lolita. Half of the store contains Victorian Maiden and other imported Lolita brands; the other half sells casual Hong Kong-style dresses and local designs. Baby Cupid sells costlier items – I saw fancy Chinese-style shoes for $3000 ($385 US). The shopkeeper was friendly and helpful; I showed her the photos you printed for me, and they had the black Victorian Maiden dress in stock for $2000 ($250 US). They didn’t have the black and white one you wanted. The clerk said the store can order it, but it would take three weeks to arrive.”

Spider Gothic Lolita dresses, blouses, clothes, accessories from Hong Kong, China.
SPIDER line sheets: click to enlarge. Note that the prices are in Hong Kong dollars (divide by 7 to get the US equivalent).

† Spider
Shop 130, King Wah Centre, 628 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, HK
Tel: (852) 2740 9366

“I walked about two blocks to Spider, which is in the King Wah mall on Nathan Road. I chatted with the girl running the shop; she told me that Spider is a partnership with her sister, and both have training in fashion design. The girls design the clothes themselves and manufacture them locally. Spider only sells its own brand, and everything they make is Lolita-style. The shop carries headgear and socks in addition to dresses, skirts, blouses, and jackets. Everything comes in one size (about a US size small). Out of the three stores, Spider carries the most Gothic Lolita items.”

Arigato gozaimasu, dad! Victorian Maiden lives up to the brand’s reputation; my dress hangs beautifully, and the details and quality are impeccable. Spider also exhibits top-notch workmanship, and the fabric is crease-resistant. The designs are sized small (especially in the arms), but some of the skirts and petticoats have an elastic waist. And the prices are more than reasonable, considering the detailing and amount of fabric used (blouses are around $50; dresses are about $100).

Hong Kong may not be a Gothic Lolita Mecca, but you can find well-made local and Japanese brands for excellent prices. It’s easy to get around this cosmopolitan city, since most people speak English and signs are in written both languages. If you ever visit, you should follow in my dad’s footsteps and hit up Dracula, Spider, and Baby Cupid in Mongkok.

† Call the stores in advance, in case they are closed for the day.
† Baby Cupid has a limited stock of Victorian Maiden, but if you email them with photos of the items you want, the store can probably place an order for you. Allow up to three weeks for shipping.

A few more to add to the Hong Kong shopping list:
Sogo in Causeway Bay has a Liz Lisa (Princess Kei) and Hangry and Angry (the casual cat mascots from h.NAOTO) on the third floor.
† Right behind Sogo is Laforet. Several of the boutiques sell Japanese young women’s brands such as Milk and Jane Marple.
Anna House sells custom-made Lolita clothing. The shop is near the Kwun Tong subway stop.


Filed Under Fashion


  1. FFRomee
    Posted May 21, 2008 at 11:36 am | Permalink

    Heey thx for putting this up i am going to HK this summer so xD il use ure dad footsteps to get me some creazy lolita stuff ^^ XD

  2. FFRomee
    Posted May 21, 2008 at 6:36 pm | Permalink

    Heey thx for putting this up i am going to HK this summer so xD il use ure dad footsteps to get me some creazy lolita stuff ^^ XD

  3. Naka
    Posted May 28, 2008 at 3:16 am | Permalink

    Went searching for Spider when I went to Hong Kong in late Feb. It was kinda had to find but with your directions it made it easier =] I bought loads of stuff there and got myself a VIP card (I haven't picked it up yet) The shop was tiny! There were hardly any accessories and there wasnt that many clothes to choose from, but all the clothes there were amazing. I spent over $1000HKD there =D

  4. Naka
    Posted May 28, 2008 at 10:16 am | Permalink

    Went searching for Spider when I went to Hong Kong in late Feb. It was kinda had to find but with your directions it made it easier =] I bought loads of stuff there and got myself a VIP card (I haven’t picked it up yet) The shop was tiny! There were hardly any accessories and there wasnt that many clothes to choose from, but all the clothes there were amazing. I spent over $1000HKD there =D

  5. Jam
    Posted June 9, 2008 at 1:18 am | Permalink

    OH MY GOD THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH FOR PUTTING THIS UP ! I am from hong kong and i have searching and searching for shops selling loli clothes. I only know where i can buy such clothes in Japan but I never expect to find any in Hong Kong ! =X Your posts are great ! Once again, a very BIG THANK YOU ! =D I feel so fortunate to find your web ! and i shall go explore those shops as soon as possible !!! im so excited now ^_^

  6. Jam
    Posted June 9, 2008 at 8:18 am | Permalink

    OH MY GOD THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH FOR PUTTING THIS UP ! I am from hong kong and i have searching and searching for shops selling loli clothes. I only know where i can buy such clothes in Japan but I never expect to find any in Hong Kong ! =X Your posts are great ! Once again, a very BIG THANK YOU ! =D I feel so fortunate to find your web ! and i shall go explore those shops as soon as possible !!! im so excited now ^_^

  7. lacarmina
    Posted June 9, 2008 at 1:52 pm | Permalink

    You're very welcome! I forgot to add – Spider now has a website with photos of the latest clothes. Check it out at

    Have fun shopping!

  8. Jam
    Posted June 10, 2008 at 7:43 am | Permalink

    Thank you very very very very much! :D u are so nice =)

  9. alyy.
    Posted September 13, 2008 at 8:39 pm | Permalink

    heyy! this is great thx! btw, do you know if any of these shops sell gothic combat boots?? i havent been there yet, and will be going today and really need to get a new pair. if you know anywhere that sells combat boots in hk, plz let me know! thx! =)

  10. lacarmina
    Posted September 13, 2008 at 8:56 pm | Permalink

    Hey! I don't think these stores carry combat boots, but you'll find crazy and cheap shoes all over Mongkok. For nicer ones (but still affordable), check out The Boat (shopping complex that looks like a boat) in Whampoa. The ones I'm wearing in this pic are from The Boat:

    Have fun in HK!

  11. alyy.
    Posted September 14, 2008 at 3:39 am | Permalink

    heyy! this is great thx! btw, do you know if any of these shops sell gothic combat boots?? i havent been there yet, and will be going today and really need to get a new pair. if you know anywhere that sells combat boots in hk, plz let me know! thx! =)

    • lacarmina
      Posted September 14, 2008 at 3:56 am | Permalink

      Hey! I don’t think these stores carry combat boots, but you’ll find crazy and cheap shoes all over Mongkok. For nicer ones (but still affordable), check out The Boat (shopping complex that looks like a boat) in Whampoa. The ones I’m wearing in this pic are from The Boat:

      Have fun in HK!

  12. tl
    Posted October 4, 2008 at 7:16 am | Permalink

    i went to spider and bought a skirt from there. i managed to find it with your direction. THANK YOU!

  13. tl
    Posted October 4, 2008 at 2:16 pm | Permalink

    i went to spider and bought a skirt from there. i managed to find it with your direction. THANK YOU!

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 4, 2008 at 10:53 pm | Permalink

      Hooray! Did you speak to the girls who own the shop, Queenie and Natalie? :)

      • tl
        Posted October 7, 2008 at 7:29 am | Permalink

        yeah i did. i didn’t get their names though. i have no idea what to wear with my skirt though…

  14. lacarmina
    Posted October 4, 2008 at 3:53 pm | Permalink

    Hooray! Did you speak to the girls who own the shop, Queenie and Natalie? :)

  15. tl
    Posted October 7, 2008 at 12:29 am | Permalink

    yeah i did. i didn't get their names though. i have no idea what to wear with my skirt though…

  16. MunMun
    Posted November 11, 2008 at 7:45 am | Permalink

    where is the website for baby cupid and dracula?

  17. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2008 at 8:32 am | Permalink

    There is no website for these stores, sadly… They are very tiny boutiques.

  18. MunMun
    Posted November 11, 2008 at 3:45 pm | Permalink

    where is the website for baby cupid and dracula?

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2008 at 4:32 pm | Permalink

      There is no website for these stores, sadly… They are very tiny boutiques.

  19. Ice_Princess
    Posted November 25, 2008 at 2:03 am | Permalink

    yay! thank you very much for your infomation going hong kong this friday :D time to lolita plaza +_+

  20. Ice_Princess
    Posted November 25, 2008 at 10:03 am | Permalink

    yay! thank you very much for your infomation going hong kong this friday :D time to lolita plaza +_+

  21. Uhh
    Posted November 26, 2008 at 9:18 am | Permalink

    where else then Anna house sells lolita shoes?

  22. lacarmina
    Posted November 26, 2008 at 9:28 am | Permalink

    Ebay store Refuse to be Usual has a large selection.

  23. Uhh
    Posted November 26, 2008 at 5:18 pm | Permalink

    where else then Anna house sells lolita shoes?

  24. kiki
    Posted December 6, 2008 at 12:13 pm | Permalink

    Dracula is not lolita..

  25. kiki
    Posted December 6, 2008 at 8:13 pm | Permalink

    Dracula is not lolita..

  26. jehlei
    Posted December 24, 2008 at 10:01 am | Permalink

    hallo !
    your post helped me alot !
    i am hk and i've been searching for alot of loli shops everywhere !
    thankyou !

  27. jehlei
    Posted December 24, 2008 at 6:01 pm | Permalink

    hallo !
    your post helped me alot !
    i am hk and i’ve been searching for alot of loli shops everywhere !
    thankyou !

  28. Miraine
    Posted March 9, 2009 at 6:33 am | Permalink

    Hi! I would just like to ask, do these shops also sell loli shoes? Because I've been wanting to buy a pair and my aunt usually goes to Hong Kong. So, I'm gonna ask her to buy one for me. But I would need to be sure if these shops also sell shoes so that it won't be a hassle for my aunt. Thanks! ^^

  29. Miraine
    Posted March 9, 2009 at 1:33 pm | Permalink

    Hi! I would just like to ask, do these shops also sell loli shoes? Because I’ve been wanting to buy a pair and my aunt usually goes to Hong Kong. So, I’m gonna ask her to buy one for me. But I would need to be sure if these shops also sell shoes so that it won’t be a hassle for my aunt. Thanks! ^^

  30. lacarmina
    Posted March 9, 2009 at 10:32 am | Permalink

    Yes, as far as I know, they sell shoes at Spider (my favorite) and the other two! These shoes are not made by the stores, however.

  31. lacarmina
    Posted March 9, 2009 at 10:33 am | Permalink

    PS you can now buy Loli shoes internationally through MaruiOne – see

  32. Ds
    Posted May 29, 2009 at 10:05 am | Permalink

    Whoa i live in hong kong
    and i often hang out in MK
    but didnt knew there were awesome shops like
    dracula or spider =]!
    i only know this place where they sell gothic-visual kei
    clothes in argyle centre!
    it's in the 1st floor

    ds:the bill addict[♥][x]”

  33. Ds
    Posted May 29, 2009 at 5:05 pm | Permalink

    Whoa i live in hong kong
    and i often hang out in MK
    but didnt knew there were awesome shops like
    dracula or spider =]!
    i only know this place where they sell gothic-visual kei
    clothes in argyle centre!
    it’s in the 1st floor

    ds:the bill addict[♥][x]"

    • lacarmina
      Posted May 29, 2009 at 9:35 pm | Permalink

      OOH I’ll have to look for that shop next time I’m in HK!

  34. lacarmina
    Posted May 29, 2009 at 2:35 pm | Permalink

    OOH I'll have to look for that shop next time I'm in HK!

  35. Ds
    Posted May 29, 2009 at 5:05 pm | Permalink

    Whoa i live in hong kong
    and i often hang out in MK
    but didnt knew there were awesome shops like
    dracula or spider =]!
    i only know this place where they sell gothic-visual kei
    clothes in argyle centre!
    it's in the 1st floor

    ds:the bill addict[♥][x]”

  36. lacarmina
    Posted May 29, 2009 at 9:35 pm | Permalink

    OOH I'll have to look for that shop next time I'm in HK!