

vampire kids biting necks, vampires bites, Crazy Wacky Theme Restaurants Tokyo book by La Carmina.

This year’s Halloween was a bloodfest and I’m not ready to put away the fangs. So Mark Batty Publisher and I are giving away FIVE copies of my new book, Crazy Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo! Did I mention they’re autographed by yours truly (author La Carmina)?

cute Japanese goth woman, Count Dracula Halloween decoration, Crazy Wacky Theme Restaurants Tokyo.

It’s easy to enter and win Crazy Wacky Theme Restaurants, a jaw-dropping tour of Tokyo’s weirdest dining establishments. La Carmina’s photos and stories take you inside a haunted jail and Dracula’s lair… Waitresses dressed as maids slap you when you lose a food version of Russian roulette that concludes with a mouthful of wasabi; a drunken Buddhist monk imparts wisdom; boy-toys dote on female customers; ninjas deliver menus and throw food.

red blood cell floors, cool interiors restaurants in Japan, hemoglobin floor, Mark Batty Publisher,

I often ask my friends: “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?” Yukiro’s dream is to be mistress of a cyber café. Imagine the space-age outfits and neon makeup.

Goth boys, vampire capes costumes, Crazy Wacky Theme Restaurants Tokyo book by La Carmina

As for me: I’d like to open a restaurant where every table is filled with cute young Goth boys!

How about you? Let me know what type of theme restaurant you’d open, and you can win 1 of 5 copies of my Theme Restaurants book!

vampire costumes Halloween, long capes,  Japanese pop culture books contest,

† HOW TO ENTER (contest open internationally. Up to FOUR entries per person.)

† ONE POINT: Visit the Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants page for inspiration. Then comment here, with your response to my question: “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?”

† THREE POINTS: Write a blog post/Tweet/Facebook message/forum entry that spreads the word about my new book. If you’re blogging, please include “Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants: Tokyo by La Carmina” in the post title and link to my book page: You are free to use any of my book’s photos here in your post. Then comment here with a link to where you posted the blog entry. If your comment doesn’t show up, don’t worry – I’ll check my Spam regularly and approve your entries.

Happy Halloween Hangover, darklings!

† † † † † † †
Contest ends midnight Pacific Time on Friday, November 13. Maximum four (4) entries per person. Open internationally. To enter, follow the instructions above. You must include a valid email address (it will not be visible). Winners will be chosen with a random number generator; the order of entry determines your number. Winners will be contacted via email. The prize will be shipped by the manufacturer to the winner’s address; La Carmina is not responsible for lost or undelivered prizes. Contact Carmina if you have questions about the contest.



  1. Waltzqueen
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 5:33 am | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme resturant it would have a “Reverse Gravity” theme. The greeters would tell you as the ushered you in that they're having problems with the gravity in the resturant and when you get in every thing is upside down and the welcome mat and such are stuck to the wall, and a table complete with a tea set is stuck to the ceiling and pictures are stung up and go randomly gliding around in mid air. The chairs in the middle of the room move while you're sitting in them around a table that seems to be bolted to the floor. A specail bonus would be that customers could write their name on a peice of paper and staple it to any wall (besides the bathrooms and ceiling) in the establishment.

  2. Anonymous
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 1:33 pm | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme resturant it would have a “Reverse Gravity” theme. The greeters would tell you as the ushered you in that they’re having problems with the gravity in the resturant and when you get in every thing is upside down and the welcome mat and such are stuck to the wall, and a table complete with a tea set is stuck to the ceiling and pictures are stung up and go randomly gliding around in mid air. The chairs in the middle of the room move while you’re sitting in them around a table that seems to be bolted to the floor. A specail bonus would be that customers could write their name on a peice of paper and staple it to any wall (besides the bathrooms and ceiling) in the establishment.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:36 pm | Permalink

      That. Is. AMAZING. I’m imagining the scene in Mary Poppins where everyone started to float. Someone needs to make this cafe a reality!

      • Anonymous
        Posted November 6, 2009 at 9:40 pm | Permalink

        It would take a lot of super glue but it could be made a reality, we’d have to check fire codes though. Besides some stuff is too heavy for the ceiling, like a chaise lounge? No way! But a coffee table would be perfect. Each room of course would need a color shceme and..(blathers on)

        • lacarmina
          Posted November 7, 2009 at 12:02 am | Permalink

          Oh man, I can talk about dream interior design all day long too…

    • JULI
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 10:53 pm | Permalink
    • JULI
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 10:53 pm | Permalink

      sorry sorry!
      i replied to wrong message,
      i am not used to commenting
      ^^ ;;

  3. Isabel Chorro
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 9:06 am | Permalink

    If I had to open a theme restaurant, I would like to choose The Wizard of the Opera theme, with a dark, sophisticated and romantic atmosphere. Congratulations for your web ;) and greetings from Spain.

  4. Marie
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:03 pm | Permalink

    Hmm .. I would have a to make a Harry Potter theme restaurant! I'm such a huge fan! When people would arrive, they would be given a property of one of the characters from Harry Potter. The café could look like The Great Hall, where the kids at Hogwarts eat. That would be totally awesome. The food they would serve will be Harry Potter inspired, and of course Pumpkinjuice and Berty Butt's Every Flavour Beans would be awailable! Pluss magical chocklatefrogs. The waitresses and waiters would have Hogwarts uniforms on them, and people would be seated after houses.

    “Visit @lacarmina at to enter her awesome contest where you can win one of her own books! Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants!” Is my Tweet!

  5. Isabel Chorro
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 5:06 pm | Permalink

    If I had to open a theme restaurant, I would like to choose The Wizard of the Opera theme, with a dark, sophisticated and romantic atmosphere. Congratulations for your web ;) and greetings from Spain.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:35 pm | Permalink

      Thank you so much! <3
      Hope you are having a good day.

  6. chaoticLady
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:27 pm | Permalink

    If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?
    it would maybe themed byblack and white, god and evil, good ones and bad ones…..good fairys and dark fairys^^….

  7. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:29 pm | Permalink

    Love the idea! There is a Valley of the Fairies theme cafe in Shinjuku but I love the good/bad theme…

  8. Sami
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:31 pm | Permalink

    I'd love to have a vampire-themed restaurant! Dark and beautiful and very victorian-era-styled, almost like the buildings in Interview With The Vampire. I've been obsessed with vampires since I was little. ^_^

  9. Melissa
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:33 pm | Permalink

    i liked that one you told me about where the waiter comes out in whatever cultural dish you ordered from. like he came out in a bali dress? yeah!

  10. Laura
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:33 pm | Permalink

    im thinking something a la the board game candyland

  11. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:35 pm | Permalink

    Ooooo I love the world of Interview with the Vampire. Claudia's dresses and Lestat's hair, hahah!
    You would LOVE the Vampire Cafe in Ginza (shown in the photos!)

  12. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:35 pm | Permalink

    Thank you so much! <3
    Hope you are having a good day.

  13. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:36 pm | Permalink

    That. Is. AMAZING. I'm imagining the scene in Mary Poppins where everyone started to float. Someone needs to make this cafe a reality!

  14. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:39 pm | Permalink

    Aww that is really cute! You'd love Edelstein, the Schoolboy cafe – it's like walking into an European boarding school. But I love the idea of making it into the Great Hall — and I really want some pumpkinjuice!

  15. Laura
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:52 pm | Permalink

    oh my. I think mine's theme would be “ethereal dreamland”. It would be all be very soft, with damasc wallpaper, and tulle curtains, and the waiters would be suspended in wire (like that restaurant that has the tower of wines, where the waiters get suspended by wire to get the bottles for the customers) but aaaalll over the place, and they would have to wear long tunics to enhance the “ethereal” element. and there would be just a tiny ammount of smoke (produced by smoke machines, or dry ice) to give a foggy illussion.

    about the food? well, it would be more of a cafe, with cotton candy and sweets and tea for everyone!

  16. Ms_Sapphire
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:53 pm | Permalink

    oh my. I think mine's theme would be “ethereal dreamland”. It would be all be very soft, with damasc wallpaper, and tulle curtains, and the waiters would be suspended in wire (like that restaurant that has the tower of wines, where the waiters get suspended by wire to get the bottles for the customers) but aaaalll over the place, and they would have to wear long tunics to enhance the “ethereal” element. and there would be just a tiny ammount of smoke (produced by smoke machines, or dry ice) to give a foggy illussion.

    about the food? well, it would be more of a cafe, with cotton candy and sweets and tea for everyone!

  17. Vicious Kurai
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:54 pm | Permalink

    My restaurant would be themed off the of 7 deadly sins-
    Lust: aphrodisiac foods, glutton: desserts & fatty but yummy foods, pride: healthy treats, etc, etc.

  18. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:56 pm | Permalink

    Thank you so much!!! Hahah I link my Tweets to everything too. :)

    Oh gosh, that sounds like my dream cafe… let's make it happen one day eh?

  19. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:57 pm | Permalink

    Oh. Yes. I'd love to throw a party with this theme one day too!

  20. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 12:59 pm | Permalink

    Everyone is so creative — I love it! What a beautiful scene you have painted.

  21. Malone
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 1:29 pm | Permalink

    Can I have a Basil Theme Cafe? The waitresses have to wear folded cat ears. People sit on comfy couches with basil pillows! Complete with a fuzzy tummy to snorgle! They eat pastries shaped like basil and the coffee mugs have whiskers. And the cappucinos can be dressed up so the foam looks like basil peeking out of the mug! And on the walls you get pictures of famous people with Basil's face superimposed! Foremost among them has to be basil as buddha.

  22. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 1:30 pm | Permalink

    omg, i wish he met the Dalai Lama! This is too cute!

  23. Waltzqueen
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 1:40 pm | Permalink

    It would take a lot of super glue but it could be made a reality, we'd have to check fire codes though. Besides some stuff is too heavy for the ceiling, like a chaise lounge? No way! But a coffee table would be perfect. Each room of course would need a color shceme and..(blathers on)

  24. inappropriatelord
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 1:45 pm | Permalink

    I'd have an indian restaurant where the front of the store looked like the door of a castle, with it's Hershey-kiss shaped topping, and inside the aroma of spices and curries would be afloat. You'd have to sit very low on the floor on silk/gold pillows, and the main dishes would indeed be curries and desserts would be spicy chocolate drinks– just as they had them. Waiters and waitresses would be dressed in baggy silk pants with golden cuffs at the ankle, wristwear also of gold, for the women– tube-bikini like tops of silk with vests made of sheer cloth, and men– just the sheer vest. ;D Pretty-boys, nonetheless.

  25. JULI
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 2:50 pm | Permalink

    “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?” I would love to open a restaurant with the theme of “Candyland”! I think everyone has thought about when they were younger, what it would be like to live in a place where everything was made of candy~ Those who work in the restaurant can dress up as Gingerbreadmens, Candycanes, etc! ^^ I think it would be very cute and also a good restaurant for everyone! People can even make their own candies in one corner of the restaurant!

    ^^ If only there were themed restaurants around me!
    The ones you have talked about seem to be all amazing!

  26. JULI
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 2:53 pm | Permalink
  27. JULI
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 2:53 pm | Permalink

    sorry sorry!
    i replied to wrong message,
    i am not used to commenting
    ^^ ;;

  28. JULI
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 2:54 pm | Permalink

    sorry about double posting!
    made a mistake as to where I was suppose to reply xD ;;

  29. Marie
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:03 pm | Permalink

    Hmm .. I would have a to make a Harry Potter theme restaurant! I’m such a huge fan! When people would arrive, they would be given a property of one of the characters from Harry Potter. The café could look like The Great Hall, where the kids at Hogwarts eat. That would be totally awesome. The food they would serve will be Harry Potter inspired, and of course Pumpkinjuice and Berty Butt’s Every Flavour Beans would be awailable! Pluss magical chocklatefrogs. The waitresses and waiters would have Hogwarts uniforms on them, and people would be seated after houses.

    “Visit @lacarmina at to enter her awesome contest where you can win one of her own books! Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants!” Is my Tweet!

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:39 pm | Permalink

      Aww that is really cute! You’d love Edelstein, the Schoolboy cafe – it’s like walking into an European boarding school. But I love the idea of making it into the Great Hall — and I really want some pumpkinjuice!

  30. chaoticLady
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:27 pm | Permalink

    If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?
    it would maybe themed byblack and white, god and evil, good ones and bad ones…..good fairys and dark fairys^^….

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:29 pm | Permalink

      Love the idea! There is a Valley of the Fairies theme cafe in Shinjuku but I love the good/bad theme…

      • chaoticLady
        Posted November 7, 2009 at 8:13 pm | Permalink

        thank you

  31. Sami
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:31 pm | Permalink

    I’d love to have a vampire-themed restaurant! Dark and beautiful and very victorian-era-styled, almost like the buildings in Interview With The Vampire. I’ve been obsessed with vampires since I was little. ^_^

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:35 pm | Permalink

      Ooooo I love the world of Interview with the Vampire. Claudia’s dresses and Lestat’s hair, hahah!
      You would LOVE the Vampire Cafe in Ginza (shown in the photos!)

      • Sami
        Posted November 7, 2009 at 9:32 pm | Permalink

        I love the part where she tries to cut her hair and it grows right back. ^_^
        I would totally love it! Too bad I’m stuck here in America… T_T

  32. Melissa
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:33 pm | Permalink

    i liked that one you told me about where the waiter comes out in whatever cultural dish you ordered from. like he came out in a bali dress? yeah!

  33. Laura
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:33 pm | Permalink

    im thinking something a la the board game candyland

  34. Francisca Hagen
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:45 pm | Permalink

    If I had to open your own theme restaurant, it would have a gothic-baroc culture theme, with every week a new J-rock/visual kei artist on stage. It sounds fun to have a restaurant with dark furnishing and candles to make a romantic surrounding.

    I retweeted your tweet, and it will be shown at twitter, facebook, myspace and hyves automatically!

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:56 pm | Permalink

      Thank you so much!!! Hahah I link my Tweets to everything too. :)

      Oh gosh, that sounds like my dream cafe… let’s make it happen one day eh?

  35. Laura
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:52 pm | Permalink

    oh my. I think mine’s theme would be “ethereal dreamland”. It would be all be very soft, with damasc wallpaper, and tulle curtains, and the waiters would be suspended in wire (like that restaurant that has the tower of wines, where the waiters get suspended by wire to get the bottles for the customers) but aaaalll over the place, and they would have to wear long tunics to enhance the “ethereal” element. and there would be just a tiny ammount of smoke (produced by smoke machines, or dry ice) to give a foggy illussion.

    about the food? well, it would be more of a cafe, with cotton candy and sweets and tea for everyone!

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:59 pm | Permalink

      Everyone is so creative — I love it! What a beautiful scene you have painted.

  36. Ruibarica
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 3:52 pm | Permalink

    How about a restaurant in a maze? It would be fun to have tables every where. If you get lost you could join another table (with a hot guy maybe) or just keep looking for your dinner partner. Of course there would be finger food on your way just in case you cannot find your meal! oh, and a ¨Marie Antoinette¨ atmosphere… mmmmm

  37. Anonymous
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:53 pm | Permalink

    oh my. I think mine’s theme would be “ethereal dreamland”. It would be all be very soft, with damasc wallpaper, and tulle curtains, and the waiters would be suspended in wire (like that restaurant that has the tower of wines, where the waiters get suspended by wire to get the bottles for the customers) but aaaalll over the place, and they would have to wear long tunics to enhance the “ethereal” element. and there would be just a tiny ammount of smoke (produced by smoke machines, or dry ice) to give a foggy illussion.

    about the food? well, it would be more of a cafe, with cotton candy and sweets and tea for everyone!

  38. Vicious Kurai
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:54 pm | Permalink

    My restaurant would be themed off the of 7 deadly sins-
    Lust: aphrodisiac foods, glutton: desserts & fatty but yummy foods, pride: healthy treats, etc, etc.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 8:57 pm | Permalink

      Oh. Yes. I’d love to throw a party with this theme one day too!

  39. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 4:02 pm | Permalink

    Oh man, I can talk about dream interior design all day long too…

  40. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 4:03 pm | Permalink

    Mmmm, spicy hot chocolate and mmm pretty boys! There's an Arabian-themed restaurant in Shinjuku but I wasn't able to get permission to photograph it ;__; — but I should visit it nonetheless.

  41. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 4:03 pm | Permalink

    That is adorable! Maybe the customers can eat the candy from the walls!
    Domo also for the tweets.

  42. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 4:04 pm | Permalink

    Hahahahah it seems hot guys are a running theme in the imaginary theme restaurants. ;)
    I'd love to open a Versailles-themed cafe…

  43. Malone
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 9:29 pm | Permalink

    Can I have a Basil Theme Cafe? The waitresses have to wear folded cat ears. People sit on comfy couches with basil pillows! Complete with a fuzzy tummy to snorgle! They eat pastries shaped like basil and the coffee mugs have whiskers. And the cappucinos can be dressed up so the foam looks like basil peeking out of the mug! And on the walls you get pictures of famous people with Basil’s face superimposed! Foremost among them has to be basil as buddha.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 6, 2009 at 9:30 pm | Permalink

      omg, i wish he met the Dalai Lama! This is too cute!

  44. inappropriatelord
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 9:45 pm | Permalink

    I’d have an indian restaurant where the front of the store looked like the door of a castle, with it’s Hershey-kiss shaped topping, and inside the aroma of spices and curries would be afloat. You’d have to sit very low on the floor on silk/gold pillows, and the main dishes would indeed be curries and desserts would be spicy chocolate drinks– just as they had them. Waiters and waitresses would be dressed in baggy silk pants with golden cuffs at the ankle, wristwear also of gold, for the women– tube-bikini like tops of silk with vests made of sheer cloth, and men– just the sheer vest. ;D Pretty-boys, nonetheless.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 12:03 am | Permalink

      Mmmm, spicy hot chocolate and mmm pretty boys! There’s an Arabian-themed restaurant in Shinjuku but I wasn’t able to get permission to photograph it ;__; — but I should visit it nonetheless.

  45. Ildi
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 5:12 pm | Permalink

    Well, i put 4 ideas in the blog but my top choice would have to be a Carnival/Clown themed! It could be so amazing and for each holiday/season it can be changed a bit here and there to make it match. (Christmas, Halloween, etc.) I love clowns so ya, this is my top choice. I haven't heard of one yet so perhaps I'll have to create it! :D
    (actually there is a gay bar type thing in Seattle where its like a 'Rocky Horror Film' themed thing where they always have musical performances with women and men in carnival/drag outfits, pretty awsome but no all out clowns) :(

  46. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 5:14 pm | Permalink

    Ahhh your kitty is a similar color to my Basil Farrow! :3
    I am the opposite – I am deathly afraid of clowns! Although I did dress up as a pierrot for one of my Halloween outfits…
    Wow, the next time I'm in Seattle I'll have to check out the Rocky Horror performance. Sounds like something I'd love.

  47. Ildi
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 5:27 pm | Permalink

    yes! My kitty is similar color (and size<3) as your Basil! ^ w ^ His name is Chiba!

    Awwwww, sorry to hear you're scared of clowns! :< Ya, many people are…I wonder how popular a clown cafe would be? hmmmm, i'd be curious…in Japan people seem to like clowns so ya.

    ya, you should totally check that place out! :D Its near the Pike Street markets down some stairs, its' pretty easy to find and i'm sure if you asked for directions you'd find it.

  48. Laura
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 5:37 pm | Permalink

    Nightmare Before Christmas cafe! the outside is decorated like Jack's house, and goes downstairs into an Oogie Boogie's lair-esque place. From the seats, diners can see through clear glass into the kitchen which looks like Dr. Finklestein's lab. Waiters are dressed in pinstriped suits and waitresses in patchwork dresses. The taps in the bathroom would be shaped like zero, the place would be constantly playing Danny Elfman and Oingo Boingo. Tables are like caldrons and chairs being pumpkin stools. Projected on the walls and moving are Zero, Jack as Santa Claus and bats so they lok ghostlike. The counter bell would have a scream instead of a ding! and the walls going down the stairs are lined with Shock, Lock and Barrel murals :)

  49. JULI
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 10:50 pm | Permalink

    “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?” I would love to open a restaurant with the theme of “Candyland”! I think everyone has thought about when they were younger, what it would be like to live in a place where everything was made of candy~ Those who work in the restaurant can dress up as Gingerbreadmens, Candycanes, etc! ^^ I think it would be very cute and also a good restaurant for everyone! People can even make their own candies in one corner of the restaurant!

    ^^ If only there were themed restaurants around me!
    The ones you have talked about seem to be all amazing!

  50. lacarmina
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 5:51 pm | Permalink

    Brilliant idea for a restaurant.

    I am planning on seeing Nightmare before Xmas in 3D this weekend! It's a film I could watch over and over and over and over…. I hope I can catch the Burton exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.

  51. Chi
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 6:15 pm | Permalink

    under water. :-D
    jungle would also be cool
    you could have like tree houses
    and coffee bushes and those cats that eat coffee beans and then poop them out

  52. Laura
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 6:17 pm | Permalink

    thank you ^___^
    yesss you must see it! I saw it in November 2007 and it was WONDERFUL :D

  53. Laura
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 6:21 pm | Permalink
  54. Anna
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 6:21 pm | Permalink

    “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?”

    I don't know if there'd be a following for this or what, but I'd personally love to go to a Heian-kyo themed restaurant where everyone was dressed in Heian-era Court outfits, having poetry contests, and such. It would be neat for the customer to be able to dress up, sit behind a screen and watch the men dance some of he dances mentioned in Murasaki Shikibu's “Tale of Genji” while eating and drinking.

    Also, I tweeted about your fantastic new book on theme restaurants!! Since I'm going to Japan to work starting in March, I'm really excited to try and check some of these places out! Here's my Twitter:

  55. Kate
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 6:35 pm | Permalink

    I would do a Pan's Labyrinth themed restaurant! Just think…sitting in a giant maze surrounded by fairies and monsters and the Faun himself! The food could be all Spanish dishes and the soundtrack would be lovely.

  56. Ruibarica
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 11:52 pm | Permalink

    How about a restaurant in a maze? It would be fun to have tables every where. If you get lost you could join another table (with a hot guy maybe) or just keep looking for your dinner partner. Of course there would be finger food on your way just in case you cannot find your meal! oh, and a ¨Marie Antoinette¨ atmosphere… mmmmm

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 12:04 am | Permalink

      Hahahahah it seems hot guys are a running theme in the imaginary theme restaurants. ;)
      I’d love to open a Versailles-themed cafe…

  57. leslieelizabeth
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 7:16 pm | Permalink

    My Theme Resturant wouldnt have one theme it would have many! A Cafe where you chose from many themes. The basic parts of the resturant would be all white-on-white, with black floor, and then themed rooms/boths for people to chose and eat in ! Also they would be doted on by a serving cuple of there theme ! Some basic dishes, but mostly desserts/drinks. There would also be staple desserts and drinks for each theme, so you could really feal like you are part of it =]

  58. Ildi
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:12 am | Permalink

    Well, i put 4 ideas in the blog but my top choice would have to be a Carnival/Clown themed! It could be so amazing and for each holiday/season it can be changed a bit here and there to make it match. (Christmas, Halloween, etc.) I love clowns so ya, this is my top choice. I haven’t heard of one yet so perhaps I’ll have to create it! :D
    (actually there is a gay bar type thing in Seattle where its like a ‘Rocky Horror Film’ themed thing where they always have musical performances with women and men in carnival/drag outfits, pretty awsome but no all out clowns) :(

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:14 am | Permalink

      Ahhh your kitty is a similar color to my Basil Farrow! :3
      I am the opposite – I am deathly afraid of clowns! Although I did dress up as a pierrot for one of my Halloween outfits…
      Wow, the next time I’m in Seattle I’ll have to check out the Rocky Horror performance. Sounds like something I’d love.

      • Ildi
        Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:27 am | Permalink

        yes! My kitty is similar color (and size<3) as your Basil! ^ w ^ His name is Chiba!

        Awwwww, sorry to hear you're scared of clowns! :< Ya, many people are…I wonder how popular a clown cafe would be? hmmmm, i'd be curious…in Japan people seem to like clowns so ya.

        ya, you should totally check that place out! :D Its near the Pike Street markets down some stairs, its' pretty easy to find and i'm sure if you asked for directions you'd find it.

  59. Laura
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:37 am | Permalink

    Nightmare Before Christmas cafe! the outside is decorated like Jack’s house, and goes downstairs into an Oogie Boogie’s lair-esque place. From the seats, diners can see through clear glass into the kitchen which looks like Dr. Finklestein’s lab. Waiters are dressed in pinstriped suits and waitresses in patchwork dresses. The taps in the bathroom would be shaped like zero, the place would be constantly playing Danny Elfman and Oingo Boingo. Tables are like caldrons and chairs being pumpkin stools. Projected on the walls and moving are Zero, Jack as Santa Claus and bats so they lok ghostlike. The counter bell would have a scream instead of a ding! and the walls going down the stairs are lined with Shock, Lock and Barrel murals :)

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:51 am | Permalink

      Brilliant idea for a restaurant.

      I am planning on seeing Nightmare before Xmas in 3D this weekend! It’s a film I could watch over and over and over and over…. I hope I can catch the Burton exhibit at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.

  60. Chi
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 2:15 am | Permalink

    under water. :-D
    jungle would also be cool
    you could have like tree houses
    and coffee bushes and those cats that eat coffee beans and then poop them out

  61. Anna
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 2:21 am | Permalink

    “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?”

    I don’t know if there’d be a following for this or what, but I’d personally love to go to a Heian-kyo themed restaurant where everyone was dressed in Heian-era Court outfits, having poetry contests, and such. It would be neat for the customer to be able to dress up, sit behind a screen and watch the men dance some of he dances mentioned in Murasaki Shikibu’s “Tale of Genji” while eating and drinking.

    Also, I tweeted about your fantastic new book on theme restaurants!! Since I’m going to Japan to work starting in March, I’m really excited to try and check some of these places out! Here’s my Twitter:

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 9:18 am | Permalink

      Oooh, how exciting you’ll be in Japan soon! Definitely check out the theme restaurants and Goth/Lolita events. ;)

  62. megan
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 9:21 pm | Permalink

    First, what my theme restaurant would be (It's a bit lame):

    I'm a sucker for all things cute, so my restaurant would have to have all things cute. Everything from the decor–pastels would be king, to the people working there–soft outfits in friendly colors, to the food. So even if you ordered something like a hamburger, it would be heart shaped and the lettuce/ketchup/pickles/etc would be arranged to make a cute face.
    Alternatively, I would have a folky cafe, or a place where you would expect writers like Wilde, Whitman, or Camus to hang out (I mention those three because I have picture of them on my living room wall <3 ).

    Second, here is my blog post about your book:

    I also linked to the book's page on Facebook:

    I don't know if that link will get you to it, but I hope it does. That counts as three entries, right? I don't want to have too many.

    I'd also like to point out that it says that the contest ends on Friday, November 11th—November 11th is a Wednesday. :)

  63. Kate
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 2:35 am | Permalink

    I would do a Pan’s Labyrinth themed restaurant! Just think…sitting in a giant maze surrounded by fairies and monsters and the Faun himself! The food could be all Spanish dishes and the soundtrack would be lovely.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 9:19 am | Permalink

      Ahh and there should be a giant buffet table, like in the scene with the monster… and when you pick a grape, it comes to life! Love it.

  64. Anonymous
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 3:16 am | Permalink

    My Theme Resturant wouldnt have one theme it would have many! A Cafe where you chose from many themes. The basic parts of the resturant would be all white-on-white, with black floor, and then themed rooms/boths for people to chose and eat in ! Also they would be doted on by a serving cuple of there theme ! Some basic dishes, but mostly desserts/drinks. There would also be staple desserts and drinks for each theme, so you could really feal like you are part of it =]

  65. Brie Cante
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 10:43 pm | Permalink

    “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?” My restaurant would be like a freaky circus type of place with lots of themed performers (Cirque Du Soleil daily) and there would even be rides (nothing super fast or upside down because afterall, it is a restaurant) and super cute packaging on the burgers and fries etc… Also, each table would have built in gaming systems and the floors would be clear so there would be a fish pond underneath and make you feel like you were walking on water.
    I am sooo happy I came upon your site. I love all things Japan. I am really into raves and I went to my first Japanese Rave last year (while visiting) and it was amazing. I pretty much love all things featured on your website. I think you may be interested in my Flickr because I posted photos from the Hello Kitty exhibit going on here in Los Angeles, CA. I also design a lot of fetish wear and was a designer for V. Secret and a bunch of other companies but love designing 'theme wear' best!

  66. Brie C.
    Posted November 6, 2009 at 10:50 pm | Permalink

    I forgot to add that the food would be the fun foods that you only find at a carnival such as: funnel cakes and hotdog on a stick, lemonade etc…

  67. megan
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 5:21 am | Permalink

    First, what my theme restaurant would be (It’s a bit lame):

    I’m a sucker for all things cute, so my restaurant would have to have all things cute. Everything from the decor–pastels would be king, to the people working there–soft outfits in friendly colors, to the food. So even if you ordered something like a hamburger, it would be heart shaped and the lettuce/ketchup/pickles/etc would be arranged to make a cute face.
    Alternatively, I would have a folky cafe, or a place where you would expect writers like Wilde, Whitman, or Camus to hang out (I mention those three because I have picture of them on my living room wall <3 ).

    Second, here is my blog post about your book:

    I also linked to the book's page on Facebook:

    I don't know if that link will get you to it, but I hope it does. That counts as three entries, right? I don't want to have too many.

    I'd also like to point out that it says that the contest ends on Friday, November 11th—November 11th is a Wednesday. :)

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 9:20 am | Permalink

      Ahhh, cute things! We love em!
      Thanks for your blog entry – I really appreciate it. And oops – I’ll change the contest end date – thanks for letting me know.

  68. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:18 am | Permalink

    Oooh, how exciting you'll be in Japan soon! Definitely check out the theme restaurants and Goth/Lolita events. ;)

  69. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:19 am | Permalink

    Ahh and there should be a giant buffet table, like in the scene with the monster… and when you pick a grape, it comes to life! Love it.

  70. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:20 am | Permalink

    Ahhh, cute things! We love em!
    Thanks for your blog entry – I really appreciate it. And oops – I'll change the contest end date – thanks for letting me know.

  71. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:22 am | Permalink

    And elephant ears!! Have you ever had those? Basically, fried sugared dough shaped like one of Dumbo's ears.

    I'm so glad you found my site! There are some amazing Goa and cyber parties in Tokyo… check out the Club Guide for more!

  72. MoonFlowerHikari
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:42 am | Permalink

    it would be in a dark romantic style , I should look like an old castle inside,there should me many candles

    Where the waitresses walk around in beautiful old corset Dresses with Venice mask’s^0^

  73. Brie Cante
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 6:43 am | Permalink

    “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?” My restaurant would be like a freaky circus type of place with lots of themed performers (Cirque Du Soleil daily) and there would even be rides (nothing super fast or upside down because afterall, it is a restaurant) and super cute packaging on the burgers and fries etc… Also, each table would have built in gaming systems and the floors would be clear so there would be a fish pond underneath and make you feel like you were walking on water.
    I am sooo happy I came upon your site. I love all things Japan. I am really into raves and I went to my first Japanese Rave last year (while visiting) and it was amazing. I pretty much love all things featured on your website. I think you may be interested in my Flickr because I posted photos from the Hello Kitty exhibit going on here in Los Angeles, CA. I also design a lot of fetish wear and was a designer for V. Secret and a bunch of other companies but love designing ‘theme wear’ best!

  74. Nakayoshia
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 2:23 am | Permalink

    I would love to have an alice in wonderland theme cafe :D

  75. MoonFlowerHikari
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 9:42 am | Permalink

    it would be in a dark romantic style , I should look like an old castle inside,there should me many candles

    Where the waitresses walk around in beautiful old corset Dresses with Venice mask’s^0^

  76. Francisca Hagen
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 5:09 am | Permalink

    Yeah, great idea ;-)

  77. Naka
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 10:23 am | Permalink

    I would love to have an alice in wonderland theme cafe :D

  78. LiTtLe_MiSs_PsYcHo
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 6:37 am | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme restaurant it would be a vampire aristocrat theme and I would be the evil sadistic vampire hostess greeting cute teenage j-rock boys! *squeels* There would be shy yet cunning waitresses guiding you to your table and there would be a endless supply of cocktailes and red wine. The food would be captivating and delicously overwhelming for your taiste buds. There would also be wonderfull portraits and artwork displayed on the walls.

    Here is also a link to my twitter account updating about your awsome book!

  79. Jocelyn Allan Poe
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 7:03 am | Permalink

    If i had a theme restauraunt it would for sure be Visual Kei/Jrock themed (I realize someone already said this but it's just such an amazing idea :D) there could be different not-so-known jrock bands every week and on special occasions bring in some more well known bands :) all of the waiters would be dressed in Visual Kei clothing, the whole buliding would be covered in posters and dim lighting. There would be various corners filled with dark couches and chairs where you can just hang around and discuss fashion, music and everything else Visual Kei while the waiters serve you drinks and food. and when there aren't any bands on stage there'd be huge televisions playing pv's from different vk + even some oshare kei bands (the gazettE, alice nine, malice mizer, dir en grey, versailles, suG, ayabie -the list goes on and on-) It'd be the perfect spot for lovers of vk fashion and music to hang out, meet new friends and over all have a killer time :D

    btw, i tweeted (my user name is technicoloreyez) about your book and told all of my friends :D

  80. LiTtLe_MiSs_PsYcHo
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 2:37 pm | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme restaurant it would be a vampire aristocrat theme and I would be the evil sadistic vampire hostess greeting cute teenage j-rock boys! *squeels* There would be shy yet cunning waitresses guiding you to your table and there would be a endless supply of cocktailes and red wine. The food would be captivating and delicously overwhelming for your taiste buds. There would also be wonderfull portraits and artwork displayed on the walls.

    Here is also a link to my twitter account updating about your awsome book!

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 10:22 pm | Permalink

      Bwaahahahaa! I love the role you created for yourself – dominatrix of cute teen J-rock boys!

  81. Jocelyn Allan Poe
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 3:03 pm | Permalink

    If i had a theme restauraunt it would for sure be Visual Kei/Jrock themed (I realize someone already said this but it’s just such an amazing idea :D) there could be different not-so-known jrock bands every week and on special occasions bring in some more well known bands :) all of the waiters would be dressed in Visual Kei clothing, the whole buliding would be covered in posters and dim lighting. There would be various corners filled with dark couches and chairs where you can just hang around and discuss fashion, music and everything else Visual Kei while the waiters serve you drinks and food. and when there aren’t any bands on stage there’d be huge televisions playing pv’s from different vk + even some oshare kei bands (the gazettE, alice nine, malice mizer, dir en grey, versailles, suG, ayabie -the list goes on and on-) It’d be the perfect spot for lovers of vk fashion and music to hang out, meet new friends and over all have a killer time :D

    btw, i tweeted (my user name is technicoloreyez) about your book and told all of my friends :D

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 10:23 pm | Permalink

      My gosh, that sounds like my dreamland… maybe I should open a J-rock/Visual restaurant/venue. Hmm hmm…. :)

      Thanks for tweeting about the contest!

  82. ♣ 真 ♣ - 「猶人-Cosplayer」
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 12:12 pm | Permalink

    If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?

    it would be ….
    a mix between halloween theme and japanese traditional!
    the Operation people wear kimons with halloween motive!
    and have a scary but beautiful make up!
    the tables and chairs and decoration is like

    but in dark colours and on the walls halloween pictures and gloomy light!
    and we serv experimental cooking!
    mean: when a sausages look like a banana!

    mhm…yes….thats my idear!

  83. chaoticLady
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 12:13 pm | Permalink

    thank you

  84. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 12:13 pm | Permalink

    Experimental cooking and scary beautiful! Sounds like my type of restaurant.

  85. Sami
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 1:32 pm | Permalink

    I love the part where she tries to cut her hair and it grows right back. ^_^
    I would totally love it! Too bad I'm stuck here in America… T_T

  86. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 2:21 pm | Permalink

    Here's to mad tea parties!

  87. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 2:22 pm | Permalink

    Bwaahahahaa! I love the role you created for yourself – dominatrix of cute teen J-rock boys!

  88. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 2:23 pm | Permalink

    My gosh, that sounds like my dreamland… maybe I should open a J-rock/Visual restaurant/venue. Hmm hmm…. :)

    Thanks for tweeting about the contest!

  89. ♣ 真 ♣ - 「猶人-Cosplayer」
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 8:12 pm | Permalink

    If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?

    it would be ….
    a mix between halloween theme and japanese traditional!
    the Operation people wear kimons with halloween motive!
    and have a scary but beautiful make up!
    the tables and chairs and decoration is like

    but in dark colours and on the walls halloween pictures and gloomy light!
    and we serv experimental cooking!
    mean: when a sausages look like a banana!

    mhm…yes….thats my idear!

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 7, 2009 at 8:13 pm | Permalink

      Experimental cooking and scary beautiful! Sounds like my type of restaurant.

  90. Thomas
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 8:36 pm | Permalink

    So my theme restaurant? Dystopian Future

    Combining elements from such books as 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, movies like V for Vendetta, Repo! The Genetic Opera etc.

    Keep it dark (duh) with Telescreens making it impossible not to be noticed. Posters of Big Brother and ads for Victory Cigarettes and Vodka and other Orwellian products. Garbage cans styled after “Memory Holes” some of my 1984 elements.

    Waiters dressed like Deltas and Epsilons (the kahki and black uniforms respectively as described in the books) and the occasional Hypnopædic message or slogan like “Ending is better than mending.” for my Brave New World elements.

    Who could say no to Zydrate shots and some GeneCo ads? Plus it can add to the soundtrack of the restaurant itself, perhaps even our own Blind Mag to perform live.

    I know I skipped some of the works I mentioned, but I'm still running with this idea. I'm tempted to incoporate some Neuromancer elements. I'd like to make an amalgamation of many different sources, but I'd be afraid that depsite the Dystopian theme some elements might clash. I'd want it to look extremely oppressive on one hand, but another part of me wants to make it highlight all the subversive elements from those works.

  91. Samina Spookiness
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 8:36 pm | Permalink

    “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?”

    I'd so run a romantic gypsy-themed restaurant. Lots of candles, violin music, wooden walls with lots of scarves and fabric hangings. The servers would be dressed as Gypsies, and there would be live musicians on a stage playing folk songs, with a fortune teller booth in back. Lots of reds and golds, with bits of green thrown in, and hearty food and drink like thick stews, roasted meats, ales and wines served to tables with long and heavy tablecloths.

  92. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 8:41 pm | Permalink

    Now THAT is a restaurant concept. The Wizard of the Opera theme cafe in Tokyo had a Repo! bar event, but we missed it… And yes to a Blind Mag performer!

  93. lacarmina
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 8:41 pm | Permalink

    How romantic! So perfect for a date. I've never been to a real life fortune teller… I wonder what it would be like!

  94. Thomas
    Posted November 7, 2009 at 9:12 pm | Permalink

    I remember that post! But I've always loved Dystopian visions of the future so combining various elements of it would rock. I was thinking perhaps a mostly concrete structure with fluorescent lighting might give more the oppressive big government feel, but I'd still want it to be fun inside! Like the prison lockup one isn't as dreary as a real life prison woudl be so I'd have to make sure to liven it up. I think a big injection of satire would make it work.

    Bizarrely enough, after typing this I turn on the TV and find a special on the Berlin Wall.

  95. Thomas
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 4:36 am | Permalink

    So my theme restaurant? Dystopian Future

    Combining elements from such books as 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, movies like V for Vendetta, Repo! The Genetic Opera etc.

    Keep it dark (duh) with Telescreens making it impossible not to be noticed. Posters of Big Brother and ads for Victory Cigarettes and Vodka and other Orwellian products. Garbage cans styled after “Memory Holes” some of my 1984 elements.

    Waiters dressed like Deltas and Epsilons (the kahki and black uniforms respectively as described in the books) and the occasional Hypnopædic message or slogan like “Ending is better than mending.” for my Brave New World elements.

    Who could say no to Zydrate shots and some GeneCo ads? Plus it can add to the soundtrack of the restaurant itself, perhaps even our own Blind Mag to perform live.

    I know I skipped some of the works I mentioned, but I’m still running with this idea. I’m tempted to incoporate some Neuromancer elements. I’d like to make an amalgamation of many different sources, but I’d be afraid that depsite the Dystopian theme some elements might clash. I’d want it to look extremely oppressive on one hand, but another part of me wants to make it highlight all the subversive elements from those works.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 8, 2009 at 4:41 am | Permalink

      Now THAT is a restaurant concept. The Wizard of the Opera theme cafe in Tokyo had a Repo! bar event, but we missed it… And yes to a Blind Mag performer!

      • Thomas
        Posted November 8, 2009 at 5:12 am | Permalink

        I remember that post! But I’ve always loved Dystopian visions of the future so combining various elements of it would rock. I was thinking perhaps a mostly concrete structure with fluorescent lighting might give more the oppressive big government feel, but I’d still want it to be fun inside! Like the prison lockup one isn’t as dreary as a real life prison woudl be so I’d have to make sure to liven it up. I think a big injection of satire would make it work.

        Bizarrely enough, after typing this I turn on the TV and find a special on the Berlin Wall.

  96. Samina Spookiness
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 4:36 am | Permalink

    “If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?”

    I’d so run a romantic gypsy-themed restaurant. Lots of candles, violin music, wooden walls with lots of scarves and fabric hangings. The servers would be dressed as Gypsies, and there would be live musicians on a stage playing folk songs, with a fortune teller booth in back. Lots of reds and golds, with bits of green thrown in, and hearty food and drink like thick stews, roasted meats, ales and wines served to tables with long and heavy tablecloths.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 8, 2009 at 4:41 am | Permalink

      How romantic! So perfect for a date. I’ve never been to a real life fortune teller… I wonder what it would be like!

  97. candyc
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 11:04 am | Permalink

    Theme: chef d'oeuvre!
    Waitresses: Mona Lisa, Girl with Pearl Earring, Lempicka, Louise Bourgeois, O'Keefe etc.
    Waiters: Monet, Picasso, Chagall, Dali, etc.
    Decor: Paintings everywhere + real people painted to look like sculptures!

  98. lacarmina
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 11:46 am | Permalink

    Charming! Maybe the food could look like the paintings too — or have an artistic element, such as painting with a brush!

  99. naomipine
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 11:57 am | Permalink

    I think my favourite theme would be

    The Victorian Circus underneath Versailles.

    You'd be led through a hall of mirrors to a spiral staircase. When you got down you'd be taken into gilded birdcages around a sand stage and sat side saddle (or astride dependant on your sex) on carousel horses decorated with striped cushions. You'd eat off hanging silver trays and be waited on by corsetted ladies in wigs, full skirts,tutus, boots, masks and feathers, gentlemen in wigs and lace and the head waiter would be dressed in a ringasters outfit. Whilst you eat your meal of delicate fancies and enchanting cocktails acrobats, dancers, jugglers and white horses would entertain you.

    I blogged on my blogspot

  100. lacarmina
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 12:09 pm | Permalink

    Sigh, if only real life were like this…. ;)
    Thank you for the blog entry :)

  101. Shimmerychick
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 12:40 pm | Permalink
  102. Shimmerychick
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 12:47 pm | Permalink

    If You had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?
    Mine would be a restaurant submerged by water with the theme of 007(James Bond). The restaurant would be out in the ocean and you have to take a boat to the entrance and take an elevator that submerges you below sea level. Upon the dramatic entrance door rising upward, you are surrounded (360deg) by fish and authentic oceanic life.. the restaurant would have imaginary electronic doors and lots of gadgets to immerse yourself in all things Bond (gun ray detonator…just a laser, but still…) mixed in with an ultra sleek interior featuring laminate furniture contructed by my favorite designer: Karim Rashid. Slicked back haired waiters in full tux's and hot women in 1960s cocktail garb would be at your service for the duration of your stay (something for both sexes). Upstairs, after dining, guests would be treated to a desert and bar also serving as an observation deck with dauntingly sophisticated ensemble of steel cladding and huge glass windows that opens out on to a spectacular open-air stage. You can envision the drama as arch-villian meets you (stand in James Bond) for a full shootout.

  103. Anonymous
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 7:04 pm | Permalink

    Theme: chef d’oeuvre!
    Waitresses: Mona Lisa, Girl with Pearl Earring, Lempicka, Louise Bourgeois, O’Keefe etc.
    Waiters: Monet, Picasso, Chagall, Dali, etc.
    Decor: Paintings everywhere + real people painted to look like sculptures!

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 8, 2009 at 7:46 pm | Permalink

      Charming! Maybe the food could look like the paintings too — or have an artistic element, such as painting with a brush!

  104. Anonymous
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 7:57 pm | Permalink

    I think my favourite theme would be

    The Victorian Circus underneath Versailles.

    You’d be led through a hall of mirrors to a spiral staircase. When you got down you’d be taken into gilded birdcages around a sand stage and sat side saddle (or astride dependant on your sex) on carousel horses decorated with striped cushions. You’d eat off hanging silver trays and be waited on by corsetted ladies in wigs, full skirts,tutus, boots, masks and feathers, gentlemen in wigs and lace and the head waiter would be dressed in a ringasters outfit. Whilst you eat your meal of delicate fancies and enchanting cocktails acrobats, dancers, jugglers and white horses would entertain you.

    I blogged on my blogspot

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 8, 2009 at 8:09 pm | Permalink

      Sigh, if only real life were like this…. ;)
      Thank you for the blog entry :)

  105. Anonymous
    Posted November 8, 2009 at 8:47 pm | Permalink

    If You had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?Mine would be a restaurant submerged by water with the theme of 007(James Bond). The restaurant would be out in the ocean and you have to take a boat to the entrance and take an elevator that submerges you below sea level. Upon the dramatic entrance door rising upward, you are surrounded (360deg) by fish and authentic oceanic life.. the restaurant would have imaginary electronic doors and lots of gadgets to immerse yourself in all things Bond (gun ray detonator…just a laser, but still…) mixed in with an ultra sleek interior featuring laminate furniture contructed by my favorite designer: Karim Rashid. Slicked back haired waiters in full tux’s and hot women in 1960s cocktail garb would be at your service for the duration of your stay (something for both sexes). Upstairs, after dining, guests would be treated to a desert bar with full liquor offerings from the basic to the sublime) also serving as an observation deck with dauntingly sophisticated ensemble of steel cladding and huge glass windows that opens out on to a spectacular open-air stage. You can envision the drama as arch-villian meets you (stand in James Bond) for a full shootout. I am Bries’ friend from Australia and visiting from San Francisco (in LA). We love the visual kei and Harijuku vintage style. I hope you don’t mind I wrote this via her profile but I didn’t bring my laptop with me. I design for Esprit (not quite Lolita wear) and Brie and I do a lot of fetish and the like/fetish ball is coming up so we are working on the host and hostesses outfits). Very happy to learn of your site (thanks for sharing your amazing photos and information with us!) Brie and I will post your link to our Facebook.

  106. lacarmina
    Posted November 9, 2009 at 12:45 am | Permalink

    Thank you to you and Brie — it's a pleasure to meet you! Keep me posted on your fetish design and events. :)

    I've seen every single Bond movie because my dad is a fan. I love the idea of vintage costumes and participatory action scenes! XD

  107. lucydiamond70
    Posted November 9, 2009 at 5:20 am | Permalink

    I would love to open a cafe/restaurant themed as a fahhbulous Marie Antoinette decadent atmosphere. It would have all sorts of sweets, teas and yummy foods. As entertainment I would give space for avant garde artists that under the theme could create plays, expositions, films, performances, music, etc. according to the neo-rococo galore~!~! Greetings from Puerto Rico!!

  108. Anonymous
    Posted November 9, 2009 at 1:20 pm | Permalink

    I would love to open a cafe/restaurant themed as a fahhbulous Marie Antoinette decadent atmosphere. It would have all sorts of sweets, teas and yummy foods. As entertainment I would give space for avant garde artists that under the theme could create plays, expositions, films, performances, music, etc. according to the neo-rococo galore~!~! Greetings from Puerto Rico!!

  109. lacarmina
    Posted November 9, 2009 at 1:04 pm | Permalink

    Greetings to you from me and Basil! :) Fab idea!

  110. Polina
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 8:16 am | Permalink

    My own theme restaurant would be an enchanted forest. Inside there would be trees and flowers and a river with a small wooden bridge. It would be filled with elves and fairies and the tables would be on the grass, under the trees. The food would be enchanted too as the waitors would sprinkle fairydust on every plate!! But the most dangerous place in the restaurant would be the cave where the dragon would sleep…

  111. Polina
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 4:16 pm | Permalink

    My own theme restaurant would be an enchanted forest. Inside there would be trees and flowers and a river with a small wooden bridge. It would be filled with elves and fairies and the tables would be on the grass, under the trees. The food would be enchanted too as the waitors would sprinkle fairydust on every plate!! But the most dangerous place in the restaurant would be the cave where the dragon would sleep…

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 4:52 am | Permalink

      Magical! I’d totally peek into the cave… even though I might regret it later ;)

  112. hkl
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 1:15 pm | Permalink

    Pick me for the book! Pick me! :)

  113. hkl
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 1:17 pm | Permalink

    I would open a Goth like Hello Kitty restaraunt.

  114. Sheena C.
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 1:36 pm | Permalink

    You have been blogged!

  115. Bill
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 1:52 pm | Permalink

    I d open a restaurant with a cozy and warm “home” feeling and menu. Everything you d expect your mom to cook for you would be there along with the decoration you would find in an everyday home

  116. ChaoticLady
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 2:40 pm | Permalink

    If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?

    ok probaly it would themed the same like i have post on myspace^^

    it would maybe themed byblack and white, god and evil, good ones and bad ones…..good fairys and dark fairys^^….

    but a resurant themed with the beauty and the biest would be great too…and oh well this include the good and bad too hahaha^^….

    last day i have talk with a friend…and so i get the idea for an resurant with the theme masquerade:)
    because live is mostly a masquerade…and u never know what behind it…a good, real person or a bad one^^

  117. Anonymous
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 9:15 pm | Permalink

    Pick me for the book! Pick me! :)

  118. Anonymous
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 9:17 pm | Permalink

    I would open a Goth like Hello Kitty restaraunt.

  119. Sheena C.
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 9:36 pm | Permalink

    You have been blogged!

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 4:53 am | Permalink

      Thank you for the lovely post! You have a great blog.

  120. Bill
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 9:52 pm | Permalink

    I d open a restaurant with a cozy and warm “home” feeling and menu. Everything you d expect your mom to cook for you would be there along with the decoration you would find in an everyday home

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 4:53 am | Permalink

      Awww we definitely need more restaurants like that out there.

  121. ChaoticLady
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 10:40 pm | Permalink

    If you had to open your own theme restaurant, what would it be?

    ok probaly it would themed the same like i have post on myspace^^

    it would maybe themed byblack and white, god and evil, good ones and bad ones…..good fairys and dark fairys^^….

    but a resurant themed with the beauty and the biest would be great too…and oh well this include the good and bad too hahaha^^….

    last day i have talk with a friend…and so i get the idea for an resurant with the theme masquerade:)
    because live is mostly a masquerade…and u never know what behind it…a good, real person or a bad one^^

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 4:54 am | Permalink

      Aha good and bad is a wonderful theme! You are very right — I’m learning that it’s hard to know people, even after years…

  122. Marilu Jara
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 6:42 pm | Permalink

    Mmmm maybe a brazilian cafee filled with waiters doing capoeira on top of the tables and offering a lot of exotic beverages with a carnaval de rio feeling, i dont know, maybe even some hairy guy with funny teeth dribbling a ball xD

  123. lacarmina
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 8:52 pm | Permalink

    Magical! I'd totally peek into the cave… even though I might regret it later ;)

  124. lacarmina
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 8:53 pm | Permalink

    Thank you for the lovely post! You have a great blog.

  125. lacarmina
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 8:53 pm | Permalink

    Awww we definitely need more restaurants like that out there.

  126. lacarmina
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 8:54 pm | Permalink

    Aha good and bad is a wonderful theme! You are very right — I'm learning that it's hard to know people, even after years…

  127. lacarmina
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 8:56 pm | Permalink

    Hahahah I LOL-ed so hard at the last sentence!

  128. Marilu Jara
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 2:42 am | Permalink

    Mmmm maybe a brazilian cafee filled with waiters doing capoeira on top of the tables and offering a lot of exotic beverages with a carnaval de rio feeling, i dont know, maybe even some hairy guy with funny teeth dribbling a ball xD

  129. Jenna
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 10:55 pm | Permalink

    If I was to open a theme restarant it would be a Lolita Witch Cafe! I love anything of Lolita nature and think that witches are pretty cool and I love dressing up as them. There would be both cute and scary costumes and lot's of magical dishes to be served. The decor would be Halloween themed all year round. It would be a wonderful little Cafe.

  130. Jenna
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 11:00 pm | Permalink

    Another I idea I had for a cafe is a Wonderland Cafe. The waiters and waitresses would be dressed as different characters from Alice in wonderland and Through the looking glass. There would be several rooms each designed to look like one of the many settings in the books. The food would be that which would be served at a classic english tea party in honour of the proper british girl that Alice was. It would reflect the cuteness and strange atmosphere that the books have.

  131. yuu kyori
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 11:27 pm | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme restaurant, it would be a fortune telling/occult restaurant. The room would be a little dark and the ceiling would have star constellations that glow. In the center of all the tables, there would be a crystal ball. Foods like tarot card-looking cakes would be served on Ouija board plates and the waiters would wear black robes and serve the tables. If the customers want, the waiters would would also give them a palm reading.

  132. yuu kyori
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 11:41 pm | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme restaurant, it would be a winter wonderland theme. The waiters would dress up as either penguins, polar bears, or elves. The customers would sit on white iceberg-looking chairs. Foods served would be cold like ice cream, shaved ice and other stuff. Sometimes Santa could pop out to see or serve the customers.

  133. yuu kyori
    Posted November 10, 2009 at 11:53 pm | Permalink

    Here is my tweet:

  134. yuu kyori
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 12:59 am | Permalink
  135. Jenna
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 6:55 am | Permalink

    If I was to open a theme restarant it would be a Lolita Witch Cafe! I love anything of Lolita nature and think that witches are pretty cool and I love dressing up as them. There would be both cute and scary costumes and lot’s of magical dishes to be served. The decor would be Halloween themed all year round. It would be a wonderful little Cafe.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:58 pm | Permalink

      I’ve seen some adorable Lolitas in Japan who wear tiny witch hats on their heads… so cute!

  136. Jenna
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:00 am | Permalink

    Another I idea I had for a cafe is a Wonderland Cafe. The waiters and waitresses would be dressed as different characters from Alice in wonderland and Through the looking glass. There would be several rooms each designed to look like one of the many settings in the books. The food would be that which would be served at a classic english tea party in honour of the proper british girl that Alice was. It would reflect the cuteness and strange atmosphere that the books have.

  137. yuu kyori
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:27 am | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme restaurant, it would be a fortune telling/occult restaurant. The room would be a little dark and the ceiling would have star constellations that glow. In the center of all the tables, there would be a crystal ball. Foods like tarot card-looking cakes would be served on Ouija board plates and the waiters would wear black robes and serve the tables. If the customers want, the waiters would would also give them a palm reading.

  138. Francisca Hagen
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 2:37 am | Permalink

    BTW, I put a blog online

  139. yuu kyori
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:41 am | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme restaurant, it would be a winter wonderland theme. The waiters would dress up as either penguins, polar bears, or elves. The customers would sit on white iceberg-looking chairs. Foods served would be cold like ice cream, shaved ice and other stuff. Sometimes Santa could pop out to see or serve the customers.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:59 pm | Permalink

      How cute! They can serve the Polar Bear meringues and Gingerbread penguins from my Cute Yummy Time cookbook!

  140. vishae
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 5:09 am | Permalink

    If I were to open a themed restaurant, I would base it on Jim Henson and George Lucas' “Labyrinth”.

    The restaurant would be separated into areas corresponding to the different parts of the Labyrinth. The entry way would be based off the never-ending corridors at the start of the movie; dark and gloomy with the little worm and finger-eye growth coming out of the side of the wall (…).

    This would open out into different parts of the Labyrinth:

    The garden area (where Sarah met the old man with the bird-hat) with filigree garden tables placed on cream coloured pavings, each table separated by waist high shrubbery like a mini labyrinth (…).

    The jungle area (where Sarah met the Fireys) with tables set under huge trees with vines dangling down and the Fireys pulling off their heads.

    The ballroom scene (my favourite) with the white canopy ceiling and huge chandeliers in the middle of the room ( Like Waltzqueen's “Reverse Gravity” theme at the top of the list of comments, there would be some furniture hanging in mid-air in this section of the restaurant, for the part when Sarah broke the bubble and destroyed the ballroom (if people haven't watched the movie, I'm sorry if this sounds confusing).

    Then there's the M.C. Escher room with stairways built on the walls and on the ceilings (…).

    And finally, the bathrooms would be made out like the Bog of Eternal Stench (…)

    Hmm… got side-tracked looking through Labyrinth websites in search for pics…

    My tweet:
    My Facebook entry (I don't know how you can check this though):

  141. Francisca Hagen
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 10:37 am | Permalink

    BTW, I put a blog online

  142. Anonymous
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 1:09 pm | Permalink

    If I were to open a themed restaurant, I would base it on Jim Henson and George Lucas’ “Labyrinth”.

    The restaurant would be separated into areas corresponding to the different parts of the Labyrinth. The entry way would be based off the never-ending corridors at the start of the movie; dark and gloomy with the little worm and finger-eye growth coming out of the side of the wall (

    This would open out into different parts of the Labyrinth:

    The garden area (where Sarah met the old man with the bird-hat) with filigree garden tables placed on cream coloured pavings, each table separated by waist high shrubbery like a mini labyrinth (

    The jungle area (where Sarah met the Fireys) with tables set under huge trees with vines dangling down and the Fireys pulling off their heads.

    The ballroom scene (my favourite) with the white canopy ceiling and huge chandeliers in the middle of the room ( Like Waltzqueen’s “Reverse Gravity” theme at the top of the list of comments, there would be some furniture hanging in mid-air in this section of the restaurant, for the part when Sarah broke the bubble and destroyed the ballroom (if people haven’t watched the movie, I’m sorry if this sounds confusing).

    Then there’s the M.C. Escher room with stairways built on the walls and on the ceilings (

    And finally, the bathrooms would be made out like the Bog of Eternal Stench (

    Hmm… got side-tracked looking through Labyrinth websites in search for pics…

    My tweet:
    My Facebook entry (I don’t know how you can check this though):

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 8:00 pm | Permalink

      WOW. These photos – amazing! I can’t believe I haven’t seen this film. Adding it to my list now.

  143. angeloftears
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 10:18 am | Permalink

    Two words: Sexy Angels. Super cute/hot androgynes (mostly male) dressed up in stylized angel costumes- tattered, all white and with gorgeous layered and touseled hair- and GIANT wings ala Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. The room would be heavenly blue swirled walls with gold accents and the most comfy white couches imaginable. The food would have to be dainty desserts that taste of air and spring blossoms and delicious teas.
    But this is only sometimes.
    At night, on special occasions, it would become the Fallen Angel cafe! Everyone in black tattered outfit and some black leather bondage wear. Wings alternate between dark colours of wine, blood red, navy blue, forest green, charcoal gray, amethyst purple and black; as well, sometimes bat wings. Red walls and black splattered silver trim and accents (obviously, this would all have to happen in an alternate room from the first one) with only leather chairs and chairs that look like medieval torture devices. Much dark wine and absinthe MUST be served. Dark and red coloured foods that has a warm, freshly killed (or even still alive) feel in your mouth.
    Even if I can't open this cafe, I want the outfits!

  144. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 11:58 am | Permalink

    I've seen some adorable Lolitas in Japan who wear tiny witch hats on their heads… so cute!

  145. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 11:59 am | Permalink

    I remember playing with Ouija boards in my childhood! I once rigged a skull to fall from the ceiling at the crucial moment, on top of everyone playing the game… it freaked them out. Mwaahaha!

  146. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 11:59 am | Permalink

    How cute! They can serve the Polar Bear meringues and Gingerbread penguins from my Cute Yummy Time cookbook!

  147. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 11:59 am | Permalink

    Thanks so much!

  148. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 11:59 am | Permalink

    Beautiful – thank you!

  149. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 12:00 pm | Permalink

    WOW. These photos – amazing! I can't believe I haven't seen this film. Adding it to my list now.

  150. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 12:01 pm | Permalink

    androgynes (mostly male) = you said the magic words! ;)

    Torture and dark wine and absinthe — ahhh yes ahh yesss!!

  151. Sami
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 12:58 pm | Permalink

    I would love to have this restaurant- It looks like a grove of trees, but when you climb into one, there are seats and tables for a tea party. I'd call it Treetop Cafe or something. And the ceiling would be painted like a sky, in the day it would be blue with big fluffy clouds and at night it would be dark with blacklights for stars. The tables and chairs would look like they grew from the tree, and you'd get your food through a tray on a pulley. (And hopefully all the cute goth boys would come too ^_^)

  152. Anonymous
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 6:18 pm | Permalink

    Two words: Sexy Angels. Super cute/hot androgynes (mostly male) dressed up in stylized angel costumes- tattered, all white and with gorgeous layered and touseled hair- and GIANT wings ala Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. The room would be heavenly blue swirled walls with gold accents and the most comfy white couches imaginable. The food would have to be dainty desserts that taste of air and spring blossoms and delicious teas.
    But this is only sometimes.
    At night, on special occasions, it would become the Fallen Angel cafe! Everyone in black tattered outfit and some black leather bondage wear. Wings alternate between dark colours of wine, blood red, navy blue, forest green, charcoal gray, amethyst purple and black; as well, sometimes bat wings. Red walls and black splattered silver trim and accents (obviously, this would all have to happen in an alternate room from the first one) with only leather chairs and chairs that look like medieval torture devices. Much dark wine and absinthe MUST be served. Dark and red coloured foods that has a warm, freshly killed (or even still alive) feel in your mouth.
    Even if I can’t open this cafe, I want the outfits!

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 8:01 pm | Permalink

      androgynes (mostly male) = you said the magic words! ;)

      Torture and dark wine and absinthe — ahhh yes ahh yesss!!

  153. Maribel Made
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 1:30 pm | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme restaurant it would have to be a sock monkey themed restaurant! This wacky restaurant would be staffed by people and their sock monkeys pets. You’d be able to choose from a variety of sock monkeys to wait on you and your group depending on your mood and taste for the evening since each sock monkey would be dressed in a different style of clothes, which would match the waitress’s or waiters outfit! I would personally choose a kimono sock monkey or day of the dead sock monkey. I would also display books, artwork, fashion and interior design specifically related to sock monkeys.

    Some of the things you could possibly see in my restaurant would be:
    Rebecca Yaker’s sock monkey dresses (my favorite being the couture dress)
    Super Sammy, one of the world’s largest sock monkey
    And who could forget real monkeys! Snow monkeys. :)

    Now that would be my kind of wacky theme restaurant!

  154. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 1:34 pm | Permalink

    Every theme (dream?) restaurant needs to incorporate the cute young Goth boys somewhere! ;)

  155. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 1:36 pm | Permalink

    Your blog is too cute! I published Cute Yummy Time under Perigee/Penguin, which specializes in crafts — especially softies and sock animals! I'm sure you know of Sock & Glove:

    Thanks for the blog post :)

  156. Tsuki_Keh_Ki
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 1:43 pm | Permalink

    Okay, mine would be a little complicated to do but if I were to open my own theme cafe I think I would have to do a Sewing Loli Cafe.

    The waitors and waitresses would come out in lolita garb, of all styles and greet you in character to how they're dressed (Like a cute Aristo-Loli would bow or curtsie or kiss your hand). Depending on what style you choose as your favorite style of lolita you would be taken in to a room of that style. Each room would have to be a decent size like a hall and be decorated in such to add atmosphere with a small band of musicians to accompany.

    Princess Lolis would be taken to a pink room with decorations like Hello Kitty, tiaras, tea sets to match, thrones, and chesire cats from Alice in Wonderland(With a bit of pearl white wallpaper this room could also suit the Aristocrat Lolis and Sweet Roccoco as well).

    A darker atmosphere would be supplied for the Goth and Guro Lolis, with skulls, vines, and candles everywhere pictures of Edgar Allan Poe and such. After you order your meal while you waited you would be given the opportunety to create an accesory of your choice (hats, necklaces, head-dresses, the list could go on!) This would happen at a buffet like table and of course a staff would be there to assist in the merry-making!

    okay so…I think I went overboard just a bit but this is how I would do it! ^_^

  157. alicebello
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 2:27 pm | Permalink

    Hmm. If I had to open up a Theme Restaurant, It would have a Goth Cathedral theme. Like Malice Mizer's Bara no Seidou live and Versailles's Aristocrat's Symphony PV! It would look like a giant gothic cathedral on the outside with stunning architecture! On the inside it would be dimly lit, with Chandeliers and other gothic light fixtures are hung throughout the main room as well as the side areas. Gargoyles and stained glass windows would decorate the walls, along with many images of dark, gothic angels and cherubs. There would be no electric lighting with the exception of a flash of lightning every now and then,everything would be lit be candelight. The seats would look like the pews in a church, and you would drink from chalices and plates like the ones you use at communion in Catholic Churches. I don't know what the menu would be like.. Bloody Marys? Hahahha =).

  158. Jenna
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 2:37 pm | Permalink

    I'd open a candy-themed restaurant. Everything gleaming and edible from the walls to the furniture to the food itself. Sort of Hansel and Gretal without anyone being cooked in an oven. Unless they ask nicely..!

  159. Jenna
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 2:38 pm | Permalink

    Tweeted here

  160. Jenna
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 2:39 pm | Permalink
  161. Sami
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 8:58 pm | Permalink

    I would love to have this restaurant- It looks like a grove of trees, but when you climb into one, there are seats and tables for a tea party. I’d call it Treetop Cafe or something. And the ceiling would be painted like a sky, in the day it would be blue with big fluffy clouds and at night it would be dark with blacklights for stars. The tables and chairs would look like they grew from the tree, and you’d get your food through a tray on a pulley. (And hopefully all the cute goth boys would come too ^_^)

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 11, 2009 at 9:34 pm | Permalink

      Every theme (dream?) restaurant needs to incorporate the cute young Goth boys somewhere! ;)

      • Sami
        Posted November 12, 2009 at 5:19 am | Permalink

        Of course! What would be the point of a restaurant without them?
        Oh! And the menu would be on the leaves. ^^

  162. Maribel Made
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 9:30 pm | Permalink

    If I were to open a theme restaurant it would have to be a sock monkey themed restaurant! This wacky restaurant would be staffed by people and their sock monkeys pets. You’d be able to choose from a variety of sock monkeys to wait on you and your group depending on your mood and taste for the evening since each sock monkey would be dressed in a different style of clothes, which would match the waitress’s or waiters outfit! I would personally choose a kimono sock monkey or day of the dead sock monkey. I would also display books, artwork, fashion and interior design specifically related to sock monkeys.

    Some of the things you could possibly see in my restaurant would be:
    Rebecca Yaker’s sock monkey dresses (my favorite being the couture dress)
    Super Sammy, one of the world’s largest sock monkey
    And who could forget real monkeys! Snow monkeys. :)

    Now that would be my kind of wacky theme restaurant!

  163. Tsuki_Keh_Ki
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 9:43 pm | Permalink

    Okay, mine would be a little complicated to do but if I were to open my own theme cafe I think I would have to do a Sewing Loli Cafe.

    The waitors and waitresses would come out in lolita garb, of all styles and greet you in character to how they’re dressed (Like a cute Aristo-Loli would bow or curtsie or kiss your hand). Depending on what style you choose as your favorite style of lolita you would be taken in to a room of that style. Each room would have to be a decent size like a hall and be decorated in such to add atmosphere with a small band of musicians to accompany.

    Princess Lolis would be taken to a pink room with decorations like Hello Kitty, tiaras, tea sets to match, thrones, and chesire cats from Alice in Wonderland(With a bit of pearl white wallpaper this room could also suit the Aristocrat Lolis and Sweet Roccoco as well).

    A darker atmosphere would be supplied for the Goth and Guro Lolis, with skulls, vines, and candles everywhere pictures of Edgar Allan Poe and such. After you order your meal while you waited you would be given the opportunety to create an accesory of your choice (hats, necklaces, head-dresses, the list could go on!) This would happen at a buffet like table and of course a staff would be there to assist in the merry-making!

    okay so…I think I went overboard just a bit but this is how I would do it! ^_^

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 12, 2009 at 3:55 am | Permalink

      That… is the ultimate birthday party setting, I’d say! A great idea, actually… maybe I should throw a sewing party… hm hm!

  164. Maribel Made
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 4:50 pm | Permalink

    I actually saw Sock & Glove very recently at the Kinokuniya Bookstore here in Seattle. Thanks for sending me your blog post on it. Yay for socks!

  165. speedtracer
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 4:52 pm | Permalink

    I'm kind of in a Christmas mood right now because I was listening to L'Arc en Ciel's “Hurry Xmas” so I'd have to say that I'd open up a winter themed restaurant. One section of the restaurant would have a cool snowy feel to it with icicle chandeliers and mini ice sculptures for centerpieces. There'd also be tall pine trees and big sleighs that groups of people can sit in and enjoy their meals. The servers would be dressed in cute light blue and silver outfits and wear elf ears, but there would be at least two servers in polar bear themed outfits. The concierge would be in a penguin themed outfit. The rest of the establishment would have a warmer cozy feel to it and be decorated in deep red, green, and gold. It would invoke that feeling of staying up late on Christmas Eve. There'd be a big oak fireplace with stockings and ornate tables and chairs. There'd also be a toy train that traveled along a ledge on the wall that brought you little goodies to snack on. The servers would also be dressed as elves.

  166. Anonymous
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 10:27 pm | Permalink

    Hmm. If I had to open up a Theme Restaurant, It would have a Goth Cathedral theme. Like Malice Mizer’s Bara no Seidou live and Versailles’s Aristocrat’s Symphony PV! It would look like a giant gothic cathedral on the outside with stunning architecture! On the inside it would be dimly lit, with Chandeliers and other gothic light fixtures are hung throughout the main room as well as the side areas. Gargoyles and stained glass windows would decorate the walls, along with many images of dark, gothic angels and cherubs. There would be no electric lighting with the exception of a flash of lightning every now and then,everything would be lit be candelight. The seats would look like the pews in a church, and you would drink from chalices and plates like the ones you use at communion in Catholic Churches. I don’t know what the menu would be like.. Bloody Marys? Hahahha =).

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 12, 2009 at 3:55 am | Permalink

      Ohhhh wow… like a darker Rococo version of Christon Cafe! Thanks again for interviewing me for your site.

  167. Jenna
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 10:37 pm | Permalink

    I’d open a candy-themed restaurant. Everything gleaming and edible from the walls to the furniture to the food itself. Sort of Hansel and Gretal without anyone being cooked in an oven. Unless they ask nicely..!

  168. Jenna
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 10:38 pm | Permalink

    Tweeted here

  169. Jenna
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 10:39 pm | Permalink
  170. speedtracer
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 12:52 am | Permalink

    I’m kind of in a Christmas mood right now because I was listening to L’Arc en Ciel’s “Hurry Xmas” so I’d have to say that I’d open up a winter themed restaurant. One section of the restaurant would have a cool snowy feel to it with icicle chandeliers and mini ice sculptures for centerpieces. There’d also be tall pine trees and big sleighs that groups of people can sit in and enjoy their meals. The servers would be dressed in cute light blue and silver outfits and wear elf ears, but there would be at least two servers in polar bear themed outfits. The concierge would be in a penguin themed outfit. The rest of the establishment would have a warmer cozy feel to it and be decorated in deep red, green, and gold. It would invoke that feeling of staying up late on Christmas Eve. There’d be a big oak fireplace with stockings and ornate tables and chairs. There’d also be a toy train that traveled along a ledge on the wall that brought you little goodies to snack on. The servers would also be dressed as elves.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 12, 2009 at 3:53 am | Permalink

      How cute — penguin concierges!
      Funny — the Princess Heart theme restaurant wanted to incorporate dwarves for Snow White… so they put GARDEN GNOMES around the entrance! Close, but no cigar. ;)

  171. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:53 pm | Permalink

    How cute — penguin concierges!
    Funny — the Princess Heart theme restaurant wanted to incorporate dwarves for Snow White… so they put GARDEN GNOMES around the entrance! Close, but no cigar. ;)

  172. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:54 pm | Permalink

    It's a great book — charming throughout!

  173. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:54 pm | Permalink

    Thank you darling!

  174. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:55 pm | Permalink

    Ohhhh wow… like a darker Rococo version of Christon Cafe! Thanks again for interviewing me for your site.

  175. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 7:55 pm | Permalink

    That… is the ultimate birthday party setting, I'd say! A great idea, actually… maybe I should throw a sewing party… hm hm!

  176. Shimmerychick
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 9:18 pm | Permalink

    Hi Carmina-
    I linked you to my Facebook: Brie Cante I love this girls style and she is superinteresting…yes, she is from Japan….of course!… 1 OF 5 SIGNED COPIES OF LA CARMINA’S BOOK, CRAZY WACKY THEME RESTAURANTS TOKYO! CONTEST FOR AUTO
    This year’s Halloween was a bloodfest and I’m not ready to put away the fangs. So Mark Batty Publisher and I are giving away FIVE copies of my new

    2 minutes ago · Comment · Like / Unlike · Share

  177. Sami
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 9:19 pm | Permalink

    Of course! What would be the point of a restaurant without them?
    Oh! And the menu would be on the leaves. ^^

  178. lacarmina
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 9:21 pm | Permalink

    Thank you for the post! Sorry the comment got held in spam — it's posted now :)

  179. Jen
    Posted November 11, 2009 at 11:02 pm | Permalink

    It's funny that you ask such a question because I've been telling people about how I want to open a theme restaurant. The premise is based on a story of a mysterious, aristocratic boy who lives in a mansion with a staff of supernatural humans and creatures. His butler is a demon (yes my idea was inspired by Kuroshitsuji) who has the power to travel through time and space. After every trip, he throws a party inspired by the place or time period he visited. The restaurant itself is an elegant Neo Victorian maid/butler (crossdressing types included) cafe by day and a decadent gothic restaurant and bar with cosplay days by night. Not only will the staff dress in a myriad of costumes (including schoolgirls and schoolboys, pirates, ninjas, 80s punk rockers, and characters from popular books, movies, and TV shows), there will be live performances and dancing on bartops. I encourage my staff to utilize whatever talent they may have (like in my case, piano and bellydancing).

    My goal for this dream restaurant is to provide customers with quality service and good food, but also a chance to escape from their humdrum routine to a fantasy world. I don't want anybody to feel weird if they come alone so the butlers and maids are available for conversation sort of like hosts, and we'll have both the proper types and the naughty ones that give you sass.

    I go into more detail on my restaurant and how I got the idea in my blog, along with a short promo for Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants:

  180. Jen
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 7:02 am | Permalink

    It’s funny that you ask such a question because I’ve been telling people about how I want to open a theme restaurant. The premise is based on a story of a mysterious, aristocratic boy who lives in a mansion with a staff of supernatural humans and creatures. His butler is a demon (yes my idea was inspired by Kuroshitsuji) who has the power to travel through time and space. After every trip, he throws a party inspired by the place or time period he visited. The restaurant itself is an elegant Neo Victorian maid/butler (crossdressing types included) cafe by day and a decadent gothic restaurant and bar with cosplay days by night. Not only will the staff dress in a myriad of costumes (including schoolgirls and schoolboys, pirates, ninjas, 80s punk rockers, and characters from popular books, movies, and TV shows), there will be live performances and dancing on bartops. I encourage my staff to utilize whatever talent they may have (like in my case, piano and bellydancing).

    My goal for this dream restaurant is to provide customers with quality service and good food, but also a chance to escape from their humdrum routine to a fantasy world. I don’t want anybody to feel weird if they come alone so the butlers and maids are available for conversation sort of like hosts, and we’ll have both the proper types and the naughty ones that give you sass.

    I go into more detail on my restaurant and how I got the idea in my blog, along with a short promo for Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants:

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 12, 2009 at 9:51 pm | Permalink

      I really enjoy your writing style — thank you for the blog writeup. I must admit I’m loving this idea, and who wouldn’t want to be a mysterious aristocrat boy in a mansion of creatures? I want my life to be as close to that as possible, haha! Keep me updated on your dream theme restaurant; who knows, it could become a reality.

      • Jen
        Posted November 14, 2009 at 2:25 am | Permalink

        Thanks! When I was younger, my mom would call me a princess in Chinese to tease me over how spoiled I was/am. My brother would correct her and call me “lord” because I was such a tomboy. I suppose I proved him right after I discovered ouji/kodona fashion. ^_^

  181. Eremi
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 3:36 am | Permalink

    I've always thought the idea of a dictators-themed restaurant would be interesting. It's in terrible taste, I know, but I imagined lots of kitschy memorabilia and pictures of famous 20th Century dictators like Stalin, Idi Amin, etc.

  182. Eremi
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 11:36 am | Permalink

    I’ve always thought the idea of a dictators-themed restaurant would be interesting. It’s in terrible taste, I know, but I imagined lots of kitschy memorabilia and pictures of famous 20th Century dictators like Stalin, Idi Amin, etc.

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 12, 2009 at 9:48 pm | Permalink

      Hahahahaahah! Oh my dear, you would go nuts for the jail-themed restaurant in Taipei, which had a Gas Chamber bathroom and a mural of concentration camp victims (until someone complained…)
      Thanks for the entry!

  183. Tsuki_Keh_Ki
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 8:52 am | Permalink
  184. Tsuki_Keh_Ki
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 4:52 pm | Permalink
  185. lacarmina
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 1:48 pm | Permalink

    Hahahahaahah! Oh my dear, you would go nuts for the jail-themed restaurant in Taipei, which had a Gas Chamber bathroom and a mural of concentration camp victims (until someone complained…)
    Thanks for the entry!

  186. lacarmina
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 1:51 pm | Permalink

    I really enjoy your writing style — thank you for the blog writeup. I must admit I'm loving this idea, and who wouldn't want to be a mysterious aristocrat boy in a mansion of creatures? I want my life to be as close to that as possible, haha! Keep me updated on your dream theme restaurant; who knows, it could become a reality.

  187. lucydiamond70
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 1:59 pm | Permalink

    Hello!! I was thinking also on a theme like The Storybook~~~ It would consist on various cafe/restaurants with the different genres of literature: fantasy, drama, adventure, romance, horror, etc.. Each restaurant will have an out of this world thematic decor with thematic amazing foods and entertainment. Let's say for example the Horror cafe/restaurant… I would include the classics (like the ones from Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley and Edgar Allan Poe) and more contemporary horror books (like Stephen King). Food would be served in show off horror paraphernalia. In the Romance cafe/restaurant the theme would be very Rococo/Versailles and so forth. Every restaurant would be converted into a giant and wacky library and would include music and shows pertaining the genre. The waiters and waitresses would need to be dressed as specific characters and if the customers can guess who they are, they get free drinks on the house~! What I love about this is that since it would include various cafe/restaurants from the same chain, you can pick one that suits your mood for the day~~~

  188. Anonymous
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 9:59 pm | Permalink

    Hello!! I was thinking also on a theme like The Storybook~~~ It would consist on various cafe/restaurants with the different genres of literature: fantasy, drama, adventure, romance, horror, etc.. Each restaurant will have an out of this world thematic decor with thematic amazing foods and entertainment. Let’s say for example the Horror cafe/restaurant… I would include the classics (like the ones from Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley and Edgar Allan Poe) and more contemporary horror books (like Stephen King). Food would be served in show off horror paraphernalia. In the Romance cafe/restaurant the theme would be very Rococo/Versailles and so forth. Every restaurant would be converted into a giant and wacky library and would include music and shows pertaining the genre. The waiters and waitresses would need to be dressed as specific characters and if the customers can guess who they are, they get free drinks on the house~! What I love about this is that since it would include various cafe/restaurants from the same chain, you can pick one that suits your mood for the day~~~

  189. Murbela
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 8:59 pm | Permalink

    No matter how hard I try I can't think of only one theme. It would probably be an eclectic place displaying all the things that I like: j-rock/vk, art, fashion, old furniture, animals, etc. Whatever I'd find charming I would somehow incorporate into my shop. Elegance and professional service from my servers a must. There'd be a mandatory high ceiling and I would have wall partitions that could be moved around and removed easily – that way I could change the look and feel of the place if necessary. During the day it would be more of a cafe, with music and maybe art shows. Delicious sweets, appetizers and snacks galore. At night the place would transform into a bar, a stage would pop out of nowhere and I'd have live music and DJs. It would be a place where the arts would thrive. Once a month I would have weekend-long themed parties, that way it would never get boring – Goth? Come to my goth themed party. Lolita? Come to my lolita themed party. Cyber goth? Aristocrat? Fairy? Vampire? Cat? We've got something for all of you! If the once a month themed parties would be popular I'd consider having them twice a month lol. I'd just want it to be a fun, quality place to be at. Did I mention the creepy cellar full of old delicious wine that everyone has heard of but nobody has lived to see and tell? ;)

  190. breannabrzezinski
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 9:11 pm | Permalink

    If I had the chance to open up a restraunt, I would open up a candy cane lane and or a cemetary cafe. I would have the outside of the candy one a gingerbread house, like hansel and grettle and have it like willy wonka and the chocolate factory inside.. YUM! :D For the cemetary one i would have it be a gothic church on the outside bouilding part with old gothic gravestones and creepy trees with ghosts flying around and inside be pews for the tables and a bloody altar at the front as a stage set up. The waitors would be bloody nuns and preists.. :)

  191. Dizzy Malfoy
    Posted November 12, 2009 at 10:11 pm | Permalink

    Maybe it's cause I'm a huge Final Fantasy X nerd, but I'd do a restaurant based on that. Mainly, my fave part in the game, which is when you get to Macalania Woods. It would be dimly lit with lots of purplish bluish lights stringed all around the restaurant. The walls will have thin and thick swirls going all around in glow in the dark blue paint. The ceiling will look like a beautiful night sky(stars and aurora borealis painted with glow in the dark paint) But when you enter, there's these two pilars that look like large gemstone/ice crystals that stay lit in a light shade of blue.They'll be on either side of the doors. The floor will be made of glass or hard clear plastic and below it, it will appear as if there's water and some tree roots. You will be greeted in the form they greet important people (in which they'd originally say “Praise be to Yevon”), with a slight bow. The people are dressed either like the Guado or like Al Bhed. The bartender will be dressed like a Ronso, the cocktails and drinks are all named after something from the game, like potions or antidotes or remedies. They will all speak to you according to that character's language, except the al bhed, occassionally they'll speak to you in al bhed. Cosplaying as a Final Fantasy character is greatly encouraged. Tables and chairs are glass, and the legs are blue glowing crystal, somewhat. The music that will play will be Suteki Da Ne(orchestra version) and To Zanarkand, as well as other soft beat final fantasy music like the one from Via Purifico. Oh, and you can't forget a bit of fog machine action, not alot, but enough to make it look like the floor is covered in fog/mist. At the end of the meal, you have an option to donate money to fix “Zanarkand Ruin”, which is actually to help people in other countries who don't have homes or who's homes have been ruined due to natural disasters, like Zanarkand kinda was. Sorry my description wasn't the best. If you've played FFX then you'd know exactly what I'm talking about. Just trying to incorporate Macalania Woods in a restaurant, is kinda hard to explain.

  192. Murbela
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 4:59 am | Permalink

    No matter how hard I try I can’t think of only one theme. It would probably be an eclectic place displaying all the things that I like: j-rock/vk, art, fashion, old furniture, animals, etc. Whatever I’d find charming I would somehow incorporate into my shop. Elegance and professional service from my servers a must. There’d be a mandatory high ceiling and I would have wall partitions that could be moved around and removed easily – that way I could change the look and feel of the place if necessary. During the day it would be more of a cafe, with music and maybe art shows. Delicious sweets, appetizers and snacks galore. At night the place would transform into a bar, a stage would pop out of nowhere and I’d have live music and DJs. It would be a place where the arts would thrive. Once a month I would have weekend-long themed parties, that way it would never get boring – Goth? Come to my goth themed party. Lolita? Come to my lolita themed party. Cyber goth? Aristocrat? Fairy? Vampire? Cat? We’ve got something for all of you! If the once a month themed parties would be popular I’d consider having them twice a month lol. I’d just want it to be a fun, quality place to be at. Did I mention the creepy cellar full of old delicious wine that everyone has heard of but nobody has lived to see and tell? ;)

  193. Anonymous
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 5:11 am | Permalink

    If I had the chance to open up a restraunt, I would open up a candy cane lane and or a cemetary cafe. I would have the outside of the candy one a gingerbread house, like hansel and grettle and have it like willy wonka and the chocolate factory inside.. YUM! :D For the cemetary one i would have it be a gothic church on the outside bouilding part with old gothic gravestones and creepy trees with ghosts flying around and inside be pews for the tables and a bloody altar at the front as a stage set up. The waitors would be bloody nuns and preists.. :)

  194. Dizzy Malfoy
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 6:11 am | Permalink

    Maybe it’s cause I’m a huge Final Fantasy X nerd, but I’d do a restaurant based on that. Mainly, my fave part in the game, which is when you get to Macalania Woods. It would be dimly lit with lots of purplish bluish lights stringed all around the restaurant. The walls will have thin and thick swirls going all around in glow in the dark blue paint. The ceiling will look like a beautiful night sky(stars and aurora borealis painted with glow in the dark paint) But when you enter, there’s these two pilars that look like large gemstone/ice crystals that stay lit in a light shade of blue.They’ll be on either side of the doors. The floor will be made of glass or hard clear plastic and below it, it will appear as if there’s water and some tree roots. You will be greeted in the form they greet important people (in which they’d originally say “Praise be to Yevon”), with a slight bow. The people are dressed either like the Guado or like Al Bhed. The bartender will be dressed like a Ronso, the cocktails and drinks are all named after something from the game, like potions or antidotes or remedies. They will all speak to you according to that character’s language, except the al bhed, occassionally they’ll speak to you in al bhed. Cosplaying as a Final Fantasy character is greatly encouraged. Tables and chairs are glass, and the legs are blue glowing crystal, somewhat. The music that will play will be Suteki Da Ne(orchestra version) and To Zanarkand, as well as other soft beat final fantasy music like the one from Via Purifico. Oh, and you can’t forget a bit of fog machine action, not alot, but enough to make it look like the floor is covered in fog/mist. At the end of the meal, you have an option to donate money to fix “Zanarkand Ruin”, which is actually to help people in other countries who don’t have homes or who’s homes have been ruined due to natural disasters, like Zanarkand kinda was. Sorry my description wasn’t the best. If you’ve played FFX then you’d know exactly what I’m talking about. Just trying to incorporate Macalania Woods in a restaurant, is kinda hard to explain.

  195. mannequin
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 4:39 am | Permalink

    My themed restaurant would be serviced by robots. Robotic everything. I really wish to employ the robot from Lost in Space as general manager.

  196. mannequin
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 12:39 pm | Permalink

    My themed restaurant would be serviced by robots. Robotic everything. I really wish to employ the robot from Lost in Space as general manager.

  197. Caroline
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 2:43 pm | Permalink

    Ok WARNING, THIS IS VERY LONG! I thought this out way too much….

    Hm what kind of theme restaurant would I do, well Dracula has probably been done too well, so has Phantom of the Opera and Alice in Wonderland of course. So I'd have to go with my other favorite, The Discworld. And I’d try to have a bunch of things from the books especially the characters.

    The Discworld is the creation of the author Terry Pratchett, it is a series that consists of over 25 books. It contains a multitude of loveable characters, granted not loveable in the sense of Disney but in the sense of that if you were to go to a themed restaurant with characters from this book, be prepared to be near some not so pretty characters. The restaurant would be divided into sections based on the characters. One would be the witches of Lancre, the stern Granny Weatherwax and the naughty Nanny Ogg and her devilish cat Greebo would be wandering around. All diners would have to guard their food or Nanny will steal from their plates or make them sing the hedgehog song, which I have been told is not suitable for the innocent to hear.

    In another area would be the wizards of Anhkmorpork, from the Unseen University. Especially the Librarian who many years ago due to magic was transformed into an orangutan, but insisted he rather liked the change since it let him get to his hard to reach books. And every fan’s favorite cowardly wizard Rincewind! Who will gladly take you up on joining in on your meal but will run at any at any hint of danger, so don’t scare him by ordering anything flambéed. Also while ordering your dessert or even your meal the Librarian might insist that you order his favorite meal which he will kindly show you to prepare, a banana.

    And as my last example of Discworld would be an entire section for Death. Everything decorated in his houses style, black, grey and white. You would have not only Death around you would have his horse Binky (who is very much a real horse, Death discovered the cool skeleton horses just didn’t do the trick, they fell apart way too often). During your meal you would have Death, with his movie voice which was performed by the great Christopher Lee, asking you rather random questions about human behavior, because although he does take you into the next life he quite likes humans and just loves to learn about them. In this section it would be wise to order Death’s personal favorite, Curry. And for an appetizer if you do order a cheese fondue or a cheese platter with fruit be warned you will have Death’s co-worker on your plate. Then again even if you don’t order those things he still might end up in someone’s alcoholic drink. The Death of Rats, the cutest personification of death you could ever see. Granted there are many other versions of death, the death of cats for one but never have really made the scene into the books, just the Death of Rats.

    And last but not least I’d have like an animatronics head or whole figure of Terry Pratchett saying something really random and awesome.

    …Sadly I could go on and on about various dream themes, including the one above

  198. lacarmina
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 4:19 pm | Permalink

    Amazing! I love how you thought out the concept in such detail — I got a great sense of the space, even though I've never read Discworld. Death of Rats sounds fascinating!

  199. Caroline
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 10:43 pm | Permalink

    Ok WARNING, THIS IS VERY LONG! I thought this out way too much….

    Hm what kind of theme restaurant would I do, well Dracula has probably been done too well, so has Phantom of the Opera and Alice in Wonderland of course. So I’d have to go with my other favorite, The Discworld. And I’d try to have a bunch of things from the books especially the characters.

    The Discworld is the creation of the author Terry Pratchett, it is a series that consists of over 25 books. It contains a multitude of loveable characters, granted not loveable in the sense of Disney but in the sense of that if you were to go to a themed restaurant with characters from this book, be prepared to be near some not so pretty characters. The restaurant would be divided into sections based on the characters. One would be the witches of Lancre, the stern Granny Weatherwax and the naughty Nanny Ogg and her devilish cat Greebo would be wandering around. All diners would have to guard their food or Nanny will steal from their plates or make them sing the hedgehog song, which I have been told is not suitable for the innocent to hear.

    In another area would be the wizards of Anhkmorpork, from the Unseen University. Especially the Librarian who many years ago due to magic was transformed into an orangutan, but insisted he rather liked the change since it let him get to his hard to reach books. And every fan’s favorite cowardly wizard Rincewind! Who will gladly take you up on joining in on your meal but will run at any at any hint of danger, so don’t scare him by ordering anything flambéed. Also while ordering your dessert or even your meal the Librarian might insist that you order his favorite meal which he will kindly show you to prepare, a banana.

    And as my last example of Discworld would be an entire section for Death. Everything decorated in his houses style, black, grey and white. You would have not only Death around you would have his horse Binky (who is very much a real horse, Death discovered the cool skeleton horses just didn’t do the trick, they fell apart way too often). During your meal you would have Death, with his movie voice which was performed by the great Christopher Lee, asking you rather random questions about human behavior, because although he does take you into the next life he quite likes humans and just loves to learn about them. In this section it would be wise to order Death’s personal favorite, Curry. And for an appetizer if you do order a cheese fondue or a cheese platter with fruit be warned you will have Death’s co-worker on your plate. Then again even if you don’t order those things he still might end up in someone’s alcoholic drink. The Death of Rats, the cutest personification of death you could ever see. Granted there are many other versions of death, the death of cats for one but never have really made the scene into the books, just the Death of Rats.

    And last but not least I’d have like an animatronics head or whole figure of Terry Pratchett saying something really random and awesome.

    …Sadly I could go on and on about various dream themes, including the one above

    • lacarmina
      Posted November 14, 2009 at 12:19 am | Permalink

      Amazing! I love how you thought out the concept in such detail — I got a great sense of the space, even though I’ve never read Discworld. Death of Rats sounds fascinating!

      • Caroline
        Posted November 15, 2009 at 2:51 am | Permalink

        I’m happy you liked it! If you ever have the time I recommend the books or even the movies :)

        Also spreading the word about your book to my friends on facebook and through, hopefully even through a little comic if I get the time, if not at least by journal

      • Caroline
        Posted November 15, 2009 at 2:59 am | Permalink

        I’m happy you liked it! If you ever have the time I recommend the books or even the movies :)

        Also spreading the word about your book to my friends on facebook and through, hopefully even through a little comic if I get the time, if not at least by journal

  200. Jen
    Posted November 13, 2009 at 6:25 pm | Permalink

    Thanks! When I was younger, my mom would call me a princess in Chinese to tease me over how spoiled I was/am. My brother would correct her and call me “lord” because I was such a tomboy. I suppose I proved him right after I discovered ouji/kodona fashion. ^_^

  201. Caroline
    Posted November 14, 2009 at 6:51 pm | Permalink

    I'm happy you liked it! If you ever have the time I recommend the books or even the movies :)

    Also spreading the word about your book to my friends on facebook and through, hopefully even through a little comic if I get the time, if not at least by journal

  202. Caroline
    Posted November 14, 2009 at 6:59 pm | Permalink

    I'm happy you liked it! If you ever have the time I recommend the books or even the movies :)

    Also spreading the word about your book to my friends on facebook and through, hopefully even through a little comic if I get the time, if not at least by journal

  203. Caroline
    Posted November 15, 2009 at 2:51 am | Permalink

    I'm happy you liked it! If you ever have the time I recommend the books or even the movies :)

    Also spreading the word about your book to my friends on facebook and through, hopefully even through a little comic if I get the time, if not at least by journal

  204. Caroline
    Posted November 15, 2009 at 2:59 am | Permalink

    I'm happy you liked it! If you ever have the time I recommend the books or even the movies :)

    Also spreading the word about your book to my friends on facebook and through, hopefully even through a little comic if I get the time, if not at least by journal

  205. Dogs
    Posted May 17, 2010 at 12:29 pm | Permalink

    Oh my god.Its so sexy and so nice resturent where people can enjoy. I like it vey much.

  206. Dogs
    Posted May 17, 2010 at 12:29 pm | Permalink

    Oh my god.Its so sexy and so nice resturent where people can enjoy. I like it vey much.

  207. Kapoho Hawaii Vacation Rentals
    Posted January 21, 2011 at 8:03 pm | Permalink

    Death discovered the cool skeleton horses just didn’t do the trick, they fell apart way too often). During your meal you would have Death, with his movie voice which was performed by the great Christopher Lee, asking you rather random questions about human behavior.

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