

la carmina legs feet boots

 La Carmina portrait

EDITH LE BEAU ART: FAIRY TALE & MYTHOLOGY PAINTINGS, LA CARMINA fan art, Greek, Roman and Celtic mythologies, movies and fairytales artwork, young montreal painter, young artist edith lebeau

Edith Lebeau is a fellow Canadian, growing up in Quebec. The artist is inspired by mythology, movies and fairy tales, and always paints women with a strong expression: “The look is the most important thing in my work; it’s the way the character tells the story to the viewer…” More of Edith’s vibrant paintings are on her website.

I’m always eager to promote artists on my blog — if you’re interested, send me a rendering of La Carmina and/or Basil Farrow and I’ll feature you in a post.

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In random news… if you’ve been following me on Twitter, you’ll know that my other computer refused to start up. What happened? The Cantonese computer guy looked it over and announced… “Mao moh!” That’s right — CAT HAIR. My darling Basil Farrow is responsible for clogging up the fan, which overheated and killed the video card. But how can one get mad at this plush Scottish Fold when he tries to fit into a shoebox that’s too small for his girth? As some of you Tweeted, ROTFMAO!

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Since we’re in random mode, here are some outfit posts that I took on Takeshita Doori in Harajuku. Wait, what happened to my hair? Gotcha: that’s my friend Heidi, who was visiting me from Hong Kong. I dressed her up in h.NAOTO Frill and an Innocent World bunny purse.

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THIS is me, in an Innocent World dress from Closet Child Harajuku. Although it could very well be my friend in an orange wig, right? These photos got us thinking… what makes up a person’s style and “image”?

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While my friends and I may change things up, we all have our little trademarks. The colors we like, the way we apply eye makeup, the types of accessories we pile on. Kanae has completely different makeup/styling above and in this post, but it’s still Kanae.

goth earrings, many piercings on ear, extreme ear piercings, ear lobe with studs, japanese goth girl, andogynous japanese girls models, gothic fashion clubs subculture

The way we adorn ourselves broadcasts who we are. Kanae and Comte de Sang’s lobe piercings alone scream Gothic Underground. A closeup of a hand with yellow gold rings, in contrast, would tell a very different story.


I’m curious to know about your personal approach to adornment. What type of hair styles, makeup, etc do you favor, and does it reflect an alternative outlook? Let’s discuss in the comments (you can post as Guest without registering).

I’ll get the ball rolling…
HAIR: I’ve been dying my hair with bright, alt colors since I was 14. It doesn’t feel right to have black or a “normal” shade on my scalp. I had short hair in 2006 but it didn’t fit me; I’m most at home with long, layered chop jobs.
MAKEUP: Love false eyelashes, stickers on the face and having fun with colorful eyeshadows.
NAILS: Kept short so I can type, but always painted. Yukiro has inspired me to experiment with DIY nail art.
PIERCINGS/TATTOOS: None whatsoever (perhaps surprisingly!). I’ve never been able to think of skin art I’d want to wear permanently. I prefer to adorn my clothes and hair with kawaii toys, flowers…

How about you?

PS: Final chance to win MIYAVI tickets! It’s easy to enter my contest for passes for the LA and Vancouver shows here.

Japanese word of the day: Odaijini = Take care
Song of the Day: How about this epic Visual Kei playlist on YouTube. NoGod, MUCC, Moi dix Mois, Mix Speakers Inc and more.

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  1. shadowpal2
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 7:01 pm | Permalink

    That Innocent World dress looks fantabulous!Since I can’t do too much fashion as a guy because of my parental unit – or even experiment.

    The thing I can imagine now is having red hair with streaks of black and white underneath. – That sounds like my ideal hair color/dye. Hair style would be around the nature of Satoshi (Girugamesh) back during MUSIC as you can see in Break Down. As for eyeshadow…red…yea…red – something along Chan-wook Park’s Lady Vengeance.

    As for tattoos — I want a FULL-ALL OUT YAKUZA DRAGON ON MY BACK!!!

    (lol ^_^ jk) But that’s all I can think of for now. Lebeau is a great artist, although I DEMAND TO SEE A PORTRAIT OF BASIL ASAP!!!

  2. Ryan
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 7:02 pm | Permalink

    h, I like the outfit! Looks like alot of fun!

  3. Andrea the Distracted Dame
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:03 pm | Permalink

    Hair: I love my natural brown hair with curls that would make a Lolita jealous. It IS a pain to maintain it, though. I have the knotty type of curly hair, so I have to spend 3-10 minutes in the shower detangling it. XD Sometimes when my hair is f-d up or I don’t feel like brushing it, I put on a black wig with a bob cut.
    Make Up: I keep it simple, but bold. My favorite colours in eyeliner are black, navy blue and green (since green accentuates brown eyes). I love to use lipstick, my collection varies from pink to black. I like using dark colours for eyeshadow so it contrasts with my pale skin. And if my Neutrogina concealer and Laura Mercier powder didn’t exist, I would die.
    Nails: AGH. I suffer from anxiety, so they are painfully short from the nail biting. D: I AM trying to break the habit, though. I don’t paint them often, ’cause I keep ruining them. XD
    Piercings/Tattoo: The only piercings I have are the one on my earlobes. XD And I don’t like wearing earrings that much. No tats, I’m afraid of that commitment. lol.

  4. Clare
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:30 pm | Permalink

    Lovely pose and shot!! ^_^

  5. Thompson
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:31 pm | Permalink

    Innocent World is the best!

  6. madcatladfy
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:31 pm | Permalink

    Haha! Go kitty!

  7. DarkAngelRafael
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:31 pm | Permalink

    It’s time for the kitty to go straight edge and shave off that furry kittybutt! xD

  8. Moon Maiden 90
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:41 pm | Permalink

    I can’t tell if there are acrylics in it but that is definately some FINE colored pencil work in the drawing of you!…
    & that’s hilarious about basil being the downfall of ur computor. lol

    as for my style…I like more punk style clothes I guess…My hair was always blonde but it’s become more of a dirty blonde over the years, darkening up…but I REALLY <3 RED! so I've been coloring it my fav. color ^-^ I don't have many peircings or anything, but I do have a couple o tattoos I drew up…I finally feel as If my outward appearance is starting 2 reflect my inner appearance. if ya know what I mean.

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:15 am | Permalink

      I certainly do — I think we’re all works in progress, and over the years, things only get more refined… xo

  9. uSAGI
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 11:03 pm | Permalink

    Who would’ve known cats and bunnies could be used as weapons against technologically-advanced countries. Send in the Fuzzy Squad!

  10. henja
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 11:29 pm | Permalink

    I’ve almost dealt completely in some amount of blond since grade 7, now a-days I add in some purple or pink or go completely purple or blond. Almost always mid length, but I’m working on growing to Kamijo a la Revenant Choir length.
    Clothing wise I have to deal with living in north america and trying for vk style. Mainly that means gothic/dark suits with some contemporary accessories things mainly in the form of jewelry. Main colors- black, white, purple, red. I do get comparisons to something piratey or alternately “well dressed goth”. Oh and always silver for jewelry, never gold.
    Piercings; I only have a monroe but I’m hoping for some basic lobes so I have the ability to wear earrings, and three higher cartilage on one ear (called a gypsy).
    Shoes warrant there own category. Boots with heels, no compromises. Cuban heels are a minimum requirement, but I also have a serious pair of knee high platform heeled boots which I think are technically for women. I tend to aim for androgyny.
    Make-up tends to be basic most days with only foundation and concealer. I’ve got a terribly unsteady hand so nail painting is basic. Anything extra (eyes and lips) is usually for special occasions only (performances and appropriate parties) I wake up everyday being thankful a friend of mine chose the career path of a make up artist.

    So my three cardinal rules- Silver jewelry, heeled boots, androgyny.

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:15 am | Permalink

      Very nice! I found it helpful to do makeovers with friends. Everyone has different application techniques, and I learn something new every time. xo

  11. ellyvstheworld
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 11:46 pm | Permalink

    My style has changed my whole lifestyle. I was forced to be reserved and have no alternate images when I worked health care. On weekends I would furiously pin neon clip on hair extensions into my bland blond hair. I loved my job but I was so miserable.
    During my quarter life crisis, I gave up my career and decided to be myself. Corsets, velvet dresses, tattoos, bright pink hair. I am debating cosmetology school or culinary school as a change of career where I can focus on my job and still be myself.
    I think for most people, life and career comes before style…but there are just a few of us who crave accessorizing so much that it really affects the outcome in our life choices. I don’t think it’s absurd (like my mother does), I think we are strong and proud.

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:16 am | Permalink

      Hear hear. I think everyone is different, but for people like you and me, repressing the way you want to express yourself = misery… here’s to going forward strong!

  12. shadowpal2
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 7:01 pm | Permalink

    That innocent world dress looks fantabulous!

    Since I can't do too much fashion because of my parental unit – or even experiment, the thing I can imagine now is having red hair with white underneath. – That sounds like my ideal hair dye/style.

    Lebeau is a great artist, although I DEMAND TO SEE A PORTRAIT OF BASIL ASAP!!!

  13. Ryan
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 7:02 pm | Permalink

    h, I like the outfit! Looks like alot of fun!

  14. Dania
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:09 am | Permalink


  15. Goblin
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:45 am | Permalink

    Consistent in my inconsistency (although perhaps not changing as frequently now). I use to have an extremely short military style hair cut when I was young, but in high school grew it out, and its been anywhere from shoulder to waist length since, sometimes with bangs, sometimes without. I’ve tried dying it, but I don’t like bleach, so I’ve never achieved much in that department. I use to braid it, usually randomly located, non symmetrical braids, some thick, some thin, and I’d stick pins and other adornments into my hair. I don’t braid it nearly as much anymore. I haven’t had a typical boy’s hair cut for nearly half my life.

    Facial hair – Lately I’ve been keeping it scruffy looking. Not a long beard, not shaped, but as I don’t get to wear dresses much due to work I don’t care if I look unshaven (I also blame my weight gain on the lack of wearing skimpy dresses anymore lol). I use to keep a long beard, chest length, when I was in my teens, in my early 20’s I was always clean shaven, except for when I had mutton chops. Now usually scruffy. I’ve tried a goatee and I’m rather mixed on it, so I don’t usually keep it very long. I don’t allow for facial hair when I’m wearing a dress anymore, but in the earlier dress wearing days, I didn’t care.

    Nails I tend to keep long. Even when they get to be a few inches long I can still type (at an average of 115+ words per min). I never used false nails, and the paint varies. Unfortunately because of work I can’t keep them painted, but I’ll paint them and remove it on weekends.

    I use to wear ALOT of rings, and I didn’t care that silver and pewter turns my skin green (where the ring was only). Now I wear a lot more spiked bracelets, or elbow length bracers, arm warmers, and other wrist adornment. It doesn’t turn me green, and it doesn’t slow down my typing (I find typing with bulky rings worse than long nails).

    My boys clothes are rather unimpressive. The most impressive would be my La Carmina T shirt, instead of my other t shirts, cargo pants and combat boots.

    As for my fem-wear, corsets, puffy skirts, big boots, and long jackets. Sometimes I go cheap and wear corset styled tops that aren’t real corsets lol. typically I wear shorter skirts/dresses and tops with straps or no sleeves so that I can wear long boots, gloves, or arm jewelry without the sleeves, long pants legs, or long skirts covering up what I consider to be the most fashionable part of my attire.

    As for make up… I need a lot to hide my perpetual 5 o’clock shadow, which when dancing or otherwise active melts off my face. As a result I typically settle for smokey eyeshadow, cats eye eyeliner and not much else. Oh sometimes false eye lashes, but I still rather suck at getting them on / staying.

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:15 am | Permalink

      Hope you’ve been doing well! How’s the end of the teaching year going?
      Haha I’ve also been experimenting with random braids lately…


      • Goblin
        Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:53 pm | Permalink

        Its been going me great! I was going a little crazy planning a 4 day trip to Washington D.C. but now the bulk of that is done, I’m just in collect the money and go stage.

        There are so many state exams right now, half of my dad is generally proctoring, which while boring is nice because its less lessons to plan.

        If you visit NYC during the summer I’ll actually have free time and not have to worry about staying out too late XD

  16. Memo Juez
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 1:37 am | Permalink

    That Visual Kei playlist is definitely epic. No tats here, but I did have my left ear pierced when I was 18. It was done at Spencer’s in the Whitemarsh Mall. A friend and I got it done at the same time (you had to buy a pair.)

    I remember the crowd of women that gathered to watch it get done because it was still relatively uncommon for men to get piercings in 1984.

    I let it close by the time I was 30. Still have all my earrings and may have my ear reopened later in life…

    Anyway, I love art and always dig new artists, you have turned me onto another one and I thank-you.

  17. Andrea the Distracted Dame
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:03 pm | Permalink

    Hair: I love my natural brown hair with curls that would make a Lolita jealous. It IS a pain to maintain it, though. I have the knotty type of curly hair, so I have to spend 3-10 minutes in the shower detangling it. XD Sometimes when my hair is f-d up or I don't feel like brushing it, I put on a black wig with a bob cut.
    Make Up: I keep it simple, but bold. My favorite colours in eyeliner are black, navy blue and green (since green accentuates brown eyes). I love to use lipstick, my collection varies from pink to black. I like using dark colours for eyeshadow so it contrasts with my pale skin. And if my Neutrogina concealer and Laura Mercier powder didn't exist, I would die.
    Nails: AGH. I suffer from anxiety, so they are painfully short from the nail biting. D: I AM trying to break the habit, though. I don't paint them often, 'cause I keep ruining them. XD
    Piercings/Tattoo: The only piercings I have are the one on my earlobes. XD And I don't like wearing earrings that much. No tats, I'm afraid of that commitment. lol.

  18. Clare
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:30 pm | Permalink

    Lovely pose and shot!! ^_^

  19. Thompson
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:31 pm | Permalink

    Innocent World is the best!

  20. madcatladfy
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:31 pm | Permalink

    Haha! Go kitty!

  21. DarkAngelRafael
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:31 pm | Permalink

    It's time for the kitty to go straight edge and shave off that furry kittybutt! xD

  22. Moon Maiden 90
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 9:41 pm | Permalink

    I can't tell if there are acrylics in it but that is definately some FINE colored pencil work in the drawing of you!…
    & that's hilarious about basil being the downfall of ur computor. lol

    as for my style…I like more punk style clothes I guess…My hair was always blonde but it's become more of a dirty blonde over the years, darkening up…but I REALLY <3 RED! so I've been coloring it my fav. color ^-^ I don't have many peircings or anything, but I do have a couple o tattoos I drew up…I finally feel as If my outward appearance is starting 2 reflect my inner appearance. if ya know what I mean.

  23. Regi
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:09 am | Permalink

    I might as well partake in this, eh?

    Hair: Hmm…well, you may recall that throughout our friendship, I’ve had red hair. I actually am a blonde naturally (you know, one of those freaky OMFG THAT’S REAL?? blondes) and I was quiet happy with it’s darker shades in the winter and the light ones in the summer. However, when I studied at Konan for the year, I was actually sexually harrassed A LOT because of my hair color. Guys constantly asked if I were an easy lay (in Japanese: Karui Ko, a “light woman”) and I was actually shunned at Nihon Kempo practice for being “too pretty.” So I ran to the B2C in Sannomiya (one of the stylists is Miyavi’s kohai) chopped some bangs in and dyed the whole thing red. Not only did I stop the harrassment, I also lost a lot of friends because I was now “no longer pretty.” But I love the shade, and I’ve kept it ever since. I also have a few extensions and also two wigs in order to change my styles from day to day without frying my hair. I’v only had it short once, and I looked like a mushroom, so NEVER AGAIN! It usually just hangs there, as it curls on its own. I don’t need to do much other than take it for regular cuts.

    Makeup: My daily makeup is a lot of black eyeliner, some tinted moisturizer, and oil-absorbing powder and mascara. When I go out to the gay bars, HELLOOOOO glitter. I’m extremely fond of the new tokidoki line, and that stuff DOES NOT MOVE. It’s pretty awesome. I mix and match shades when I remember how many colors of eyeshadow and eyeliner I have, layers and such. The shadow can range from just my lid to all the way to my hairline, just depends on the mood. Lips are kept natural, because the eyes usually are insane. And I hate tons of foundation and such.

    Nails: I work in a restaurant, so no polish most of the time. Other times I do a half/half color combo or each nail a different color. They are short to allow me to play my bass quickly and effectively without breaking anything.

    Piercings/Tattoos: One tattoo, on my neck, and planning a larger piece for the whole back. There’s no real meaning behind the tattoo, it’s just a lot of things I like thrown together. As for piercings, I took a lot of mine out, and even then the investment firm I interned under was a little hesitant. I have a nose piercing now and 6 ear piercings, and I will be going for 7, 8, and 9 this upcoming week.

    Clothes: Day wear is kinda punky-practical, because I am pretty active and all-out punk or goth gear won’t help me get around. When I have time or have an occassion, I have tons of corsets, petticoats, fishnets and tights to get me through the night. The pictures on your blog aren’t the most elaborate, because I could only bring so much with me to NYC :( Even when I was at the investment firm I was still pretty punky with my boots, bracelets and such, but since I was in the back office they let me get away with it. I also have this penchant for the color teal, and it’s 80-90% of the time included in some form on my person. I used to have rings, but I cut back lately because of the nihon kempo (the rings would break my fingers). My necklaces are anything from dog collars (sp?) to long, dangly hippy things. I do have hippy days, too. Comes from my aunt and spending summers with her in Woodstock. Never got any crap for my fashion, if anything I usually get compliments from random people on the street.

    There, I have participated. :D

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:12 am | Permalink

      The story about your hair is SO fascinating. And sadly, not surprising… Karui Ko is going to be the next word of the day!

      I haven’t tried the new Tokidoki line. Hahah they should send us free samples and we can do a makeup video about it!

      OOH where will the new piercings be? (Where on your ear?) How many did you have before?

      Teal makes me think of you! ^__^

      • Regi
        Posted June 6, 2010 at 2:09 pm | Permalink

        My hair…oh how it has caused me grief. I know it’s not surprising, but it’s just really sad. It also showed me who my real Japanese friends were, though.

        I love that new line soo, soooo much. The Tarina Tarantino line is also fabulous. I would love to do a makeup video about it! The glitter is SO AWESOME.

        My ear, yeah. Probably some basic ones before I go into the extreme ones. I don’t want to be fired :( I had a lot on my eyebrows and lips before, about 3 eyebrow and two lip, but I took them out after about a year and a half. They just got in the way of my sporty-ness (I love swimming and nihon kempo…:( It’s a problem when it comes to piercings) I’ll also be buying a larger earring so I can expand my lobes more.

        Haha, teal is definitely my color. I’m obsessed with it. Did I tell you I actually ventured into Hot Topic because I saw teal boots on sale for 10 dollars? Those boots are MINE now!! Only the power of teal would make me do such a thing. :P

  24. Laura
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:15 am | Permalink

    i think your friends’ piercings are really pretty :DDD

    to answer your question…

    HAIR – i admit, i am a ~tad~ vain about; i like mine long but choppy, with bangs since mine is waaay too thick to keep one-length. i like the fobby/visual kei styling :] although i haven’t dyed it before, i will be doing so later this year because the very very blackness of my hair makes it hard to see whatever styling i’ve done to it.

    MAKEUP – i don’t wear that often, but it’s more for fun. i only play up my eyes.. my standard way of doing this is liquid black with a flick on the top and then lining the bottom with colored eyeliner :)
    i like makeup with rich color because i wear too much black x)

    NAILS – i keep long, because thankfully i was blessed with “good nails” (or so i am told). anything goes, because nails are fun. i don’t use fake ones though because everyone says they’re bad for you ><

    PIERCINGS/TATTOOS – i have 4 lobe piercings on my ears, though i'd like a facial one and industrial/helix sometime :) don't have any tattoos yet but i have a few in mind ^^

    CLOTHES – are a mix of a shit ton of things, but generally a casual rock vibe.. and with lolita/vk-ish pieces i tend to mix them with regular clothes. i adore the punk aesthetic over anything else though.

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:45 am | Permalink

      My natural hair color is also VERY black, and I think streaking it brings out so much more texture… It kind of frustrates me when people say “natural is always best.” I think adding color and ornamentation is one of the coolest ways of personal expression.

      • Laura
        Posted June 6, 2010 at 4:10 am | Permalink

        yeah, i agree! i know natural is healthy for your hair but streaking it helps enhance it :)
        once i curled my hair and my friend told me you can’t see it very well because mine is so black.
        i love your orange it’s cute :D

        • lacarmina
          Posted June 6, 2010 at 6:32 pm | Permalink

          My hair responds crazy well to dying… no split ends or chemical burn. I think it’s MADE to be dyed – that is its natural state!

  25. Liz O.
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:28 am | Permalink

    I think it’s really important to keep a few personal style staples even as fashion changes. For me, it’s dyed black hair, red lipstick, vanilla-based perfume, opaque tights and boots. It works.

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:46 am | Permalink

      I agree — I think everyone has a “Classic” style that stays through all the variations. And your staples most certainly work. :)

  26. uSAGI
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 11:03 pm | Permalink

    Who would've known cats and bunnies could be used as weapons against technologically-advanced countries. Send in the Fuzzy Squad!

  27. henja
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 11:29 pm | Permalink

    I've almost dealt completely in some amount of blond since grade 7, now a-days I add in some purple or pink or go completely purple or blond. Almost always mid length, but I'm working on growing to Kamijo a la Revenant Choir length.
    Clothing wise I have to deal with living in north america and trying for vk style. Mainly that means gothic/dark suits with some contemporary accessories things mainly in the form of jewelry. Main colors- black, white, purple, red. I do get comparisons to something piratey or alternately “well dressed goth”. Oh and always silver for jewelry, never gold.
    Piercings; I only have a monroe but I'm hoping for some basic lobes so I have the ability to wear earrings, and three higher cartilage on one ear (called a gypsy).
    Shoes warrant there own category. Boots with heels, no compromises. Cuban heels are a minimum requirement, but I also have a serious pair of knee high platform heeled boots which I think are technically for women. I tend to aim for androgyny.
    Make-up tends to be basic most days with only foundation and concealer. I've got a terribly unsteady hand so nail painting is basic. Anything extra (eyes and lips) is usually for special occasions only (performances and appropriate parties) I wake up everyday being thankful a friend of mine chose the career path of a make up artist.

    So my three cardinal rules- Silver jewelry, heeled boots, androgyny.

  28. ellyvstheworld
    Posted June 5, 2010 at 11:46 pm | Permalink

    My style has changed my whole lifestyle. I was forced to be reserved and have no alternate images when I worked health care. On weekends I would furiously pin neon clip on hair extensions into my bland blond hair. I loved my job but I was so miserable.
    During my quarter life crisis, I gave up my career and decided to be myself. Corsets, velvet dresses, tattoos, bright pink hair. I am debating cosmetology school or culinary school as a change of career where I can focus on my job and still be myself.
    I think for most people, life and career comes before style…but there are just a few of us who crave accessorizing so much that it really affects the outcome in our life choices. I don't think it's absurd (like my mother does), I think we are strong and proud.

  29. Dania
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:09 am | Permalink


  30. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:15 am | Permalink

    I certainly do — I think we're all works in progress, and over the years, things only get more refined… xo

  31. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:15 am | Permalink

    Very nice! I found it helpful to do makeovers with friends. Everyone has different application techniques, and I learn something new every time. xo

  32. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:16 am | Permalink

    Hear hear. I think everyone is different, but for people like you and me, repressing the way you want to express yourself = misery… here's to going forward strong!

  33. Memo Juez
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 1:37 am | Permalink

    That Visual Kei playlist is definitely epic. No tats here, but I did have my left ear pierced when I was 18. It was done at Spencer's in the Whitemarsh Mall. A friend and I got it done at the same time (you had to buy a pair.)

    I remember the crowd of women that gathered to watch it get done because it was still relatively uncommon for men to get piercings in 1984.

    I let it close by the time I was 30. Still have all my earrings and may have my ear reopened later in life…

    Anyway, I love art and always dig new artists, you have turned me onto another one and I thank-you.

  34. Special K
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 6:56 am | Permalink

    HAIR: For a few years now its been really long, bangs or no bangs, experimenting with long bleached ends, blue black, or my most commonly go to color, a brown cherry dye. But lately I do have a big craving for brightly colored wigs ^_^

    MAKEUP: Daily I keep it simple but always play up my naturally long and thick eyelashes with mascara. When I put in more effort, I love wearing all kinds of eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, the whole nine yards.

    NAILS: Always short, always painted. Sometimes I’ll do nail art for a certain occasions when I want to look my best.

    PIERCINGS/TATTOOS: None. As for piercings, I don’t like them on me. I can’t even stand earrings! Certain piercings I think look good on other people, but they are not my cup of tea. I love tattoos but I get bored so easily so definitely that would not be a good idea.

    CLOTHES: Daily, due to my work policy and simply because I am not a morning person, I dress casually (i.e. jeans & t-shirt or a skirt). I know its lazy but even I cannot argue with groggy self anytime before 2pm. But when I hang out with friends or have a special day ahead of me I’ll get creative with my outfits. Often they are my own take of rock, punk, goth, fairy kei, whatever. Its very eclectic.

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 6:33 pm | Permalink

      I wish I could wear wigs but my head is too big and my hair is too thick ahah. I can’t get them to fit!

      • Special K
        Posted June 9, 2010 at 7:12 pm | Permalink

        Lol!!! I have thick hair too, and its really long as well, but (I don’t know if you have yet or not) you can google this problem and there are many solutions for that. For example, my two friends who are both sisters have the same problem, but they know how to put on a wig a certain way to make it work. It just takes practice.
        Don’t give up La Carmina- AJA AJA FIGHTING!! ;)

  35. Regi
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:09 am | Permalink

    I might as well partake in this, eh?

    Hair: Hmm…well, you may recall that throughout our friendship, I've had red hair. I actually am a blonde naturally (you know, one of those freaky OMFG THAT'S REAL?? blondes) and I was quiet happy with it's darker shades in the winter and the light ones in the summer. However, when I studied at Konan for the year, I was actually sexually harrassed A LOT because of my hair color. Guys constantly asked if I were an easy lay (in Japanese: Karui Ko, a “light woman”) and I was actually shunned at Nihon Kempo practice for being “too pretty.” So I ran to the B2C in Sannomiya (one of the stylists is Miyavi's kohai) chopped some bangs in and dyed the whole thing red. Not only did I stop the harrassment, I also lost a lot of friends because I was now “no longer pretty.” But I love the shade, and I've kept it ever since. I also have a few extensions and also two wigs in order to change my styles from day to day without frying my hair. I'v only had it short once, and I looked like a mushroom, so NEVER AGAIN! It usually just hangs there, as it curls on its own. I don't need to do much other than take it for regular cuts.

    Makeup: My daily makeup is a lot of black eyeliner, some tinted moisturizer, and oil-absorbing powder and mascara. When I go out to the gay bars, HELLOOOOO glitter. I'm extremely fond of the new tokidoki line, and that stuff DOES NOT MOVE. It's pretty awesome. I mix and match shades when I remember how many colors of eyeshadow and eyeliner I have, layers and such. The shadow can range from just my lid to all the way to my hairline, just depends on the mood. Lips are kept natural, because the eyes usually are insane. And I hate tons of foundation and such.

    Nails: I work in a restaurant, so no polish most of the time. Other times I do a half/half color combo or each nail a different color. They are short to allow me to play my bass quickly and effectively without breaking anything.

    Piercings/Tattoos: One tattoo, on my neck, and planning a larger piece for the whole back. There's no real meaning behind the tattoo, it's just a lot of things I like thrown together. As for piercings, I took a lot of mine out, and even then the investment firm I interned under was a little hesitant. I have a nose piercing now and 6 ear piercings, and I will be going for 7, 8, and 9 this upcoming week.

    Clothes: Day wear is kinda punky-practical, because I am pretty active and all-out punk or goth gear won't help me get around. When I have time or have an occassion, I have tons of corsets, petticoats, fishnets and tights to get me through the night. The pictures on your blog aren't the most elaborate, because I could only bring so much with me to NYC :( Even when I was at the investment firm I was still pretty punky with my boots, bracelets and such, but since I was in the back office they let me get away with it. I also have this penchant for the color teal, and it's 80-90% of the time included in some form on my person. I used to have rings, but I cut back lately because of the nihon kempo (the rings would break my fingers). My necklaces are anything from dog collars (sp?) to long, dangly hippy things. I do have hippy days, too. Comes from my aunt and spending summers with her in Woodstock. Never got any crap for my fashion, if anything I usually get compliments from random people on the street.

    There, I have participated. :D

  36. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:12 am | Permalink

    The story about your hair is SO fascinating. And sadly, not surprising… Karui Ko is going to be the next word of the day!

    I haven't tried the new Tokidoki line. Hahah they should send us free samples and we can do a makeup video about it!

    OOH where will the new piercings be? (Where on your ear?) How many did you have before?

    Teal makes me think of you! ^__^

  37. Laura
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:15 am | Permalink

    i think your friends' piercings are really pretty :DDD

    to answer your question…

    HAIR – i admit, i am a ~tad~ vain about; i like mine long but choppy, with bangs since mine is waaay too thick to keep one-length. i like the fobby/visual kei styling :] although i haven't dyed it before, i will be doing so later this year because the very very blackness of my hair makes it hard to see whatever styling i've done to it.

    MAKEUP – i don't wear that often, but it's more for fun. i only play up my eyes.. my standard way of doing this is liquid black with a flick on the top and then lining the bottom with colored eyeliner :)
    i like makeup with rich color because i wear too much black x)

    NAILS – i keep long, because thankfully i was blessed with “good nails” (or so i am told). anything goes, because nails are fun. i don't use fake ones though because everyone says they're bad for you ><

    PIERCINGS/TATTOOS – i have 4 lobe piercings on my ears, though i'd like a facial one and industrial/helix sometime :) don't have any tattoos yet but i have a few in mind ^^

    CLOTHES – are a mix of a shit ton of things, but generally a casual rock vibe.. and with lolita/vk-ish pieces i tend to mix them with regular clothes. i adore the punk aesthetic over anything else though.

  38. Liz O.
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:28 am | Permalink

    I think it's really important to keep a few personal style staples even as fashion changes. For me, it's dyed black hair, red lipstick, vanilla-based perfume, opaque tights and boots. It works.

  39. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:45 am | Permalink

    My natural hair color is also VERY black, and I think streaking it brings out so much more texture… It kind of frustrates me when people say “natural is always best.” I think adding color and ornamentation is one of the coolest ways of personal expression.

  40. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 3:46 am | Permalink

    I agree — I think everyone has a “Classic” style that stays through all the variations. And your staples most certainly work. :)

  41. Laura
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 4:10 am | Permalink

    yeah, i agree! i know natural is healthy for your hair but streaking it helps enhance it :)
    once i curled my hair and my friend told me you can't see it very well because mine is so black.
    i love your orange it's cute :D

  42. Special K
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 6:56 am | Permalink

    HAIR: For a few years now its been really long, bangs or no bangs, experimenting with long bleached ends, blue black, or my most commonly go to color, a brown cherry dye. But lately I do have a big craving for brightly colored wigs ^_^

    MAKEUP: Daily I keep it simple but always play up my naturally long and thick eyelashes with mascara. When I put in more effort, I love wearing all kinds of eyeshadow, eyeliner, lipstick, the whole nine yards.

    NAILS: Always short, always painted. Sometimes I'll do nail art for a certain occasions when I want to look my best.

    PIERCINGS/TATTOOS: None. As for piercings, I don't like them on me. I can't even stand earrings! Certain piercings I think look good on other people, but they are not my cup of tea. I love tattoos but I get bored so easily so definitely that would not be a good idea.

    CLOTHES: Daily, due to my work policy and simply because I am not a morning person, I dress casually (i.e. jeans & t-shirt or a skirt). I know its lazy but even I cannot argue with groggy self anytime before 2pm. But when I hang out with friends or have a special day ahead of me I'll get creative with my outfits. Often they are my own take of rock, punk, goth, fairy kei, whatever. Its very eclectic.

  43. Goblin
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 12:53 pm | Permalink

    Its been going me great! I was going a little crazy planning a 4 day trip to Washington D.C. but now the bulk of that is done, I'm just in collect the money and go stage.

    There are so many state exams right now, half of my dad is generally proctoring, which while boring is nice because its less lessons to plan.

    If you visit NYC during the summer I'll actually have free time and not have to worry about staying out too late XD

  44. Anonymous
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 7:00 pm | Permalink

    HAIR: I’ve had short hair for the past few years. sometimes I get it cut REALLY short….almost guy ish -.- and sometimes it’s a little longer, but no longer than halfway down my neck. I’ve been trying to grow it out lately and recently got bangs. I bleached my hair –stripes, not all the way–last year and the year before I streaked it red ^^ But right now it’s just black. I want to grow it out, put a little purple in it, and curl it ^^
    MAKEUP: None…but I’d like to learn :)
    NAILS: I hate my nails … my cuticles and my nails are really ugly. I keep them VERY short because I hate having them go past the tip of the finger. I don’t paint them either but I’ve been thinking I should start getting manicures, haha…
    PIERCING: No tattoos, and only normal ear piercings, but I don’t wear earrings much because my ears have recently started hurting when I wear anything that’s not a stud -.- I don’t know why…
    CLOTHES: For school I just wear jeans and a hoodie usually. Really boring. But lately I’ve been dressing more girly, I guess you could say? I’ve been wearing dresses and skirts and shorts. but the thing is I’m really self conscious so usually I like to cover up with tights or long socks and boots.
    Yes, I am one of those shorts-and-boots type of people lol. I really want to dress more punk but everyone I’ve talked to said I can’t pull it off. And I really want to be pretty but I only ever get “cute”. >.> lol

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 11:33 pm | Permalink

      I’ve found that it takes years of practice and experimentation to get decent at makeup… definitely a good idea to start early!

      Hahah, have you tried cutting the nail straight across (almost a square shape)? It tends to look better than a curve. xo

  45. Regi
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 2:09 pm | Permalink

    My hair…oh how it has caused me grief. I know it's not surprising, but it's just really sad. It also showed me who my real Japanese friends were, though.

    I love that new line soo, soooo much. The Tarina Tarantino line is also fabulous. I would love to do a makeup video about it! The glitter is SO AWESOME.

    My ear, yeah. Probably some basic ones before I go into the extreme ones. I don't want to be fired :( I had a lot on my eyebrows and lips before, about 3 eyebrow and two lip, but I took them out after about a year and a half. They just got in the way of my sporty-ness (I love swimming and nihon kempo…:( It's a problem when it comes to piercings) I'll also be buying a larger earring so I can expand my lobes more.

    Haha, teal is definitely my color. I'm obsessed with it. Did I tell you I actually ventured into Hot Topic because I saw teal boots on sale for 10 dollars? Those boots are MINE now!! Only the power of teal would make me do such a thing. :P

  46. EleganBlack
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 9:43 pm | Permalink

    Those answers are really lame since I’m not in an experimenting mood with hair and stuff but I said “Hey, it’s not bad to post a comment !” >_< But I'll try and get inspired by you (if I can).

    † HAIR: I haven't dyed my hair but recently I've been trying extensions. Currently I have purple ones but I'm going to change them to red during summer. And my brown hair are very puffy and have different form on each strand so they're too difficult to tidy up, so I mostly leave them down or buy hairbands with spikes, etc.
    † MAKEUP: Unfortunately I can't learn to put make-up on by myself so I always get help (this is so embarassing…. TT-TT). Love black eyeliner and pencil, then brush it so that it makes a light smoky effect and I put on light-coloured lipstick so that the eyes say everything (wink-wink xD)

    † NAILS: Black, blue, purple or mix-ups of black with red or purple or majenta. (Tell Yukiro those nails are sugoi. Too bad that I could only find these via internet)

    † PIERCINGS/TATTOOS: No tattoos (though I'd love to have those temporary ones), but I have my ears pierced. Last summer I had two more piercings on each ear but they closed almost immediately and this summer I'll go re-pierce them and perhaps do more. And regarding earrings, I love thunders, skulls, spiders, bats and anything of that type in a cartoon-ish form. Can't help but act childish. xD

    Hope I can get more adventurous with my appearance once I get to High School at least. x3

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 6, 2010 at 11:34 pm | Permalink

      Extensions are something I should play with more… maybe I’ll try to find some… xo

  47. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 6:32 pm | Permalink

    My hair responds crazy well to dying… no split ends or chemical burn. I think it's MADE to be dyed – that is its natural state!

  48. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 6:33 pm | Permalink

    I wish I could wear wigs but my head is too big and my hair is too thick ahah. I can't get them to fit!

  49. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 6:33 pm | Permalink

    I'll keep you posted about my travel plans!

  50. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 6:34 pm | Permalink

    Yeah… you know how strict Japan is about piercings and tattoos. One glimpse, such as during a medical checkup, and you're in trouble…

    Hot topic!! https://tranquilitywiseusa.compics/100322_univer

  51. ceruleanthought
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 7:00 pm | Permalink

    HAIR: I've had short hair for the past few years. sometimes I get it cut REALLY short….almost guy ish -.- and sometimes it's a little longer, but no longer than halfway down my neck. I've been trying to grow it out lately and recently got bangs. I bleached my hair –stripes, not all the way–last year and the year before I streaked it red ^^ But right now it's just black. I want to grow it out, put a little purple in it, and curl it ^^
    MAKEUP: None…but I'd like to learn :)
    NAILS: I hate my nails … my cuticles and my nails are really ugly. I keep them VERY short because I hate having them go past the tip of the finger. I don't paint them either but I've been thinking I should start getting manicures, haha…
    PIERCING: No tattoos, and only normal ear piercings, but I don't wear earrings much because my ears have recently started hurting when I wear anything that's not a stud -.- I don't know why…
    CLOTHES: For school I just wear jeans and a hoodie usually. Really boring. But lately I've been dressing more girly, I guess you could say? I've been wearing dresses and skirts and shorts. but the thing is I'm really self conscious so usually I like to cover up with tights or long socks and boots.
    Yes, I am one of those shorts-and-boots type of people lol. I really want to dress more punk but everyone I've talked to said I can't pull it off. And I really want to be pretty but I only ever get “cute”. >.> lol

  52. EleganBlack
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 9:43 pm | Permalink

    Those answers are really lame since I'm not in an experimenting mood with hair and stuff but I said “Hey, it's not bad to post a comment !” >_< But I'll try and get inspired by you (if I can).

    † HAIR: I haven't dyed my hair but recently I've been trying extensions. Currently I have purple ones but I'm going to change them to red during summer. And my brown hair are very puffy and have different form on each strand so they're too difficult to tidy up, so I mostly leave them down or buy hairbands with spikes, etc.
    † MAKEUP: Unfortunately I can't learn to put make-up on by myself so I always get help (this is so embarassing…. TT-TT). Love black eyeliner and pencil, then brush it so that it makes a light smoky effect and I put on light-coloured lipstick so that the eyes say everything (wink-wink xD)

    † NAILS: Black, blue, purple or mix-ups of black with red or purple or majenta. (Tell Yukiro those nails are sugoi. Too bad that I could only find these via internet)

    † PIERCINGS/TATTOOS: No tattoos (though I'd love to have those temporary ones), but I have my ears pierced. Last summer I had two more piercings on each ear but they closed almost immediately and this summer I'll go re-pierce them and perhaps do more. And regarding earrings, I love thunders, skulls, spiders, bats and anything of that type in a cartoon-ish form. Can't help but act childish. xD

    Hope I can get more adventurous with my appearance once I get to High School at least. x3

  53. Anonymous
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 2:46 am | Permalink

    oh, good story about basil farrow and the computer mishap. i wouldn’t be able to get mad at him either. poor thing. life is challenging when you can’t find adequate large fluffy-cat furniture to lounge in. in other news, you are loversly in that big bow. you have such pretty dresses. i especially like that last one. i’m really into vintage dresses with sweet collars right now. and that dress really pairs well with the leopard print leggings. that painting is such a cool rendering of you. i can’t wait to see the other la carmina and basil farrow artwork that will be contributed.

  54. Hiccups
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 3:00 am | Permalink

    ooh i liked that outfit Heidi was wearing. :D

    okay here goes!

    Hair – I keep my hair dark and long. I prefer bangs because i like to cover my high forehead. lmao. But i never dye my hair in any bright color. Black blue normally. but lately its my natural dark brown.

    Make Up – I don’t use much color make up. I love trying new face powder however. I am pale most of the year and avoid blush. Don’t like how it looks on me. Sans eye shadow too. For the eyes i use black eye liner and mascara. Smudged eye liner for the ‘smoky’ look lately.

    Nails – Plain. Short. Nail polish never seems to last on me. But when i feel like it i use a light pink and a pearl color. I can scarcely afford to avoid doing all the work i do with my hands just to keep my nails intact.

    Tattoos/Piercings – Yes! I have the conventional piercings, one on each ear, but i rarely wear earrings. Also i have one tattoo on my left arm of a kitty. I will definitely be getting more on said arm. Actually got the tattoo a week before reaching adulthood, the age of consent, my 18th birthday; because i am such a rebel. lmao.

    I pretty much like a plain look. I even keep my tattoo covered. Don’t like to draw attention to myself. Natural and dark tones are dominant in my wardrobe. Skirts and dresses are impractical for most of my days. Jeans and tees are godsend. Love ‘granny’ sweaters and comfortable boy shoes. In fact i find that most of the band shirt designs i like are only available in boy sizes! so i get those in small. Love downtown Los Angeles’ fashion district for shopping “los callejones” lmao. rambling done!

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 7, 2010 at 5:46 am | Permalink

      It’s awesome to read these “style breakdowns” – I think you get a sense of the person without even knowing what they look like…

      What type of kitty do you have tattooed?

      • Hiccups
        Posted June 7, 2010 at 9:27 pm | Permalink

        you must think me boring then! :p

        its the little black neko from FlCl.

  55. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 11:33 pm | Permalink

    I've found that it takes years of practice and experimentation to get decent at makeup… definitely a good idea to start early!

    Hahah, have you tried cutting the nail straight across (almost a square shape)? It tends to look better than a curve. xo

  56. lacarmina
    Posted June 6, 2010 at 11:34 pm | Permalink

    Extensions are something I should play with more… maybe I'll try to find some… xo

  57. mariesfbayarea
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 2:46 am | Permalink

    oh, good story about basil farrow and the computer mishap. i wouldn't be able to get mad at him either. poor thing. life is challenging when you can't find adequate large fluffy-cat furniture to lounge in.

    in other news, you are loversly in that big bow. you have such pretty dresses. i especially like that last one. i'm really into vintage dresses with sweet collars right now. and that dress really pairs well with the leopard print leggings.

    that painting is such a cool rendering of you. i can't wait to see the other la carmina and basil farrow artwork that will be contributed.

  58. Hiccups
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 3:00 am | Permalink

    ooh i liked that outfit Heidi was wearing. :D

    okay here goes!

    Hair – I keep my hair dark and long. I prefer bangs because i like to cover my high forehead. lmao. But i never dye my hair in any bright color. Black blue normally. but lately its my natural dark brown.

    Make Up – I don't use much color make up. I love trying new face powder however. I am pale most of the year and avoid blush. Don't like how it looks on me. Sans eye shadow too. For the eyes i use black eye liner and mascara. Smudged eye liner for the 'smoky' look lately.

    Nails – Plain. Short. Nail polish never seems to last on me. But when i feel like it i use a light pink and a pearl color. I can scarcely afford to avoid doing all the work i do with my hands just to keep my nails intact.

    Tattoos/Piercings – Yes! I have the conventional piercings, one on each ear, but i rarely wear earrings. Also i have one tattoo on my left arm of a kitty. I will definitely be getting more on said arm. Actually got the tattoo a week before reaching adulthood, the age of consent, my 18th birthday; because i am such a rebel. lmao.

    I pretty much like a plain look. I even keep my tattoo covered. Don't like to draw attention to myself. Natural and dark tones are dominant in my wardrobe. Skirts and dresses are impractical for most of my days. Jeans and tees are godsend. Love 'granny' sweaters and comfortable boy shoes. In fact i find that most of the band shirt designs i like are only available in boy sizes! so i get those in small. Love downtown Los Angeles' fashion district for shopping “los callejones” lmao. rambling done!

  59. lacarmina
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 5:45 am | Permalink

    Hahah my baby… nobody can get mad at him… ;)

  60. lacarmina
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 5:46 am | Permalink

    It's awesome to read these “style breakdowns” – I think you get a sense of the person without even knowing what they look like…

    What type of kitty do you have tattooed?

  61. Chloe
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 5:26 pm | Permalink

    Okay, I’m addicted to your blog. Look out!
    I love the “women with a strong expression” idea! Her art is awesome.

    Talking makeup! YES LET’S DO THIS. I am the go-to gal in my circle for crazy makeup. Superbright colors have been my jam for a loooong time – I have a bouquet of fluorescent eyeliners and roulette-wheel of glitters in all colors. Some strange looks sometimes, but what I get most often is the “Your makeup is amazing! I could never pull that off”. I think people just need more confidence, ha.
    Do you know limecrime? I’ve bought from her since, like, freshman year of high school and ADORE the stuff. Really, really strong colors both bright and dark. Not only is she super cute and has amazing makeup tutorials on outlandish themes, but the makeup itself is fantastic.
    I also dyed my hair “electric raspberry” (I’m blonde so it was REALLY bright) just in time for my High School graduation…boy, was my mom pleased. My school’s gowns were emerald green, though, so I thought they looked great together! Sorry mom.
    I could never survive without my ear piercings! That sounds odd to say, but I jewelry is my sidejob and earrings are my favorite thing to make. My apartment is overflowing with plastic doodads.

    ALSO: Your cat is SO.ADORABLE. Oh my lord.

  62. Chloe
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 5:26 pm | Permalink

    Okay, I'm addicted to your blog. Look out!
    I love the “women with a strong expression” idea! Her art is awesome.

    Talking makeup! YES LET'S DO THIS. I am the go-to gal in my circle for crazy makeup. Superbright colors have been my jam for a loooong time – I have a bouquet of fluorescent eyeliners and roulette-wheel of glitters in all colors. Some strange looks sometimes, but what I get most often is the “Your makeup is amazing! I could never pull that off”. I think people just need more confidence, ha.
    Do you know limecrime? I've bought from her since, like, freshman year of high school and ADORE the stuff. Really, really strong colors both bright and dark. Not only is she super cute and has amazing makeup tutorials on outlandish themes, but the makeup itself is fantastic.
    I also dyed my hair “electric raspberry” (I'm blonde so it was REALLY bright) just in time for my High School graduation…boy, was my mom pleased. My school's gowns were emerald green, though, so I thought they looked great together! Sorry mom.
    I could never survive without my ear piercings! That sounds odd to say, but I jewelry is my sidejob and earrings are my favorite thing to make. My apartment is overflowing with plastic doodads.

    ALSO: Your cat is SO.ADORABLE. Oh my lord.

  63. lacarmina
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 5:49 pm | Permalink

    Heheh! Basil says thank you!
    I had tea with Doe Deere of Lime Crime in NYC! Have you seen this post?


  64. Riff
    Posted June 8, 2010 at 12:36 am | Permalink

    Might as well, eh?

    Hair: I used to do a lot of crazy stuff with it – spiking, massive faux-hawks, dyeing (either red or teal – the two colours besides black I like, haha). But now I don’t have the patience to maintain hair on a regular basis anymore, since I really hate it when the roots start showing, so it’s a long, layered cut in my natural black now. I actually think this is a lot more versatile, since I can do it up however I want without awkward bits hanging out. Also, having my hair in certain colours always limited what I could do with make-up, so that was no good… :P

    Make-up: I’m Asian with no double eyelid (I HATE it when Asians get the double eyelid surgery), but I find it fun to work with it. Mostly, I stick to black or fairly neutral shades in make-up, but they’re dramatic nonetheless. I do like to use colour if I’m in the mood~
    I don’t usually do anything with my lips – I’m an eye make-up kind of girl – other than balm and a touch of colour mixed in. Besides special events, I hate worrying if it’s smudged/feathering/coming off on my glass… :P

    Nails: Like my make-up, this is one of the few places that you’ll ever see colour on me, haha. But besides my black and gunmetal staples, I tend to favour blues and greens. I think it’s difficult to find red nail polish that doesn’t look tacky.

    Piercings/Tattoos: I have two lobe piercings, a cartilage piercing, and an industrial bar. I might get more on my ears but I’m not into facial piercings and I think belly-button piercings are generally trashy, so not much to do here… But I have tattoos on both my upper arms, my wrist, and my collarbone. I have a lot more tattoos planned – I think I might get a twin pair on my knees or one on the back of my neck next. I’m saving my back for a big piece – not really sure yet – although I might incorporate transdermal piercings into the design. I’m cool with people getting fun and not-so-serious tattoos, but so far, I’ve only gotten ones representing things/people important to me. And I have a lot of Christian iconography. I’m going to see if I can incorporate at least 20 crucifixes all over my body, hahaha!

    • lacarmina
      Posted June 8, 2010 at 8:23 am | Permalink

      Teal! <3
      20 crucifixes! <3
      I think that's a creative idea, incorporating transdermal piercings with the back tattoo. Interested to see how it turns out.

  65. Hiccups
    Posted June 7, 2010 at 9:27 pm | Permalink

    you must think me boring then! :p

    its the little black neko from FlCl.

  66. Chloe
    Posted June 8, 2010 at 12:32 am | Permalink

    HOW DID I MISS THIS?? It's like two stars of my fashion world collided and a supernova of glitter-edged cute resulted!

  67. Riff
    Posted June 8, 2010 at 12:36 am | Permalink

    Might as well, eh?

    Hair: I used to do a lot of crazy stuff with it – spiking, massive faux-hawks, dyeing (either red or teal – the two colours besides black I like, haha). But now I don't have the patience to maintain hair on a regular basis anymore, since I really hate it when the roots start showing, so it's a long, layered cut in my natural black now. I actually think this is a lot more versatile, since I can do it up however I want without awkward bits hanging out. Also, having my hair in certain colours always limited what I could do with make-up, so that was no good… :P

    Make-up: I'm Asian with no double eyelid (I HATE it when Asians get the double eyelid surgery), but I find it fun to work with it. Mostly, I stick to black or fairly neutral shades in make-up, but they're dramatic nonetheless. I do like to use colour if I'm in the mood~
    I don't usually do anything with my lips – I'm an eye make-up kind of girl – other than balm and a touch of colour mixed in. Besides special events, I hate worrying if it's smudged/feathering/coming off on my glass… :P

    Nails: Like my make-up, this is one of the few places that you'll ever see colour on me, haha. But besides my black and gunmetal staples, I tend to favour blues and greens. I think it's difficult to find red nail polish that doesn't look tacky.

    Piercings/Tattoos: I have two lobe piercings, a cartilage piercing, and an industrial bar. I might get more on my ears but I'm not into facial piercings and I think belly-button piercings are generally trashy, so not much to do here… But I have tattoos on both my upper arms, my wrist, and my collarbone. I have a lot more tattoos planned – I think I might get a twin pair on my knees or one on the back of my neck next. I'm saving my back for a big piece – not really sure yet – although I might incorporate transdermal piercings into the design. I'm cool with people getting fun and not-so-serious tattoos, but so far, I've only gotten ones representing things/people important to me. And I have a lot of Christian iconography. I'm going to see if I can incorporate at least 20 crucifixes all over my body, hahaha!

  68. lacarmina
    Posted June 8, 2010 at 8:21 am | Permalink

    <3 <3!

  69. lacarmina
    Posted June 8, 2010 at 8:23 am | Permalink

    Teal! <3
    20 crucifixes! <3
    I think that's a creative idea, incorporating transdermal piercings with the back tattoo. Interested to see how it turns out.

  70. Special K
    Posted June 9, 2010 at 7:12 pm | Permalink

    Lol!!! I have thick hair too, and its really long as well, but (I don't know if you have yet or not) you can google this problem and there are many solutions for that. For example, my two friends who are both sisters have the same problem, but they know how to put on a wig a certain way to make it work. It just takes practice.
    Don't give up La Carmina- AJA AJA FIGHTING!! ;)

  71. Audriana Zirakchi
    Posted October 14, 2010 at 11:45 pm | Permalink

    Oh I’ve never thought about this before.

    Nails:I used to bite my nails till I was 15, then I decided I really wanted long nails so I stopped. Now my nails are always long. I paint them once in a while since the paint comes off really easily. Not sure how.

    Hair: I was stupid when I was 13 and chopped off my long hair, but have been growing it long again ever since. The style always stays the same, but I change back and forth between straight and asymmetrical bangs. I’ve experimented with hair color a little bit, but there was a time where I would ONLY have it black (I was afraid to bleach my hair), but now my hair is a dark golden blonde, soon to be a milk tea brown :3

    Makeup: Changes ALOT, depends how much time I have.

    Piercings/Tattoos: I had my ears pierced when I was a baby, but I never wear earrings. I don’t plan on getting any tattoos either. I too prefer to adorn myself with jewelry. Usually bracelets and necklaces. I’m very picky with rings..

    That was so much fun (^^)

  72. Audriana Zirakchi
    Posted October 14, 2010 at 11:45 pm | Permalink

    Oh I’ve never thought about this before.

    Nails:I used to bite my nails till I was 15, then I decided I really wanted long nails so I stopped. Now my nails are always long. I paint them once in a while since the paint comes off really easily. Not sure how.

    Hair: I was stupid when I was 13 and chopped off my long hair, but have been growing it long again ever since. The style always stays the same, but I change back and forth between straight and asymmetrical bangs. I’ve experimented with hair color a little bit, but there was a time where I would ONLY have it black (I was afraid to bleach my hair), but now my hair is a dark golden blonde, soon to be a milk tea brown :3

    Makeup: Changes ALOT, depends how much time I have.

    Piercings/Tattoos: I had my ears pierced when I was a baby, but I never wear earrings. I don’t plan on getting any tattoos either. I too prefer to adorn myself with jewelry. Usually bracelets and necklaces. I’m very picky with rings..

    That was so much fun (^^)

  73. Anonymous
    Posted May 5, 2011 at 12:42 am | Permalink

    I have that shirt! The succubus one, except mine is in olive green (not sure why I got the succubus one in that color as much as I like my olive green). I can’t believe its been 11 months since this article came out! I would have thought we were discussing piercings and tattoos and ‘end of the school year’ plans.

  74. Joy-chan
    Posted May 5, 2011 at 12:50 am | Permalink

    Hair: I had my hair cut short most of my life high school years (due to the fact that I hate long hair on me but i been trying to grow it out but I get fed up with it a lot) my natural hair color is brown but i dyed it black, red, put blonde in it when i should not, and than VERY blonde and it grew a lot more and right now i am working on getting a pixie cut with maybe platinum blonde but i been dieing to go pink but money is a sad reminder
    Make-up: I went threw the crow make-up phase in middle school, than in high school I just stopped wearing it. Now I want to wear it but money and skill is once again a bad reminder.
    Nails: I wear them short and paint them black but when I started to work at a fast food resturant I stopped and now I keep it that way and all I have is red nail polish and pink but the type of pink nail polish is kind of trashy and the red is just odd on me so I am going to give those away.
    Piercings/tattoos: I had my ears pierced probably hundreds of times but they got infected and I had to take them out, now I want snake bites and a tattoo on my arm that will be on there when I can afford it.

  75. Samina
    Posted May 5, 2011 at 1:01 am | Permalink

    Hair: I have natural brown hair that gradients from dark brown near my roots to a light brown/almost blonde near the tips, but only in certain places. I got really tired of my hair never being a consistent color, so I started dying it red when I was 16. A year later, I moved onto black, but went back to red when an ex-boyfriend was allergic to the dye. I wound up stripping that and doing a sort of scarecrow straw highlight deal for a bit, and then grew it out, only to dye it Manic Panic Red. Bleached it a few times, and then went to a natural brown again because I got tired of all the upkeep. Now I’m currently rocking the natural gradient again, and growing it out as long as I possibly can. Most products either fry my hair, or weight it down to the point of ICK, so I usually tend to pull it up in a ponytail, wear my snood, or leave it down most days- only rarely, like in the event of a concert or photo shoot- will I actually style it.

    Makeup: I have a makeup addiction! I see a shade or color I like and I can’t help but buy it- my makeup box and purse are FULL of shadows and liners! tend to go pretty plain and simple for makeup. Black eyeliner, usually thin and winged, and occasionally mascara. For shadows, I tend to stick with whites, blacks, purples, and silvers, as they tend to bring out the green in my eyes. Chapstick and colorless lip balms are my friends, as I usually chew on pencils or pen caps and having lipstick or gloss smear all over your stuff is never fun. >_<

    Nails: I confess, I bite my nails something horrible- every time I get super-stressed, I bite them down to the quick. I tend to pick at my nail polish too, so even though I have billions of colors (lots of blacks, purples, blood reds, and a few greens and blues and one NEON orange), I rarely wear polish. I just bought some new ones today though, so hopefully I can find some gloves or something to prevent me from ruining them again.

    Piercings/Tattoos: I have my ears pierced once, and that's it. I'm too picky and tend to change my style so much that permanent skin art has never really spoken to me. I usually wear at least three necklaces- my bf's dog tags, an antique silver heart from my grandmother, and some kind of choker- with a silver moon ring and long dangling earrings. Occasionally I'll pile on the rings, or some kind of glove or bangle bracelets, but usually I try to keep my shininess to a very manageable level.

  76. Jrockonhigh
    Posted May 5, 2011 at 1:38 am | Permalink

    Hair: It depends on the season. I’ve always had dark hair but I’ve started putting in bright feather extensions to switch it up

    Make-up: brown or black liquid liner (I love doing a cat eye), mascara, and sunscreen.

    Nails: Mostly polish in blues, earthy colors or purples.

    No piercings or tattoos

    Clothing: Casual but cute. I like a lot of jewel tones especially teal and some black.

  77. Alyssa D. Mallozzi
    Posted May 5, 2011 at 1:41 am | Permalink

    I have dark brown hair, which I’ve gotten into straightening, but lately I’ve just been too lazy to do it. It’s naturally curly and people ask if I’ve gotten a perm. nope. Used to color my hair, often a deep wine/burgundy color, but I just got tired of it after a while. Made the bad decision to try and lighten my hair once, and I ended up looking like a relative of Carrot Top. My mom was horrified, and she colored my hair so it looked normal again!
    As for piercings/body art, I have two tattoos. One is on my upper left shoulder of a stylized stag. The original was found on the mummy of a woman found in the Pazyryk region. I have it in the same place as the mummy. To me, tattoos are a rite of passage in a sense, and I am very selective of what I want. It has to be beautiful and it has to have a personal meaning for me. The second is an ancient Celtic symbol for divine inspiration, looks like this: /|. I embellished it by adding a dot atop each line and three more in a triangle right beneath the middle line.
    I have 3 piercings in each ear right now, don’t think I’ll add more. The lower pairs of holes in my ears are stretched, not particularly large, but noticeable if I wear some of my bigger pieces in them. I began doing this perhaps 2 years ago, and talking to people who modify through piercing and body art has been a fascinating experience, considering my own personal history. I don’t seem like the type who’d do this, right? I like it, because it helps define me. I have no intentions of going larger, due to work rules and my own personal aesthetics. I LOVE makeup, love coming up with unique color combinations, seeing how they change the way I look. It’s a bit of a mood booster for me, because I can be very self-conscious of my looks. Sometimes I love glamming it up, just for the heck of it, or looking a little goth. Sometimes I try to go for that rich, romantic look, with tones of rose, gold, browns and pink. So there’s my bit. ;)

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