

JAPANESE TV LOCAL PRODUCTION COORDINATORS, HARAJUKU FASHION, OTAKU COSPLAY GUIDES & EXPERTS. style hosts TOKYO, JAPAN film television FIXER: ARRANGING, SCHEDULING, TRANSLATING FOR FILM CREWS. JAPANESE COOLHUNTERS, FASHION SUBCULTURES TREND CONSULTING. on-Camera Hosts, Japanese Translators for hire, Travel tour Guides in tokyo, Trendhunters consultants firm. cool hunter, coolhunting firms youth goth alternative trends. TV host reel. Travel Channel Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, CNN, Japan entertainment reporter GHOSTLOVE PIRATE JEWELRY GIVEAWAY CONTEST win free gold necklace

Naomi and I want to thank you for supporting La Carmina & The Pirates! Twenty-four hours after unveiling our coolhunter / Japanese TV fixer (hosting and arranging business), Naomi and I already have a new offer… I’ll soon post photos from our Tokyo travel TV shoots with Pepsi and Sony, which will give you a better idea of how we work and what we do.

Speaking of scurvy sea dogs: let’s celebrate with a generous pirate jewelry giveaway from Ghostlove.

JAPANESE TV LOCAL PRODUCTION COORDINATORS, HARAJUKU FASHION, OTAKU COSPLAY GUIDES & EXPERTS. style hosts TOKYO, JAPAN film television FIXER: ARRANGING, SCHEDULING, TRANSLATING FOR FILM CREWS. JAPANESE COOLHUNTERS, FASHION SUBCULTURES TREND CONSULTING. on-Camera Hosts, Japanese Translators for hire, Travel tour Guides in tokyo, Trendhunters consultants firm. cool hunter, coolhunting firms youth goth alternative trends. TV host reel. Travel Channel Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, CNN, Japan entertainment reporter GHOSTLOVE PIRATE JEWELRY GIVEAWAY CONTEST win free gold necklace

Ghostlove has hand-crafted nine collections of dark, beautiful jewelry and accessories, specializing in Couture Noir, Gothic Lolita, Neo-Victorian and Steampunk. I fell in love with everything on the website — but especially these gold treasures from the Pirate collection.

Black high-waisted dress: Westmend, a Chinese Lolita brand
Polonova velvet gloves: gifted from Sock Dreams
Gold splash metallic thigh highs: gifted from We Love Colors

JAPANESE TV LOCAL PRODUCTION COORDINATORS, HARAJUKU FASHION, OTAKU COSPLAY GUIDES & EXPERTS. style hosts TOKYO, JAPAN film television FIXER: ARRANGING, SCHEDULING, TRANSLATING FOR FILM CREWS. JAPANESE COOLHUNTERS, FASHION SUBCULTURES TREND CONSULTING. on-Camera Hosts, Japanese Translators for hire, Travel tour Guides in tokyo, Trendhunters consultants firm. cool hunter, coolhunting firms youth goth alternative trends. TV host reel. Travel Channel Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, CNN, Japan entertainment reporter GHOSTLOVE PIRATE JEWELRY GIVEAWAY CONTEST win free gold necklace

I’m wearing Ghostlove’s A Mighty Ship, an intricately detailed steampunk schooner with a dangling anchor. I can’t wait to accessorize my next outfit with the Ghost of the Kraken antiqued brass octopus brooch, nautical charms dangling from his tentacles. (Thank you to Ghostlove for these beauties, as well as the cute cat toys for Basil Farrow!)

Makeup: 100 yen ($1) fake eyelashes on the bottom lids and Daiso flower gems. I outlined my lips with OhMyGoth! smudgeliner and filled them with Adrenaline red lipstick, both gifted by Annabelle Cosmetics.

JAPANESE TV LOCAL PRODUCTION COORDINATORS, HARAJUKU FASHION, OTAKU COSPLAY GUIDES & EXPERTS. style hosts TOKYO, JAPAN film television FIXER: ARRANGING, SCHEDULING, TRANSLATING FOR FILM CREWS. JAPANESE COOLHUNTERS, FASHION SUBCULTURES TREND CONSULTING. on-Camera Hosts, Japanese Translators for hire, Travel tour Guides in tokyo, Trendhunters consultants firm. cool hunter, coolhunting firms youth goth alternative trends. TV host reel. Travel Channel Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, CNN, Japan entertainment reporter GHOSTLOVE PIRATE JEWELRY GIVEAWAY CONTEST win free gold necklace

A fair wench look.
Black corset tank top: got it a while back in a cheap Hong Kong lingerie store.
Long sleeve black top: Numph, from my mother
Red knee highs: from the infamous Los Angeles 99 cent store

JAPANESE TV LOCAL PRODUCTION COORDINATORS, HARAJUKU FASHION, OTAKU COSPLAY GUIDES & EXPERTS. style hosts TOKYO, JAPAN film television FIXER: ARRANGING, SCHEDULING, TRANSLATING FOR FILM CREWS. JAPANESE COOLHUNTERS, FASHION SUBCULTURES TREND CONSULTING. on-Camera Hosts, Japanese Translators for hire, Travel tour Guides in tokyo, Trendhunters consultants firm. cool hunter, coolhunting firms youth goth alternative trends. TV host reel. Travel Channel Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, CNN, Japan entertainment reporter GHOSTLOVE PIRATE JEWELRY GIVEAWAY CONTEST win free gold necklace

Above are close-ups of my makeup. The light pink eyeshadow is gifted from Shrinkle’s Sugarpill Makeup.
Manicure: I painted the tip of each nail red, added a white stripe, and filled the base with black (using Daiso $1 nail art polish).

And behold the Jolly Roger necklace Ghostlove created for me (they accept custom orders). Guess what — the designer made not one, but two identical copies. One of them is for you to win… so we can be like sisters; the only two people on the planet with this glorious pirate gold!

JAPANESE TV LOCAL PRODUCTION COORDINATORS, HARAJUKU FASHION, OTAKU COSPLAY GUIDES & EXPERTS. style hosts TOKYO, JAPAN film television FIXER: ARRANGING, SCHEDULING, TRANSLATING FOR FILM CREWS. JAPANESE COOLHUNTERS, FASHION SUBCULTURES TREND CONSULTING. on-Camera Hosts, Japanese Translators for hire, Travel tour Guides in tokyo, Trendhunters consultants firm. cool hunter, coolhunting firms youth goth alternative trends. TV host reel. Travel Channel Bizarre Foods, No Reservations, CNN, Japan entertainment reporter GHOSTLOVE PIRATE JEWELRY GIVEAWAY CONTEST win free gold necklace


To win the gold skull-and-bones necklace, please help us get the word out on our trendhunting / Japan TV coordination services, La Carmina & The Pirates. You receive one (1) point for each of the following:
† Vote Up our website on Boing Boing (click the green square)
† Dig the site on Digg (click the yellow button)
† Stumble on us via StumbleUpon (“I Like It” button, top left)
† Be creative! Please write about us in a blog post, forum etc. We’re also happy to answer interview questions; just contact us. It’d be great if you could use keywords like “Tokyo TV fixers” and “Japan coolhunters” and link to

Then comment here, telling us how you got the word out.

*** IMPORTANT *** You must do at least one of the above AND comment in this post (letting us know what you did) to be eligible.

Contest is open worldwide and ends Wednesday, October 13 at midnight Pacific Time. You may only enter once and must the requirements to be eligible. The winner will be picked at random. If you have difficulty leaving a comment, try enabling Disqus in NoScript or email Carmina.

All hands on deck? Time to ship out. Looking forward to your entries!

Japanese Word of the Day: Tenkin suru – Transfer
Song of the Day: Noisuf-X – Deutschland Braucht Bewegung (Dance dance dance.)

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Filed Under Fashion


  1. Chris
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 8:51 pm | Permalink

    wow nice~~

  2. Chris
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 8:51 pm | Permalink

    wow nice~~

  3. Ian
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 8:54 pm | Permalink

    That jewelry is fantastic! Thank you for the &DEVOUR blog post, it looked great. Hopefully we can work together again soon!

  4. Ian
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 8:54 pm | Permalink

    That jewelry is fantastic! Thank you for the &DEVOUR blog post, it looked great. Hopefully we can work together again soon!

  5. Wendyf610
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 8:59 pm | Permalink

    I liked on all the above social networks and are leading people to your amazing adventures and work
    on my FB page

  6. Wendyf610
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 8:59 pm | Permalink

    I liked on all the above social networks and are leading people to your amazing adventures and work
    on my FB page

  7. Debbie
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:06 pm | Permalink

    Facebooked, voted, and digged. Will write a blog post eventually, once my website is finished! <3 the very faithful bunny pirate!

  8. Debbie
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:06 pm | Permalink

    Facebooked, voted, and digged. Will write a blog post eventually, once my website is finished! <3 the very faithful bunny pirate!

  9. Eni
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:09 pm | Permalink

    you’re pretty! ^^

  10. Eni
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:09 pm | Permalink

    you’re pretty! ^^

  11. Eriko
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:18 pm | Permalink

    I dugg, I voted, I liked, I boinged? (what? xD)
    I wasn’t sure what to do about the blog so I posted a note on facebook about you guys:
    I told my friends and posted some on twitter and facebook.
    That necklace is so beautimous~ It fits you c:

  12. Eriko
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:18 pm | Permalink

    I dugg, I voted, I liked, I boinged? (what? xD)
    I wasn’t sure what to do about the blog so I posted a note on facebook about you guys:
    I told my friends and posted some on twitter and facebook.
    That necklace is so beautimous~ It fits you c:

  13. Kaya
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:25 pm | Permalink

    I voted as well on all sites mention and re-tweeted and post it on facebook as well :)
    twitter name is zetsubouromance and facebook page is here:

  14. Kaya
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:25 pm | Permalink

    I voted as well on all sites mention and re-tweeted and post it on facebook as well :)
    twitter name is zetsubouromance and facebook page is here:

  15. Sockdreams
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:39 pm | Permalink

    Gorgeous!!! Well done =)

  16. Sockdreams
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:39 pm | Permalink

    Gorgeous!!! Well done =)

  17. little n-chan
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:47 pm | Permalink

    Hi! I have voted for all 3! ^_^

    And I have featured you on my deviantart account —>
    Direct link to the journal entry:
    Link to my profile where the entry is on display:

    I’ve also featured you on my livejournal account:

  18. little n-chan
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 9:47 pm | Permalink

    Hi! I have voted for all 3! ^_^

    And I have featured you on my deviantart account —>
    Direct link to the journal entry:
    Link to my profile where the entry is on display:

    I’ve also featured you on my livejournal account:

  19. Koori
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 11:23 pm | Permalink


  20. Koori
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 11:23 pm | Permalink


  21. Mizzha
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 11:57 pm | Permalink

    kawaii!!!! yOou aree soo pretty!! kyaaa!!

  22. Mizzha
    Posted October 5, 2010 at 11:57 pm | Permalink

    kawaii!!!! yOou aree soo pretty!! kyaaa!!

  23. Jessica
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 12:37 am | Permalink

    I’m so proud of youe new site/business!!! ^ o ^ You rock, I love what you do! I so hope to meet you one day lol

  24. Jessica
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 12:37 am | Permalink

    I’m so proud of youe new site/business!!! ^ o ^ You rock, I love what you do! I so hope to meet you one day lol

  25. Secluded_seraph
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 12:51 am | Permalink

    I wrote a short blog about your new site! ^-^v

    Can I ask questions as well? lol X3

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:34 pm | Permalink

      Ahh thank you so much! <3 Naomi and I love your post — we really appreciate it. Sure, you can ask us any questions about our new business. :)

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:34 pm | Permalink

      Ahh thank you so much! <3 Naomi and I love your post — we really appreciate it. Sure, you can ask us any questions about our new business. :)

  26. Secluded_seraph
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 12:51 am | Permalink

    I wrote a short blog about your new site! ^-^v

    Can I ask questions as well? lol X3

  27. Laura
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 2:03 am | Permalink

    voted it up on the boing site and tweeted the link!

  28. Laura
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 2:03 am | Permalink

    voted it up on the boing site and tweeted the link!

  29. Mariya
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 3:01 am | Permalink

    Boing Boing – done!
    Digg – done!
    Stumble – done!
    Once more, good luck with the new undertaking! How amazing is it that you already have a client?!

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:35 pm | Permalink

      Thank you, Mariya! Wish we could see X Japan together in NYC… <3

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:35 pm | Permalink

      Thank you, Mariya! Wish we could see X Japan together in NYC… <3

  30. Mariya
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 3:01 am | Permalink

    Boing Boing – done!
    Digg – done!
    Stumble – done!
    Once more, good luck with the new undertaking! How amazing is it that you already have a client?!

  31. Emily
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 3:21 am | Permalink

    YAY! I did Boing Boing, Stumble, and I Facebook-ed and linked ya’ll!!/profile.php?id=1416156007

    Also, La Carmina, I thought you might like this :) —

  32. Emily
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 3:21 am | Permalink

    YAY! I did Boing Boing, Stumble, and I Facebook-ed and linked ya’ll!!/profile.php?id=1416156007

    Also, La Carmina, I thought you might like this :) —

  33. shadowpal2
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 5:23 am | Permalink

    Ok now that is some nice jewelry! I like it! The make-up is wonderful as usual. Which reminds me… did you decide yet on what you’re going to be for Halloween? How about Basil? Keeping it a surprise/secret? Because I sure can’t wait to hear!

    Now as for promoting your new business…I have liked your site on “stumbleupon”, digged the site on Digg, and voted for the site on Boing Boing.

    Now I wrote up something that hopefully will attract attention. I put this in the travel section of 2 Japanese forums which seem to be the most popular.

    I hope they’re ok. I couldn’t put in links since it was my first post haha ^_^. Oh and I’m not sure if it was right to put the “TM” symbol over the “La Carmina and the Pirates” thing…you’re the one who knows law, not me haha!

    Oh by the way…I always love astrology and stuff. I noticed from the picture that your ring finger is bigger than your index finger (or at least it seems that way). If it’s true…it’s a sign to show you’re very creative. If it isn’t bigger…you’re still creative anyway haha!

    Oh and another thing you have pretty small hands and fingers in general…that’s a sign that shows your friendly. And if you believe you don’t have small hands or fingers at all – well you’re still friendly lol.

    Again I just kind enjoy kind of noticing how palms, hands, moles, and our zodiac signs usually have an influence or at least correspond with our behavior and personality.

    Take care! Best of luck again!

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:38 pm | Permalink

      Wow, thank you for the forum posts! I never even thought of that… :)
      Oh interesting… my ring finger isn’t actually longer than the index; it must be the photo angle. I do have small hands and long fingers though – my mother always said they were good for piano playing. Ha maybe that was her excuse for getting me to practice.

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:38 pm | Permalink

      Wow, thank you for the forum posts! I never even thought of that… :)
      Oh interesting… my ring finger isn’t actually longer than the index; it must be the photo angle. I do have small hands and long fingers though – my mother always said they were good for piano playing. Ha maybe that was her excuse for getting me to practice.

  34. shadowpal2
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 5:23 am | Permalink

    Ok now that is some nice jewelry! I like it! The make-up is wonderful as usual. Which reminds me… did you decide yet on what you’re going to be for Halloween? How about Basil? Keeping it a surprise/secret? Because I sure can’t wait to hear!

    Now as for promoting your new business…I have liked your site on “stumbleupon”, digged the site on Digg, and voted for the site on Boing Boing.

    Now I wrote up something that hopefully will attract attention. I put this in the travel section of 2 Japanese forums which seem to be the most popular.

    I hope they’re ok. I couldn’t put in links since it was my first post haha ^_^. Oh and I’m not sure if it was right to put the “TM” symbol over the “La Carmina and the Pirates” thing…you’re the one who knows law, not me haha!

    Oh by the way…I always love astrology and stuff. I noticed from the picture that your ring finger is bigger than your index finger (or at least it seems that way). If it’s true…it’s a sign to show you’re very creative. If it isn’t bigger…you’re still creative anyway haha!

    Oh and another thing you have pretty small hands and fingers in general…that’s a sign that shows your friendly. And if you believe you don’t have small hands or fingers at all – well you’re still friendly lol.

    Again I just kind enjoy kind of noticing how palms, hands, moles, and our zodiac signs usually have an influence or at least correspond with our behavior and personality.

    Take care! Best of luck again!

  35. riexarashi
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 6:36 am | Permalink

    Hey! Thanks for sharing with us all those gorgeous pictures! AHH I especially love the Kraken. Your blog is always so exciting to visit!
    I voted on boing boing.

  36. riexarashi
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 6:36 am | Permalink

    Hey! Thanks for sharing with us all those gorgeous pictures! AHH I especially love the Kraken. Your blog is always so exciting to visit!
    I voted on boing boing.

  37. Panda
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:52 am | Permalink

    I boinged, I dugg, I stumbled. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about the pirates! Hai… :P

  38. Panda
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:52 am | Permalink

    I boinged, I dugg, I stumbled. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about the pirates! Hai… :P

  39. Lala Lollipop
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 12:06 pm | Permalink

    The brave La Carmina, risk her life traveling the 7 seas

    to dig up this precious GIVEAWAY to find her lost twin-she

    Searching and Searching, still no sign to be

    Is this your chance to say “It’s ME” ?!~

    Welcome to the World of… La Carmina the Gothic Lolita

    Arrrrrgh – (Pirate Language of saying “Hi”)…

    It’s the time of month for another La Carmina’s Giveaway

    NOW It’s YOUR Chance to WIN

    A “Gold GhostLove Pirate Necklace” made by Jolly Roger

    The designer made a pair of identicle necklace,

    AND.. One of them is for YOU to WIN

    HOW to WIN?

    Check out the following website for more information:

    P.S. Don’t forget to hit the “Like” Button @ Boing Boing, Digg and StumbleUpon

    and WRITE comment(s)

    ( I hit “Like” on ALL 3 of them and wrote comments already,

    NOW it’s YOUR turn)

    P.P.S. I got an interview question for our dear La Carmina.

    Interview Question:

    If you can only choose from these 2, which one would you be for Halloween 2010 –
    Heavenly Pirate or Devil-ly Sailor?


    MORE info about La Carmina :

    La Carmina Official Website:

    La Carmina Facebook Profile:

    La Carmina page on Facebook:

    Basil Farrow’s Facebook Profile (La Carmina’s Scottish Folded Ear Cat – Pet):

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:41 pm | Permalink

      You. Are. A. Rock. STAR.

      • Lala Lollipop
        Posted October 7, 2010 at 8:45 am | Permalink

        ’cause YOU rock my world first
        Thank you, La Carmina ^^

      • Lala Lollipop
        Posted October 7, 2010 at 8:45 am | Permalink

        ’cause YOU rock my world first
        Thank you, La Carmina ^^

      • Lala Lollipop
        Posted October 7, 2010 at 8:50 am | Permalink

        ^^ You still need to answer my interview question:

        Interview Question:

        If you can only choose from these 2, which one would you be for Halloween 2010 –
        Heavenly Pirate or Devil-ly Sailor?

        • lacarmina
          Posted October 7, 2010 at 6:38 pm | Permalink

          Oh! Sorry – I was asleep haha and only got up now. The answer… oh boy… ideally, I’d be a devilish pirate and punish an innocent young sailor boy! ;)

      • Lala Lollipop
        Posted October 7, 2010 at 8:50 am | Permalink

        ^^ You still need to answer my interview question:

        Interview Question:

        If you can only choose from these 2, which one would you be for Halloween 2010 –
        Heavenly Pirate or Devil-ly Sailor?

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:41 pm | Permalink

      You. Are. A. Rock. STAR.

  40. Lala Lollipop
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 12:06 pm | Permalink

    The brave La Carmina, risk her life traveling the 7 seas

    to dig up this precious GIVEAWAY to find her lost twin-she

    Searching and Searching, still no sign to be

    Is this your chance to say “It’s ME” ?!~

    Welcome to the World of… La Carmina the Gothic Lolita

    Arrrrrgh – (Pirate Language of saying “Hi”)…

    It’s the time of month for another La Carmina’s Giveaway

    NOW It’s YOUR Chance to WIN

    A “Gold GhostLove Pirate Necklace” made by Jolly Roger

    The designer made a pair of identicle necklace,

    AND.. One of them is for YOU to WIN

    HOW to WIN?

    Check out the following website for more information:

    P.S. Don’t forget to hit the “Like” Button @ Boing Boing, Digg and StumbleUpon

    and WRITE comment(s)

    ( I hit “Like” on ALL 3 of them and wrote comments already,

    NOW it’s YOUR turn)

    P.P.S. I got an interview question for our dear La Carmina.

    Interview Question:

    If you can only choose from these 2, which one would you be for Halloween 2010 –
    Heavenly Pirate or Devil-ly Sailor?


    MORE info about La Carmina :

    La Carmina Official Website:

    La Carmina Facebook Profile:

    La Carmina page on Facebook:

    Basil Farrow’s Facebook Profile (La Carmina’s Scottish Folded Ear Cat – Pet):

  41. Noelle
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:15 pm | Permalink

    Did all 3! I really like that Westmend dress. If it was still summer here I would try to get one of my own.

  42. Noelle
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:15 pm | Permalink

    Did all 3! I really like that Westmend dress. If it was still summer here I would try to get one of my own.

  43. Darkdaze
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:30 pm | Permalink

    Your nail art is the super cutiest!!!

  44. Darkdaze
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:30 pm | Permalink

    Your nail art is the super cutiest!!!

  45. Estelle
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:47 pm | Permalink

    I really love the dress…. Too badthat it’s getting too cold to wear such an outfit where I live. :P

  46. Estelle
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:47 pm | Permalink

    I really love the dress…. Too badthat it’s getting too cold to wear such an outfit where I live. :P

  47. Erin
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:49 pm | Permalink

    Does Westmend have a website? That dress is lovely!

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:43 pm | Permalink

      Ah, sadly the store appeared to have closed down X_X

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:43 pm | Permalink

      Ah, sadly the store appeared to have closed down X_X

  48. Erin
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 7:49 pm | Permalink

    Does Westmend have a website? That dress is lovely!

  49. ZillowZollow
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:09 pm | Permalink

    Alright La Carmina & The Pirates, here we go!

    BoingBoing: Done!
    Digg: Done!
    Stumble Upon: Done!


    I wrote an entry for my blog, which I also linked on my facebook:!/profile.php?id=824253887&v=wall&story_fbid=157551487598307

    I WANT THAT NECKLACE! >:-D And of course I love promoting good people doing awesome things!

  50. ZillowZollow
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 8:09 pm | Permalink

    Alright La Carmina & The Pirates, here we go!

    BoingBoing: Done!
    Digg: Done!
    Stumble Upon: Done!


    I wrote an entry for my blog, which I also linked on my facebook:!/profile.php?id=824253887&v=wall&story_fbid=157551487598307

    I WANT THAT NECKLACE! >:-D And of course I love promoting good people doing awesome things!

  51. MoonWolf
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 10:43 pm | Permalink

    BoingBoing: Voted Up!
    Digg: Dug!
    StumbleUpon: Stumbled Upon!

    Plus, I wrote this as my Facebook status (which you can see here!/profile.php?id=100000816716774&v=wall) and I tweeted it.!/MellyBMoon

    Love your blog :)

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 7, 2010 at 6:36 pm | Permalink

      Thank you so much!! I hope you like the X Japan and Tokyo fashion coverage coming up!

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 7, 2010 at 6:36 pm | Permalink

      Thank you so much!! I hope you like the X Japan and Tokyo fashion coverage coming up!

  52. MoonWolf
    Posted October 6, 2010 at 10:43 pm | Permalink

    BoingBoing: Voted Up!
    Digg: Dug!
    StumbleUpon: Stumbled Upon!

    Plus, I wrote this as my Facebook status (which you can see here!/profile.php?id=100000816716774&v=wall) and I tweeted it.!/MellyBMoon

    Love your blog :)

  53. Alexandriaweb
    Posted October 7, 2010 at 8:18 am | Permalink

    Hi La Carmina, I’m going to write a blog entry on “La Carmina and the Pirates”, and I was wondering if it would be ok for me to post a picture of the logo within it?
    I’ll probably send a few questions to the “contact us” link later one to.

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 7, 2010 at 6:37 pm | Permalink

      Hi doll – we’re honored, thank you! Absolutely, you can post the logo picture or anything from our Pirates site. :)

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 7, 2010 at 6:37 pm | Permalink

      Hi doll – we’re honored, thank you! Absolutely, you can post the logo picture or anything from our Pirates site. :)

  54. Alexandriaweb
    Posted October 7, 2010 at 8:18 am | Permalink

    Hi La Carmina, I’m going to write a blog entry on “La Carmina and the Pirates”, and I was wondering if it would be ok for me to post a picture of the logo within it?
    I’ll probably send a few questions to the “contact us” link later one to.

  55. Shira
    Posted October 7, 2010 at 11:29 am | Permalink

    That necklace is wonderful! *_*

    I voted on Boing Boing, Digg and StumbleUpon, plus I wrote something on my Tumblr:

    Take Care (^-^)ノ~~

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 7, 2010 at 6:40 pm | Permalink

      Awww we love it! ^_^ Basil looks adorable, and I love learning new words.. .all’Arrembaggio!

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 7, 2010 at 6:40 pm | Permalink

      Awww we love it! ^_^ Basil looks adorable, and I love learning new words.. .all’Arrembaggio!

  56. Lhene
    Posted October 7, 2010 at 9:01 pm | Permalink

    Voted up, digged (dug?), Stumbled & liked it, and posted on my Facebook –

    I adore your the first outfit, by the way. It’s just steampunk enough :)

  57. YunaHalo
    Posted October 8, 2010 at 4:31 am | Permalink

    Part 1, DONE!
    Part 2, DONE!
    Part 3, DONE!
    And on to Facebook and Twitter….
    I shared on and!!! I have 540 friends on FB but only 24 followers on Twitter…. I’ll post this on MySpace!… 6310 people! So I got you 6874 people hopefully! I also had an incentive for my myspace peps, like your page and i’ll comment, only if they tell me why!

  58. Pamela Quevedo
    Posted October 8, 2010 at 10:11 pm | Permalink

    Stumbled and voted up on Boing Boing!

  59. Maya Peart
    Posted October 8, 2010 at 10:30 pm | Permalink

    VOTED ON BOING BOING AND DIG (ged? dug? Idk. :v)~Also RT’d you on Twitter (about a second ago, actually) at!/nullryuu~:Db

    edit: lol, also logged into twitter to post this as well. |D

  60. Sushifingrz
    Posted October 9, 2010 at 2:38 am | Permalink

    Done! My post on facebook is as follows:
    Custom gold pirate necklace giveaway by La Carmina! (link provided) Also, check out her awesome goth cooking show that totally got me hooked on Carmina on her youtube channel:

    Cat lovers, check out La Carmina’s adorable scottish fold cat on his very own facebook page!

    Ok, that’s it! That’s my entry! Good luck everyone!

  61. isclub969
    Posted October 10, 2010 at 9:56 pm | Permalink

    1 Done: i clicked the green square
    2 Done: i digged the article/liked on facebook!

    <3 hoping we can become twins,lol

  62. Kai628
    Posted October 10, 2010 at 11:15 pm | Permalink

    Done on all 3 ^^ plus tweeted the DIGG one!/kerukeru28

    love you and this blog heaps!!!

  63. V7 PixiStix
    Posted October 11, 2010 at 8:13 pm | Permalink

    Hello doll!

    I voted you up on BoingBoing. I liked you on StumbleUpon, here, and facebook. And shared you on myspace, facebook, and twitter with links to this page on myspace and facebook, and a link to the site on twitter.

    Also, a mini interview for you:

    PixiStix: Today we’re talking to world-famous entrepreneur LaCarmina. She’s beautiful and multi-talented. Not only has she written 3 books (and gotten them published!), but she’s also a journalist for CNN, a blogger, fashion and food designer, and a cherished Gothic Lolita icon! LaCarmina, how did you get started in the world of Lolita fashion?

    PixiStix: And what do you like best about Lolita fashion? If you can choose a favorite part. lol. It’s difficult for me to choose.

    PixiStix: What are some past times you like to do, either alone or with others?

    PixiStix: How about bands? What are some of your favorites?

    PixiStix: OK, final question; If you could give one piece of advice to people like me, wanting to make it big in the world but not knowing where to start, what would that advice be?

    PixiStix: Thank you for all the time that you devote to your fans. I can’t wait to check out all the new things that come from LaCarmina and the Pirates!

    • lacarmina
      Posted October 11, 2010 at 9:30 pm | Permalink

      Here you go – thanks so much!! It would be great if you could link to my site and Pirates site. xoxo

      PixiStix: Today we’re talking to world-famous entrepreneur La Carmina. ( She’s beautiful and multi-talented. Not only has she written 3 books (and gotten them published!), but she’s also a journalist for CNN, a blogger, fashion and food designer, and a cherished Gothic Lolita icon! La Carmina, how did you get started in the world of Lolita fashion?

      La Carmina: In the late 1990s, I began noticing girls in beautiful Lolita dresses during my travels in Tokyo. It was like glimpsing the White Rabbit – I had to find out more! Over the next few years, I learned more about Gothic Lolita clothing brands and Visual Kei music, and I’m still hooked today.

      PixiStix: And what do you like best about Lolita fashion? If you can choose a favorite part. lol. It’s difficult for me to choose.

      La Carmina: For me, the fashion is transformative. By wearing the clothing, you can become a French aristocrat; your life can be a Rococo dream world…

      PixiStix: What are some past times you like to do, either alone or with others?

      La Carmina: I require my “nightcrawling” fix – visiting Goth, Industrial, Cyber night clubs. I also love to watch Japanese horror films, visit bizarre restaurants and underground events (such as a Steampunk festival). And my Scottish Fold cat, Basil Farrow, requires a great deal of cuddling.

      PixiStix: How about bands? What are some of your favorites?

      La Carmina: GPKISM, Malice Mizer, Versailles, X Japan, Candy Spooky Theater, Aural Vampire… heart Visual Kei glam.

      PixiStix: OK, final question; If you could give one piece of advice to people like me, wanting to make it big in the world but not knowing where to start, what would that advice be?

      La Carmina: Get out there, try your hand at a number of different things and meet people. The more knowledge and experience you pick up, the better equipped you will be to soar. And don’t worry too much about what path to pursue; technologies and trends change constantly. When a door opens, have the courage to jump in go for it! You can see more of my Reader Questions answers here:

      PixiStix: Thank you for all the time that you devote to your fans. I can’t wait to check out all the new things that come from La Carmina and the Pirates!

  64. Aibeil
    Posted October 12, 2010 at 11:48 am | Permalink

    voted, dig (dug?) and stumbled = DONE >:D

    also spreaded the word on my blog > w <

  65. Cali Haro
    Posted October 13, 2010 at 5:36 pm | Permalink

    Boing Boing-DONE!!!^^
    Digg- Done!!!! :)
    StumbleUpon- Done!!!! n_n
    facebook wall post ^^ :!/profile.php?id=1350073847

    Twitter tweet :!/RozenMaiden15

  66. Cali Haro
    Posted October 13, 2010 at 5:36 pm | Permalink

    Boing Boing-DONE!!!^^
    Digg- Done!!!! :)
    StumbleUpon- Done!!!! n_n
    facebook wall post ^^ :!/profile.php?id=1350073847

    Twitter tweet :!/RozenMaiden15

  67. Myshappy
    Posted October 13, 2010 at 8:56 pm | Permalink

    I did two of the above. The boingy one and the stumbley one!

  68. Myshappy
    Posted October 13, 2010 at 8:56 pm | Permalink

    I did two of the above. The boingy one and the stumbley one!

  69. Heathyr
    Posted October 13, 2010 at 10:05 pm | Permalink

    I did the Stumble Upon, Boing Boing, and posted a tweet! Heathyr_Wynne_M@twitter. You can get ahold of me there or at [email protected] if I win! :)

  70. Heathyr
    Posted October 13, 2010 at 10:05 pm | Permalink

    I did the Stumble Upon, Boing Boing, and posted a tweet! Heathyr_Wynne_M@twitter. You can get ahold of me there or at [email protected] if I win! :)

  71. Tokki
    Posted October 14, 2010 at 5:19 pm | Permalink

    Voted on Boingboing!

  72. Tokki
    Posted October 14, 2010 at 5:19 pm | Permalink

    Voted on Boingboing!

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