

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING MALLS GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

I’m cuddling my baby cat and looking through photos… Seba and I had a wild time in Hong Kong and Macau! Ready for our cross-dressing, space-disco adventures? Let’s go.

Hong Kong is known as shopper’s paradise — a moniker you’ll understand once you step into Causeway Bay’s infamous giant malls. Some, such as Times Square, have pricey boutiques that you can find anywhere (Gucci, Valentino). But World Trade Centre (do you sense a NYC name theme?) is worth visiting for its cute, affordable, only-in-Asia brands.

HONG KONG SHOPPING MALLS, CAUSEWAY BAY SHOP GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

Such as… this quack-quack store for cute character goods!

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

I bought Basil Farrow a little blue rubber ducky.

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

Wouldn’t you like to duck in here for a browse? (Ha ha.)

HONG KONG SHOPPING MALLS, CAUSEWAY BAY SHOP GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

Continuing with the avian theme: Sugarman.

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

The brand is pure fun, with colorful character designs, bold colors, polka dots and drop pants.

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

Next door is A Bros. (Do you sense a Hong Kong streetwear theme already? Quite different from Japan’s, isn’t it?)

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

Guess what: Seba and I met with A Bros, and we will be working with this brand! The full story will be announced soon. (Do you remember Seba’s shark backpack in this LA post? It is by A Bros.)

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

Cute characters are just as big in Hong Kong as they are in Japan. Accessories and makeup are much cheaper here.

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

The Bread n Butter store is one of my favorites.

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

Home decor goods for girly-girls.

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

You can get dolled up at the Barbie makeup counter.

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

I suppose some people want a “Plastic Smooth” look!

CAUSEWAY BAY, HONG KONG SHOPPING GUIDE: WORLD TRADE CENTRE. CUTE STATIONERY, ACCESSORIES & WOMENS CLOTHING. SASA HONG KONG: BEST SHOP TO BUY MAKEUP, NAIL POLISH, JAPANESE SKINCARE PRODUCTS. ASIA BEAUTY, FASHION TRENDS. japanese eyelashes, false eyelashes, beauty shops, asia beauty products, skin whiteners, sa sa, hong kong shopping, fashion malls, shopping centers hk, shopping attractions, wtc, world trade center asia

Much more to come from Hong Kong and Macau, including cute cooking and fashion fun. If you think your friends will enjoy this post, please give it a Like or shoot them an email.

Are you surprised by Hong Kong’s street/cute fashion offerings? How do they compare to Japan’s? Out of the brands pictured, which do you like best?

Song of the Day: Nanette – In The Heat Of The Night (1984. Yes. Yes. Yes. The intro!)

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  1. Nebby
    Posted May 29, 2011 at 8:38 pm | Permalink

    *___* I want everything! Thank you soooooo much for these photos.

  2. ☆ Parangnabi ☆
    Posted May 29, 2011 at 8:50 pm | Permalink

    I’ve been missing a lot read your blog and today you made feel warm inside after seeing these cute stores. I’d love to have a plussy duck to held it tight while sleeping XDD

    I hope everything is ok now I have a lot to read and comment but I know the entries will be as good as always ;)


  3. Ariel
    Posted May 29, 2011 at 8:54 pm | Permalink

    Wow, I love the duck store! ^_^

  4. Isabella
    Posted May 29, 2011 at 9:05 pm | Permalink

    Hello, doll. I loved your photos, specially the one in which that girl appears with the sexy skirt on WTC. Love lace as well ^_^

  5. Sara
    Posted May 29, 2011 at 9:28 pm | Permalink

    Waaaa sugooooi !!!! And “bread n butter” is a nice shop.

  6. Rachel Ogren
    Posted May 29, 2011 at 9:49 pm | Permalink

    So awesome!  Looks like Hong Kong’s cute stores can give Japan a run for its money.  Thanks for sharing these great pics :)

    • lacarmina
      Posted May 30, 2011 at 6:28 pm | Permalink

      There are many more pics to come! Glad everyone is liking HK so far.

  7. Rachel
    Posted May 29, 2011 at 10:05 pm | Permalink

    Love this post! I’m going to share a couple of your amazing pics and your site link in my next blog post.

  8. Afa
    Posted May 29, 2011 at 10:23 pm | Permalink

    sounds amazing

  9. Miziuro
    Posted May 30, 2011 at 7:20 am | Permalink

     My friend loves rubber duckies! I’m going to send him to Hong Kong! xD

  10. Banner
    Posted May 30, 2011 at 7:36 am | Permalink

    The barbie store is out of control man
    Yet I want it..

  11. Anonymous
    Posted May 30, 2011 at 2:43 pm | Permalink

    OMG those ducks are adorbz :D

  12. Chio
    Posted May 30, 2011 at 6:26 pm | Permalink

    i want that store as my house

  13. Jrockonhigh
    Posted May 30, 2011 at 7:28 pm | Permalink

    It’s all so cute (I think both street fashions are my favorites).  I can’t wait to make those Hobgoblin cupcakes after I come back from my vacation.

  14. Lori
    Posted June 13, 2011 at 2:55 am | Permalink

    Dear La Carmina. I’m starting up a blog. Its a new world to me but i’m trying. :)  I want it to be mainly inspirational kind of like yours. My activities, interesting sites, music! Please check it out. :D

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 14, 2011 at 10:57 am | Permalink

      Love the hot pink! Thanks for sharing this — :) :)

      • Lori
        Posted June 19, 2011 at 6:45 pm | Permalink

        thank you!! :)

  15. Bubboutique
    Posted August 23, 2011 at 3:26 pm | Permalink

    the newsletter and receive 10% off on your first shopping
    for baby clothing within their large selection of baby garments, baby
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  16. Saskiaaac
    Posted September 6, 2011 at 11:54 am | Permalink

    where r all those shops?? in causeway bay??? i want to kno!! email me… at [email protected] pleeez!!

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