

ALICE IN WONDERLAND CAFE, SHINJUKU, cute food. PEPSI TV: FUN PLACES IN TOKYO, JAPAN. KARAOKE SINGING, VIDEO OF HARAJUKU FASHION. TOKYO TRAVEL TV SHOOT HOSTING & ARRANGING: DUTCH PEPSI. SEGA GAME CENTER, HARAJUKU FASHION GUIDE, japanese youth clothing fashion expert, street style, weird japan, crazy japanese activities, takeshita doori, television filming movie, netherlands, bo jeuken, watkijkjij videos netherlands, strange traveling

Avast, me hearties! A million apologies for yesterday’s technical difficulties. (My server ran aground… but we’re back to smooth sailing now.)

Are you ready to watch the first of several Dutch Pepsi TV episodes? Keep scrolling down — the video is in this post!

ALICE IN WONDERLAND CAFE, SHINJUKU, cute food. PEPSI TV: FUN PLACES IN TOKYO, JAPAN. KARAOKE SINGING, VIDEO OF HARAJUKU FASHION. TOKYO TRAVEL TV SHOOT HOSTING & ARRANGING: DUTCH PEPSI. SEGA GAME CENTER, HARAJUKU FASHION GUIDE, japanese youth clothing fashion expert, street style, weird japan, crazy japanese activities, takeshita doori, television filming movie, netherlands, bo jeuken, watkijkjij videos netherlands, strange traveling

As you know, I wrote a book about Tokyo’s Crazy, Wacky Theme Restaurants. So I took the Netherlands TV crew to the Alice in Wonderland cafe, where we were served by cute Alice waitresses. The cute food included tuna/avocado caterpillar sushi, eggplant/salmon Cheshire Cat pizza, and a cereal/fruit sundae.

ALICE IN WONDERLAND CAFE, SHINJUKU, cute food. PEPSI TV: FUN PLACES IN TOKYO, JAPAN. KARAOKE SINGING, VIDEO OF HARAJUKU FASHION. TOKYO TRAVEL TV SHOOT HOSTING & ARRANGING: DUTCH PEPSI. SEGA GAME CENTER, HARAJUKU FASHION GUIDE, japanese youth clothing fashion expert, street style, weird japan, crazy japanese activities, takeshita doori, television filming movie, netherlands, bo jeuken, watkijkjij videos netherlands, strange traveling, Dutch Pepsi TV campaign! Tokyo Alice in Wonderland cafe, Harajuku fashion, karaoke singing

In Wonderland, the menus take the form of pop-up books. Ilya turned the puff pastry cat into a Scottish Fold, in Basil Farrow’s honor.

KARAOKE SINGING, pasela hon ten resort in shinjuku, best karaoke parlors in tokyo japan, ALICE IN WONDERLAND CAFE, SHINJUKU, cute food. PEPSI TV: FUN PLACES IN TOKYO, JAPAN. VIDEO OF HARAJUKU FASHION. TOKYO TRAVEL TV SHOOT HOSTING & ARRANGING: DUTCH PEPSI. SEGA GAME CENTER, HARAJUKU FASHION GUIDE, japanese youth clothing fashion expert, street style, weird japan, crazy japanese activities, takeshita doori, television filming movie, netherlands, bo jeuken, watkijkjij videos netherlands, strange traveling, Dutch Pepsi TV campaign! Harajuku fashion, karaoke songs

After, we met up with the rest of the Addams Family at Pasela Karaoke (the parlor famous for the big toast dessert — remember this blog post?) When singing is involved, things turn scary. As you’ll see in the video, Mistress Maya freaked even US out!

KARAOKE SINGING, pasela hon ten resort in shinjuku, best karaoke parlors in tokyo japan, ALICE IN WONDERLAND CAFE, SHINJUKU, cute food. PEPSI TV: FUN PLACES IN TOKYO, JAPAN. VIDEO OF HARAJUKU FASHION. TOKYO TRAVEL TV SHOOT HOSTING & ARRANGING: DUTCH PEPSI. SEGA GAME CENTER, HARAJUKU FASHION GUIDE, japanese youth clothing fashion expert, street style, weird japan, crazy japanese activities, takeshita doori, television filming movie, netherlands, bo jeuken, watkijkjij videos netherlands, strange traveling, Dutch Pepsi TV campaign! Harajuku fashion, karaoke songs

We celebrated my birthday with wine and one of Pasela’s bizarre concoctions. Yes, it’s a loaf of white bread with cream, fruit, flowers, and zig-zag Pikachu tails sticking out of it. The Dutch TV crew kindly brought me gifts from Amsterdam (including a Miffy t-shirt!) and we all had a goofy time singing together.

KARAOKE SINGING, pasela hon ten resort in shinjuku, best karaoke parlors in tokyo japan, ALICE IN WONDERLAND CAFE, SHINJUKU, cute food. PEPSI TV: FUN PLACES IN TOKYO, JAPAN. VIDEO OF HARAJUKU FASHION. TOKYO TRAVEL TV SHOOT HOSTING & ARRANGING: DUTCH PEPSI. SEGA GAME CENTER, HARAJUKU FASHION GUIDE, japanese youth clothing fashion expert, street style, weird japan, crazy japanese activities, takeshita doori, television filming movie, netherlands, bo jeuken, watkijkjij videos netherlands, strange traveling, Dutch Pepsi TV campaign! Harajuku fashion, karaoke songs

The TV crew went back to their hotel, but the nightcrawling never ends for us creatures of the night. Absinthe was calling our name, so we went to Bar PSY in Kabuki-cho for a fix. (What am I wearing? My outfit details can be found in this post.)

Ready to see a moving picture of the first Pepsi adventure? Come watch the video above or here on YouTube. (Please subscribe so you won’t miss out on the next episodes.)

What do you think — did Pepsi do a good job of capturing our flamboyant, Gothic scene? Wouldn’t you like to join in on the fun?

Japanese Word of the Day: Otona = Adult
Song of the Day: Alanis Morissette – You Oughta Know. Why? If you check out the video, you’ll know — and LOL.

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  1. Ashestoyoursoul
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 3:57 am | Permalink

    I love the wtf word bubble at the end!n

  2. Ashestoyoursoul
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 3:57 am | Permalink

    I love the wtf word bubble at the end!

  3. Takenoutofcontext
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 3:58 am | Permalink

    Man, you really know how to have a good time.(For a split second I almost thought you were the girl in the cowboy hat. XD )n

  4. Takenoutofcontext
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 3:58 am | Permalink

    Man, you really know how to have a good time.(For a split second I almost thought you were the girl in the cowboy hat. XD )

    • lacarmina
      Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:12 am | Permalink

      hehe that’s Mistress Maya! She runs the Goth party Midnight Mess.

  5. Tara A Dettman
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 4:06 am | Permalink

    HA HA HA!! I wanna go to Karaoke with Mistress Maya!!!! She is fun!

  6. Tara A Dettman
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 4:06 am | Permalink

    HA HA HA!! I wanna go to Karaoke with Mistress Maya!!!! She is fun!

  7. Chiisexy
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 4:09 am | Permalink

    dank je vel! (thank you in dutch) I loved the video and i want more!! :D If i visit Japan, i would love to hang with you.

  8. Chiisexy
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 4:09 am | Permalink

    dank je vel! (thank you in dutch) I loved the video and i want more!! :D If i visit Japan, i would love to hang with you.

  9. Audriana Zirakchi
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 4:21 am | Permalink

    All that food looks so good! I really want to visit Japan, but I’m vegan do you think I’d have a hard time finding good places to eat? Especially desserts because I have a BIG sweet tooth.

  10. Audriana Zirakchi
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 4:21 am | Permalink

    All that food looks so good! I really want to visit Japan, but I’m vegan do you think I’d have a hard time finding good places to eat? Especially desserts because I have a BIG sweet tooth.

    • lacarmina
      Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:11 am | Permalink

      Heheh “I am Sebastian” is our resident vegan. He knows where to go! There are several vegan cafes, including Vegan Healing cafe in Shibuya, and some Indian places. Grocery stores, such as the one by Shibuya station, sell vegan cookies etc so you’ll be ok. :)

  11. Sandra
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:40 am | Permalink

    NICE!!!! XOXOn

  12. Sandra
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:40 am | Permalink

    NICE!!!! XOXO

  13. Emi
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:41 am | Permalink

    lol for my wtf face XD not that I felt that way at all XDn

  14. Brie
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:41 am | Permalink

    How fun!n

  15. Brie
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:41 am | Permalink

    How fun!

  16. Emi
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:41 am | Permalink

    lol for my wtf face XD not that I felt that way at all XD

  17. GeishaXkillen
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:42 am | Permalink

    Jesus. Holy mother of god. Ears bleed at the end when cowboy girl sang. xD That blond girl near her is so patient.. :’DDn

  18. GeishaXkillen
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:42 am | Permalink

    Jesus. Holy mother of god. Ears bleed at the end when cowboy girl sang. xD That blond girl near her is so patient.. :’DD

  19. shadowpal2
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:56 am | Permalink

    Boy I loved the episode very nicely done and gave the nice smooth progression of being in Harajuku – of course it’s just the 1st episode so there’s even still more to come. nnNow that Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant is a place I’ll definitely have to go. Just got to see it for myself despite hearing for myself. But……there’s something stopping me from going there. – WHERE IS THE MADHATTER?! Jeese I played the guy for my highschool play and this is the kind of respect the character gets? C’mon please tell me there’s the Madhatter! Boy would I love to have a cup of tea with him hahaHAHAHAHA!!!!nnBut god I would love to have as much fun as the cowgirl did near the end. hehe – how cute…nnKeep having funnn

  20. shadowpal2
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:56 am | Permalink

    Boy I loved the episode very nicely done and gave the nice smooth progression of being in Harajuku – of course it’s just the 1st episode so there’s even still more to come.

    Now that Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant is a place I’ll definitely have to go. Just got to see it for myself despite hearing for myself. But……there’s something stopping me from going there. – WHERE IS THE MADHATTER?! Jeese I played the guy for my highschool play and this is the kind of respect the character gets? C’mon please tell me there’s the Madhatter! Boy would I love to have a cup of tea with him hahaHAHAHAHA!!!!

    But god I would love to have as much fun as the cowgirl did near the end. hehe – how cute…

    Keep having fun

  21. Ildi
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:57 am | Permalink

    awwwwwwwww, this makes me home-sick for Japan! (Y – Y)nThe Alice in Wonderland cafe was a good choice! That place is AMAZING!!!! :3 We celebrated a b-day there.nnAHAHAHAHAHAHA, the karaoke with the blonde girl going ‘wtf’! XD lol, was the girl in the cowboy hat drunk or just really into it? hee heennlooks like soooooooooooo much fun! X3

  22. Ildi
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:57 am | Permalink

    awwwwwwwww, this makes me home-sick for Japan! (Y – Y)
    The Alice in Wonderland cafe was a good choice! That place is AMAZING!!!! :3 We celebrated a b-day there.

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA, the karaoke with the blonde girl going ‘wtf’! XD lol, was the girl in the cowboy hat drunk or just really into it? hee hee

    looks like soooooooooooo much fun! X3

    • lacarmina
      Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:00 am | Permalink

      The Alice cafe is one of my favorite restaurants!
      haha Maya is always like that… it’s so awesome!

  23. lacarmina
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:00 am | Permalink

    The Alice cafe is one of my favorite restaurants!nhaha Maya is always like that… it’s so awesome!

  24. lacarmina
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:09 am | Permalink

    Yess I can’t wait to see the rest! The Goth club episode and maid cafe will be intense.nAhh the mad hatter! Here he is!

  25. lacarmina
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:11 am | Permalink

    She DOMINATES every situation you put her in! XD

  26. lacarmina
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:11 am | Permalink

    More to come!! So excited!

  27. lacarmina
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:11 am | Permalink

    Heheh “I am Sebastian” is our resident vegan. He knows where to go! There are several vegan cafes, including Vegan Healing cafe in Shibuya, and some Indian places. Grocery stores, such as the one by Shibuya station, sell vegan cookies etc so you’ll be ok. :)

  28. lacarmina
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 6:12 am | Permalink

    hehe that’s Mistress Maya! She runs the Goth party Midnight Mess.

  29. Rocking Doll Museum
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 7:11 am | Permalink

    XDD The karoake XD THe blonde girl’s face was priceless!rnrnDamn, the contest of pepsi is already over!~D: Oh, well, I’d never gotten that many facebook friends! D:rnrnDo you want to be my tour guide as well if I would be going to Japan (someday..ever..pleasebeforeIdie)?rnrnDo your shoes walk okay? It seems like you’re having trouble walking on it!

  30. Rocking Doll Museum
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 7:11 am | Permalink

    XDD The karoake XD THe blonde girl’s face was priceless!

    Damn, the contest of pepsi is already over!~D: Oh, well, I’d never gotten that many facebook friends! D:

    Do you want to be my tour guide as well if I would be going to Japan (someday..ever..pleasebeforeIdie)?

    Do your shoes walk okay? It seems like you’re having trouble walking on it!

    • lacarmina
      Posted September 1, 2010 at 7:49 am | Permalink

      ahaa I LOL every time I see it! <3 The shoes were fine to walk in… they're a bit clunky by design, I think XD

  31. Neotokyo
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 7:41 am | Permalink

    wow very cooln

  32. Neotokyo
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 7:41 am | Permalink

    wow very cool

  33. lacarmina
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 7:49 am | Permalink

    ahaa I LOL every time I see it! <3 The shoes were fine to walk in... they're a bit clunky by design, I think XD

  34. Kristie
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 5:17 pm | Permalink

    La Carmina. Love your blog. Love your style. Love Japan. Wish I was there again! I would love for you to do some sort of guest post on my blog, or maybe I could possibly link to you? Your style is amazing and I love Japanese Fashion. (best in the world)
    Just let me know.

    • lacarmina
      Posted September 2, 2010 at 7:12 am | Permalink

      Aww I’d be honored if you linked to me! Thanks so much – great to meet you!

  35. Mike
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 8:36 pm | Permalink

    Holy crap, I cannot contain my awwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  36. Raphael
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 8:37 pm | Permalink

    Lacarmina, i live in holland, and i cant believe they maket this ^__^
    Yay i’m so glad : )

  37. Enigma
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 8:37 pm | Permalink

    Lovely! Oh and awesome choices of music!

  38. Ladyari
    Posted September 1, 2010 at 8:38 pm | Permalink

    that looked fun! except the under the table shot was a bit creepy if u didnt know about it. and n one group photo it looks like maya is getting felt up lol. hope they sub this at some point. great vid

  39. Bara
    Posted September 2, 2010 at 2:27 am | Permalink

    oh sega land looks soo cool. alice in wonderland looked nice too.

  40. Activeanimeent
    Posted September 2, 2010 at 6:43 am | Permalink

    I must say it agian and again!!!! I love Japan!n

  41. Activeanimeent
    Posted September 2, 2010 at 6:43 am | Permalink

    I must say it agian and again!!!! I love Japan!

  42. Sattya2
    Posted September 2, 2010 at 6:43 am | Permalink

    Love the new video!

  43. lacarmina
    Posted September 2, 2010 at 7:12 am | Permalink

    Aww I’d be honored if you linked to me! Thanks so much – great to meet you!

  44. Benway for the Nova Police
    Posted September 27, 2010 at 12:11 am | Permalink

    The alternate world revolves around La Carmina.


  45. Pol Dej
    Posted January 26, 2014 at 9:20 am | Permalink

    Interesting article, a bit academic, but overall well written and quite informative. Of course not all agree with the author, but a whole lot of interesting ideas and there is something to think about. Good work, waiting to continue!)))))

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