

Hentai fetish parties in Japan, Department H, weird crazy parties in Tokyo, Japanese strange fetishes, events and club nights, Goth drag queens, S&M, flogging and domination, bondage shows, male submissive in corset, theatrical leopard makeup

First off, thank you for sharing your heartbreak stories in this post; my heart goes out to you! The lucky contest winner, chosen by a random number generator, is Fiona Rawrhhs. Congrats, you won a Goose Gown dress from Akina!

I have so much exciting blog coverage for you coming up… we’ll progress chronologically, so first, I’ll round up the Tokyo TV shoot with Andrew Zimmern. I also have new store photos for you. Then I’ll post pics from my USA book tour and Halloween. Finally, we’ll ring in 2010 in Tokyo and Hong Kong. What a year it’s been!

Hentai fetish parties in Japan, Department H, weird crazy wild parties in Tokyo, Japanese strange fetishes, events and club nights, Goth drag queens, S&M, flogging and domination, bondage shows, male submissive in corset, theatrical leopard makeup

After the bloody feast at Alcatraz ER theme restaurant, Andrew Zimmern and the crew were exhausted. Understandable, since they spent the past week living in Mongolian gerts. But the spooks were eager to rage, so one TV camera followed us to Department H, a drag/fetish/creative/AWESOME all-night party.

I love Mihoko’s shiro Lolita/aristocrat ensemble with classy gold jewelry and a faux fur shrug. Lady Raisu is wearing 4-inch heels and a silver rubber gown from London. Hungry Ghost is a leopard today; he painted the spots on by hand.

cool fetish parties in Japan, Department H, weird crazy  parties in Tokyo, Japanese strange fetishes, events and club nights, Goth drag queens, S&M, flogging and domination, bondage shows, male submissive in corset, theatrical leopard makeup

Mistress Maya got this clear zippered corset from the band Spanking Machine, who performed the previous week at Midnight Mess. Maya removed most of her clothes before going inside!

fetish parties in Japan, Department H, weird crazy parties in Tokyo, Japanese strange fetishes, events and club nights, Goth drag queens, S&M, flogging and domination, bondage shows, male submissive in corset, theatrical leopard makeup

The partygoers came from every alt/fetish/creative disposition imaginable. Among the most striking: dollers, or people who wear full anime masks and body suits (above). You’ll see more mind-blowing photos in the next few days…

fetish parties in Japan, Department H, weird crazy parties in Tokyo, Japanese strange fetishes, events and club nights, Goth drag queens, S&M, flogging and domination, bondage shows, male submissive in corset, theatrical leopard makeup

With all the genitalia hanging out at the party, I wonder how much of the footage will make it onto your TV screen. What will you probably NOT see? The impromptu S&M performance we did with Comte de Sang — dragging him by his collar, scratching his back raw, kicking him in the ribs and sticking a stiletto heel down his throat until he lay on the floor gasping in ecstasy…

What will you be doing for Halloween this year? I’m celebrating for FIVE days straight and it feels so right…

Song of the Day #220: Kaela Kimura – Jasper (Ronan and I love this song so much. It sounds incredibly fresh and morphs into… techno? Amazing!)



  1. Melissa
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 9:06 am | Permalink

    Dressing like little red riding hood!

  2. Melissa
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 4:06 pm | Permalink

    Dressing like little red riding hood!

  3. Sarah
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 11:22 am | Permalink

    Ok I live in West Virginia so I'm thinking they wont show any of the Department H footage. Which really sucks! But besides that I'm pretty sure everything else is fine. Plus This Tuesday Andrew Z's Bizzare World is showing him in Florida dressed in drag!!! So can't wait to see that! I have no plans for Halloween. This Halloween for me has ben boring. WAY TO BORING!

    No scary movies on TV and no one throwing any parties. Plus I can't even hand-out candy because only about 5 kids ever come to my street. But I will not let this happen next year! Next year I'm gonna dress up and everything! 5 day celebration? Sounds fun, just please be safe!

  4. lacarmina
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 11:44 am | Permalink

    Ahahah he said the body painting festival was incredible! And in the Tokyo episode, he cosplays as a samurai…

    You can rent a bunch of J-horror movies and have a scream-fest… :)

  5. ana hi
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 11:56 am | Permalink

    I'm going to go trick or treating and dress up as Alice ^_^
    i been watching horror movies all month long lol
    rite now im watching the ringu lol

  6. Ayame
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 12:45 pm | Permalink

    I planned to dress as a fetish mad scientist xD “look” smart, sexy and GOTH at the same time… hmm, i wonder if i could pull that off xD Comte de Sang sure does look like he enjoyed it :D

  7. lacarmina
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 12:53 pm | Permalink

    Ringu never fails to scare me!

  8. lacarmina
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 12:54 pm | Permalink

    Nice idea for a costume!! I love the combo of 3 elements. And yes, he did enjoy it very much.. ;)

  9. lacarmina
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 1:11 pm | Permalink

    Utah is a very boring place and has nothing fun going on xD So I am going to Washington to terrorize the town :D

  10. Vicious Kurai
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 1:12 pm | Permalink

    Utah is a very boring place and has nothing fun going on xD So I am going to Washington to terrorize the town :D

  11. Sarah
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 6:22 pm | Permalink

    Ok I live in West Virginia so I’m thinking they wont show any of the Department H footage. Which really sucks! But besides that I’m pretty sure everything else is fine. Plus This Tuesday Andrew Z’s Bizzare World is showing him in Florida dressed in drag!!! So can’t wait to see that! I have no plans for Halloween. This Halloween for me has ben boring. WAY TO BORING!

    No scary movies on TV and no one throwing any parties. Plus I can’t even hand-out candy because only about 5 kids ever come to my street. But I will not let this happen next year! Next year I’m gonna dress up and everything! 5 day celebration? Sounds fun, just please be safe!

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 19, 2009 at 6:44 pm | Permalink

      Ahahah he said the body painting festival was incredible! And in the Tokyo episode, he cosplays as a samurai…

      You can rent a bunch of J-horror movies and have a scream-fest… :)

  12. ana hi
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 6:56 pm | Permalink

    I’m going to go trick or treating and dress up as Alice ^_^
    i been watching horror movies all month long lol
    rite now im watching the ringu lol

  13. Ayame
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 7:45 pm | Permalink

    I planned to dress as a fetish mad scientist xD “look” smart, sexy and GOTH at the same time… hmm, i wonder if i could pull that off xD Comte de Sang sure does look like he enjoyed it :D

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 19, 2009 at 7:54 pm | Permalink

      Nice idea for a costume!! I love the combo of 3 elements. And yes, he did enjoy it very much.. ;)

  14. Vicious Kurai
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 8:12 pm | Permalink

    Utah is a very boring place and has nothing fun going on xD So I am going to Washington to terrorize the town :D

  15. Lauren
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 4:43 pm | Permalink

    Im going to 2 parties and dressing up with all the sweet Loli stuff I have.

  16. lacarmina
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 4:45 pm | Permalink

    SWEET! Hope you have a great time.

  17. Lauren
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 11:43 pm | Permalink

    Im going to 2 parties and dressing up with all the sweet Loli stuff I have.

  18. shichi
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 7:06 pm | Permalink

    Going to Nocturne's epic Dracula's Ball in Philly with friends from Baltimore then going to NYC for the post-halloween J-Summit halloween party with Carmina!

    Comte de Sang looks like he enjoys a good rough manhandling. As a dom I approve =D

  19. Nikki
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 7:52 pm | Permalink

    Perhaps I am confused about what kind of blog this is? You didn't really do all that to this poor man, did you? Am I at the wrong place? Cute Yummy Time author, right? What's that have to do with genitalia?

  20. shichi
    Posted October 20, 2009 at 2:06 am | Permalink

    Going to Nocturne’s epic Dracula’s Ball in Philly with friends from Baltimore then going to NYC for the post-halloween J-Summit halloween party with Carmina!

    Comte de Sang looks like he enjoys a good rough manhandling. As a dom I approve =D

  21. Nikki
    Posted October 20, 2009 at 2:52 am | Permalink

    Perhaps I am confused about what kind of blog this is? You didn’t really do all that to this poor man, did you? Am I at the wrong place? Cute Yummy Time author, right? What’s that have to do with genitalia?

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 20, 2009 at 5:39 am | Permalink

      Hahah he often participates as a submissive in Goth nightclub performances — and enjoys this very much! Of course, this is never something we’d do to anyone who didn’t 100% consent. :)

      This blog is about Japanese subcultures in addition to pop culture; there’s often coverage of S&M events such as

      These events often have nudity and alternative sexuality at the forefront — which does not necessarily mean deviancy. I attend fetish/Goth events and never hide the fact that I take part in the subculture…. and I try to present it in a fair and open light. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! :)

      • Nikki
        Posted October 20, 2009 at 7:24 am | Permalink

        I guess this is NOT the right blog for me. I had no idea, I just had read your cute kitty cat blog and some of your fashion things and watched your cooking videos and really enjoyed everything but there is a place where I draw the line.

        Even if someone agrees to it, even desires it, I could never hurt them, nor could I support or encourage anyone who does. I understand that there are subcultures in Japan and in the US too but for me there is a clash between the kawaii (cute yummy time) and the S&M photo and description in this entry. To someone who is not into it, it is not in any way pleasant to read.

        Twenty years ago when I was in college, I had goth friends but I guess things were a little different then. Fetish and goth were separate. At least in my circles. I never would have even considered this as a possibility with gothic lolita fashion, to be honest. But this isn’t my generation, so what do I know?

        I was shocked because I didn’t know that this was a part of your lifestyle and blog – I just thought you liked fashion and cute food.

  22. Moon Maiden 90
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 9:54 pm | Permalink

    Oh my gosh! lol
    It's highly unlikely that they will show all of it. I wish they would they, I don't wanna miss out! lol

  23. lacarmina
    Posted October 19, 2009 at 10:39 pm | Permalink

    Hahah he often participates as a submissive in Goth nightclub performances — and enjoys this very much! Of course, this is never something we'd do to anyone who didn't 100% consent. :)

    This blog is about Japanese subcultures in addition to pop culture; there's often coverage of S&M events such as

    These events often have nudity and alternative sexuality at the forefront — which does not necessarily mean deviancy. I attend fetish/Goth events and never hide the fact that I take part in the subculture…. and I try to present it in a fair and open light. If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! :)

  24. Moon Maiden 90
    Posted October 20, 2009 at 4:54 am | Permalink

    Oh my gosh! lol
    It’s highly unlikely that they will show all of it. I wish they would they, I don’t wanna miss out! lol

  25. Nikki
    Posted October 20, 2009 at 12:24 am | Permalink

    I guess this is NOT the right blog for me. I had no idea, I just had read your cute kitty cat blog and some of your fashion things and watched your cooking videos and really enjoyed everything but there is a place where I draw the line.

    Even if someone agrees to it, even desires it, I could never hurt them, nor could I support or encourage anyone who does. I understand that there are subcultures in Japan and in the US too but for me there is a clash between the kawaii (cute yummy time) and the S&M photo and description in this entry. To someone who is not into it, it is not in any way pleasant to read.

    Twenty years ago when I was in college, I had goth friends but I guess things were a little different then. Fetish and goth were separate. At least in my circles. I never would have even considered this as a possibility with gothic lolita fashion, to be honest. But this isn't my generation, so what do I know?

    I was shocked because I didn't know that this was a part of your lifestyle and blog – I just thought you liked fashion and cute food.

  26. Jen
    Posted October 20, 2009 at 2:17 pm | Permalink

    I'm excited for the Bizarre World episode, even if they don't show any of the Department H footage (they should!).

    Halloween coincides with an anime con I'm going to so I plan on having lots of fun. Ironically my costume this year has nothing to do with Japan: Lady Gaga. Speaking of which, I gotta get around to making the gold crystals for my dress and figuring out how to attach them.

  27. lacarmina
    Posted October 20, 2009 at 4:12 pm | Permalink

    Lovvve it. Gaga's interviews are a riot; she's having a great time with her image.

  28. Jen
    Posted October 20, 2009 at 9:17 pm | Permalink

    I’m excited for the Bizarre World episode, even if they don’t show any of the Department H footage (they should!).

    Halloween coincides with an anime con I’m going to so I plan on having lots of fun. Ironically my costume this year has nothing to do with Japan: Lady Gaga. Speaking of which, I gotta get around to making the gold crystals for my dress and figuring out how to attach them.

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 20, 2009 at 11:12 pm | Permalink

      Lovvve it. Gaga’s interviews are a riot; she’s having a great time with her image.

  29. Louise
    Posted October 24, 2009 at 2:38 pm | Permalink

    I'll be styling for a fashion show at Madrid's Gothic Week

  30. lacarmina
    Posted October 24, 2009 at 3:09 pm | Permalink

    Amazing! Can't wait to see photos.

  31. Louise
    Posted October 24, 2009 at 9:38 pm | Permalink

    I’ll be styling for a fashion show at Madrid’s Gothic Week

  32. d.
    Posted November 1, 2009 at 2:12 am | Permalink

    ;D so u'll be going to hong kong in 2010?
    if so, please show us more interesting places from hk!
    [actually i just moved back to hk, but i've no idea where all the goth/loli shops are other than spider+anna house+h.naoto|||]

    anyways, have fine in both hk n japan (:

  33. d.
    Posted November 1, 2009 at 10:12 am | Permalink

    ;D so u’ll be going to hong kong in 2010?
    if so, please show us more interesting places from hk!
    [actually i just moved back to hk, but i’ve no idea where all the goth/loli shops are other than spider+anna house+h.naoto|||]

    anyways, have fine in both hk n japan (:

  34. lacarmina
    Posted November 1, 2009 at 6:50 am | Permalink

    You BET I will be hitting HK's hotspots! Til then, check out the Hong Kong section of (I write for the site) and this post:… which has a map and stores.

  35. d.
    Posted November 1, 2009 at 10:12 am | Permalink

    ;D so u'll be going to hong kong in 2010?
    if so, please show us more interesting places from hk!
    [actually i just moved back to hk, but i've no idea where all the goth/loli shops are other than spider+anna house+h.naoto|||]

    anyways, have fine in both hk n japan (:

  36. lacarmina
    Posted November 1, 2009 at 2:50 pm | Permalink

    You BET I will be hitting HK's hotspots! Til then, check out the Hong Kong section of (I write for the site) and this post:… which has a map and stores.

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